Remaking Evil Dead?


Regardless of any and all faults, I'm going to watch. The Movie Biz knows so so many will, regardless...
And this is why this 'remake' is called The Evil Dead.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Welcome to the human race...
I kind of thought that about the Dawn of the Dead remake, which basically just kept the "zombies in a shopping mall" premise while using a completely different plot and cast of characters. I don't know for certain, but it seems like the makers' reasoning was that this was the only way to get away with setting an unrelated zombie movie in a shopping mall without viewers going, "Oh, look, zombies in a shopping mall. It's such a rip-off of Dawn of the Dead." This seems to be a similar deal.

That being said, I still have my reservations about whether or not I'll actually go through with seeing it.

And this is why this 'remake' is called The Evil Dead.
Exactly my point! What kind of an ingeniusly devious scheme is that? I can't believe it, I simply can't...I won't...

Young teens will go and see it only because its a remake of a cult favorite. Totally disregarding if whether or not the original is a better movie.

Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun.
I've heard this rumor for years, but still nothing official. I'll believe when I see it, and I probably won't want to believe that it's real. No need for a remake.

EDIT: Ok, apparently there is a trailer, so this thing is real?
Sit. Watch. Good.

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
I checked the trailer out. Doesn't look much like the original, but still looks fecking scary.

The trailer looked surprisingly professional. I was very impressed by the woodland cinematography at the beginning. Then it dissolved into exploitative horror. It looks pretty grotesque, and I do have a sort of soft spot for that stuff, but it's been done to death now. I was disappointed in the absence of any splatstick as well.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog

Looks like it's going to be a good gore fest but how is this supposed to be a remake of Evil Dead, is their going to be an Ash type character, I know they said Ash was not going to be in it but is their going to be some kind of hero character, cause this just looks like well a horror movie, but does not look anything like a Evil Dead remake.

Registered User
omg I hope it's as good as the original, otherwise imma be pissed!!!

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The guy who reads from the book looks like Jared Leto with long hair and a beard.

Also....why include a dog? Just to be more vicious? I hate animal cruelty.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

News in is that the filmmakers are trying for an R rating (18 in Britain)... however Bruce Campbell isn't looking forward to the MPAA reaction.

“We have to try and get it to R. Wish us luck. We haven’t gone through the ratings nightmare yet, that’s coming. We have a screening coming up for the MPAA, I can hear them laughing already. ‘You want an R rating?’

“I can hear their evil cackle from here. We’re gonna see, but we’re gonna give them the toughest version that we can give them. That’s what you want from a horror movie, man. Especially one called Evil Dead.”

Looks graphic enough but far too polished looking. The raw-ass DIY charm of the original watered down into moderate budget mainstream dvd rental material. Ho hum.

How come hollywood can't make anything new? Everything out these days is a remake, reboot or something.