MoFo Fantasy Football 2012 - Week 13 & Playoff Scenarios


Boy, it's way less fun writing this sort of stuff when you're afflicted by Pete's Gypsy Curse, lemme tell ya'. But it's a bit of a tradition, so as always, here's a rundown of the playoff scenarios heading into the final week of the season. I don't think it's quite as crazy as it's been the last couple of years, but there's still a lot of angles to consider. So here we go:

First off, a reminder of the structrue: 6 teams make the playoffs, and the top 2 teams get a bye.

Second: 3 teams have already clinched spots; Sookie's Suckers (LT), Beantown Champs (Pete), and Dillon Panthers (TONGO). That leaves 3 more spots, with 6 teams being technically capable of getting in. Let's break that down real quick:

Remaining Playoff Spots
  • Big Damn Heroes (7-5)
  • RG3scompany (7-5)
  • Wyld Stallyns (6-6)
  • Team Zissou (6-6)
  • The Replicants (5-7)
  • Liquor And Whores (5-7)
Jay and Adam, the two 7-5 teams, are safe if they win. And almost certainly safe even if they lose. Jay's Heroes and Adam's RG3scompany are both around 100+ points ahead of both 6-6 teams, so it's possible only in a technical sense. Which means, right off the bat, 2 of those 3 playoff spots are pretty much filled already.

So who gets the last one? Could be any one of those last four teams, none of which are playing any of the others. Technically, both 5-7 teams could still get in. It's unlikely, but not insane, as it would be if Jay or Adam got outscored by 100 or more. Either 5-7 team could get in only if both 6-6 teams lose and they score enough points to win the tiebreaker against both. Sedai's Replicants trail the Stallyns about 33, and leads Team Zissou by 9. PW's LAW (an acronym for Liquor And Whores I just made up) trail the Stallyns by 60 and Team Zissou by 18. 60 is about the margin at which the lowest scoring team in a given week is outscored by the highest, regardless of matchup, so Mike has a marginally tough road, and Chris an even tougher one. But both are plausible; particularly Mike's path.

The two 6-6 teams in the middle there are where most of the drama figures to occur. They can each finish as high as 4th or as low as 9th. If they both win, only one makes the playoffs, and odds are it'd be Sleezy's Stallyns, who hold a 42-point tiebreaker edge. The most likely, and also cleanest, scenario, is simply: Sleezy wins, and he's the last playoff team, because even if Fiscal wins too, he's probably not outscoring him by 42.

If Sleezy loses, his path to the playoffs is still fairly robust. For example, if Fiscal loses, but doesn't outscore him by 42, Sleezy's in anyway. If Fiscal loses and Mike wins, but Mike doesn't outscore Sleezy by 33, Sleezy's in anyway. Same deal with Fiscal losing and PW winning, but to the tune of 60 points. He's got a lot of ways to do this. Basically, Sleezy doesn't have to worry about winning so much as putting up a decent point total. If he puts up a strong number, he probably gets in unless someone else's team explodes.

There are two other plausible scenarios, though:
1. Sleezy loses, but Fiscal wins. Fiscal gets the last playoff spot.

2. Sleezy AND Fiscal lose, and one or both of Mike and PW win, forcing a crazy four-team pileup at 6-7 with the highest scoring team coming out on top.
So those are the options, in order of likelihood: first, that Sleezy wins, or loses but not by enough to miss out, and gets the last spot. Second, that Sleezy loses and Fiscal wins, so Fiscal gets the last spot. And third, that both Sleezy and Fiscal lose and Mike manages to outscore Sleezy by about 33.

And it's worth noting, of course, that Sleezy's projected point total is the highest of all the bubble teams, anyway, though he does have a tough matchup against Adam.

The Byes
No Byes have been clinched; any of the top 5 teams could get one. The permutations here are probably a bit too complicated to get into, so I'll say this: Sookie gets one of the Byes if she wins. If she does, either of the two teams below her could take one, or both. TONGO probably wouldn't, because he's down 91 points. Pete probably would, because he's up 60. But TONGO could still get one (and this the only plausible way he can) if he wins and Pete loses.

Both 7-5 teams, Jay and Adam, could still get a Bye, too. Jay stands the best chance if he wins, because he's the top scoring team in the league, and he's 47 points ahead of the next-closest team (Pete). So if Jay wins and both of the 8-4 teams lose, he's almost certainly going to snag a Bye.

Records In Play?
Yup. Since we moved to full PPR and 13 regular season games (we were half-PPR and played 14 in the league's first season), the highest score of all time was 1693.28 points (a 130.25 average), by PW's Odd Squad in 2010. That's almost certainly going to be broken; Jay needs just 75 points to make it happen, and Pete needs just 122 to reach the same mark. Adam has an outside shot at it, needing 143, but even if he gets it the odds are solid both Jay and Pete will have established a new mark, anyway.

On the other end, four teams (including myself) are on pace to break the old mark for most Points Against, the other three being Dusty, Dex, and PW. Ouch. We've all been met with an average of 125 points a week on the other side of our matchups. So, it seems likely that both marks fall.

No infamous records for lowest points scored or worst record are in play, though Sookie has the chance to tie the mark for best record under this format at 10-3. Two other teams have done that; her, in 2010, and me, in 2011. The overall mark is 11-3, but that was in 2008's 14-game season.

And that's that. Congrats to all the playoff teams, and good luck to the rest. Odds are good we already more or less know who's in, but there's lots of plausible ways for that last spot to change. Most of the real drama is around the Byes, though, and how high some of these points records might go.

I think it's pretty dope that you included me in the list of potential playoff teams. That's in fact; exactly how it will happen. It happens to the Seahawks practically every year, so why not me?
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

I hope you do get in PW. Btw theres a great story on Marshawn Lynch in last weeks Sports Illustrated. He actually carried a respectable GPA in college! Surprising.

Thanks. Bittersweet. Odds are I'll finish 5th in points (and right around the same as the 3rd/4th place teams) and like 10th in the standings. And, amazingly, there's a chance I might end up finishing just one game out, as there's a pretty good chance Sleezy's about to become the first team in league history to make the playoffs with a losing record (largely because we kept the 6-playoff -team format even after scaling back to 12 teams this year. If that happens, it'll mean I literally only finished one game out of the playoffs, so that crazy Wallace stuff against LT might really have been the difference. Ouchpainhurt.

Anyway, it looks like all the most likely outcomes are coming through: Sleezy getting the last spot, with the Byes going to LT and Jay. No real surprises on either front, then, assuming nothing too wild happens tonight.

Also looks like only Jay will manage to break the all time Points Scored, and he'll do it with a bit of room to spare, too. Makes sense; if you look at his roster, almost every one of his starters either met expectations or had a surprising breakout year. Meanwhile, three (maybe four) of us will break the old Points Against mark. Very polarized year.

A system of cells interlinked
Well, I need 38+ out of Manning and Cruz. Unlikely, but not impossible.

LT hammered her opponent...again...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Well, sort of. She scored 116, which about half of the teams this week are gonna top. But she played TONGO, who might finish with his lowest total of the season.

It's been a pretty charmed schedule lately; her opponent totals (not counting TONGO's two last players tonight) the last three weeks have been 71, 91, and 81, and the week before that was was the 163-161 game we had. She's won three games by about a point, too, which huh-ooge.

She's still got a strong point total overall, so it's not all smoke and mirrors or anything. But the distribution of points and the luck of the draw is usually good for a few wins on the extreme ends. In this case, it's almost exactly the difference between the #1 seed and being on the playoff bubble.

In the Beginning...
And, amazingly, there's a chance I might end up finishing just one game out, as there's a pretty good chance Sleezy's about to become the first team in league history to make the playoffs with a losing record
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm the 2010 Seattle Seahawks!

Hey TONGO, are you ready to be the 2010 New Orleans Saints?

My bad, Pete won, so he'll get the second Bye.

So it looks like this:

1. Sookie's Suckers (10-3)
2. Beantown Champs (9-4)
3. Big Damn Heroes (8-5)
4. RG3scompany (8-5)
5. Dillon Panthers (8-5)
6. Wyld Stallyns (6-7)

Congrats, guys. And a special congratulations to Jay for breaking the league points record, too, averaging a whopping 135+ per game, and not with a lot of massive totals to balance out lower ones. In fact, he literally only had one bad/mediocre score all year: 101 points, in week 1, which was a loss. In every single other week, he's scored at least 123. Very consistent.

The World's Smallest Violin
My bad, Pete won, so he'll get the second Bye.

So it looks like this:

1. Sookie's Suckers (10-3)
2. Beantown Champs (9-4)
3. Big Damn Heroes (8-5)
4. RG3scompany (8-5)
5. Dillon Panthers (8-5)
6. Wyld Stallyns (6-7)

Congrats, guys. And a special congratulations to Jay for breaking the league points record, too, averaging a whopping 135+ per game, and not with a lot of massive totals to balance out lower ones. In fact, he literally only had one bad/mediocre score all year: 101 points, in week 1, which was a loss. In every single other week, he's scored at least 123. Very consistent.
Thank you, kind sir. Another great season with the MoFo crew. I do miss chat, though .

I'll try to get a decent, "official" alternative here on MoFo for gamedays next year. I didn't realize StatTracker Chat was gonna be gone so I was a little caught off-guard, but next year we'll be ready.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm the 2010 Seattle Seahawks!

Hey TONGO, are you ready to be the 2010 New Orleans Saints?

You mean the defending champ and now all-time leader in points scored who hasn't dipped below 123 since week one? Yeah, I'm sure he's terrified.

In the Beginning...
You mean the defending champ and now all-time leader in points scored who hasn't dipped below 123 since week one? Yeah, I'm sure he's terrified.
It's a slim chance, but I'm hoping for a little of that 2010 Seahawks magic. After all, the Saints were the defending champs that year too. It's providence, I tell you.

Of course, by that logic, I'll be exiting the following game. But let's not think about that right now!

A system of cells interlinked
I'll try to get a decent, "official" alternative here on MoFo for gamedays next year. I didn't realize StatTracker Chat was gonna be gone so I was a little caught off-guard, but next year we'll be ready.
Also - I help run and moderate a 250 person Teamspeak sever, and I am sure I can dedicate a room to drafting for a couple of hours when the time comes for those of use that want to get on voice chat!

Oh, I forgot to point out that the new Points Scored record should have a slight asterisk, as it's coming in a year with 12 teams instead of 14. Correspondingly, while the league average was relatively steady from 2010 to 2011 (113.09 to 114.42), it jumped to 120.89 this year, probably because of that contraction.

There's no way to perfectly adjust for this to smooth everything out, because the entire dynamic would change. But whether it's actually the best score of all time, it's certainly in that general range. Just wanna give credit to PW where it's due, since you can still make a case that his 2010 team might deserve the nod.