MoFo Fantasy Football 2012 - DRAFT DATE AND TIME!


Alright, so once Pete finally checks in, we'll almost certainly have 12 owners this year. I really like this number. We've gone to 14 the last few years simply because we had such outrageous demand, but a couple of owners haven't been around or expect things to be a bit too busy, which makes sense because most of the owners in this league put a fair bit of time and thought into it.

So, barring any last-minute developments, here's link to the league site and the owners list:
  • Big Damn Heroes (upStomp)
  • Dextruction (Dex)
  • Wyld Stallyns (Sleezy)
  • Sookie's Suckers (LITZZY)
  • The Replicants (Sedai)
  • Liquor And Whores (PW)
  • Team Zissou (Fiscal)
  • show me the money! (rauldc14)
  • Dillon Panthers (TONGO)
  • Mindsculptors (my friend Adam)
  • 11 Angry Men (Yoda)
  • Beantown Champs (Pete/Piledriver), assuming he picks his usual team name
For the draft, I'm proposing Sunday, August 19th at 2:00 PM ET Sunday, August 26th, at 2:00 PM ET.

If this doesn't work, and you really want to try to find another time, speak up ASAP, because this date is just under three weeks away. Anyone in bold above hasn't comment on draft time yet (some aren't sure they can make it, but at least know what time it is and are fine with it). If you're going to miss it but you're cool with that, that works, too, but if multiple people can't make it we can look at pushing it back a little. But please only suggest this if moving it will actually make a difference and ensure that you'll be able to attend. Helps to know who's going to be there either way, too, because if someone expects to make it and doesn't show a few minutes before, sometimes we can make a last ditch PM/email effort to remind them.

I'd bring up setting changes, but everyone seemed really cool with the setup last year, so I was planning on keeping it the same. One of these days I'll convince you all to ditch the kickers, but I expect it will not be this day.

So, everyone ready for some football?

A system of cells interlinked
I need to speak to LT to see if we can be back in town at that time on Sunday!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Cool, please keep me posted. Two things to note: shifting the time on a given day is obviously much more do-able, even a little closer to the draft time. And shifting it later rather than earlier is better still, seeing as how people inadvertently showing up a little early is far less consequential than showing up later. So if pushing it back an hour or two ensures that we get TWO more owners, well, that's well worth doing.

Oh, and here's as good a place as any to register whether or not you wanna do the DVD thingy again. I'm in, assuming we get at least a few others.

A system of cells interlinked
Plus, you just know if you autodraft your team it'll pick something weird. Like too many outfielders.
This sounds familiar for some reason...

I am ready for some of the football, as you say.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

I'm going to draft the Seahawks D in the first round, just to spice things up. Now, are you going to tweak the trade time in football too? So it doesn't take 3 or 4 days for a trade to go though?

Up to you guys. Right now it's 2 full days after the day the trade is accepted. I'd support bumping that down to 1. I do think it's important to have some review period, however, for logistical, last-minute-before-gametime-trades as much as anything.

Is it only two days? Seems like its longer. I get why there needs to be a review period for most leagues, I don't think we really need it in this one though, but if you want to keep it at at least one day, that's cool duder.

Up to you guys. Right now it's 2 full days after the day the trade is accepted. I'd support bumping that down to 1. I do think it's important to have some review period, however, for logistical, last-minute-before-gametime-trades as much as anything.
I say 1 day too

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
unfortunately I'm in Vegas this weekend (well, not really unfortunate). I won't be able to make it, but I'll have rankings set up. I wish there was a way to not draft a kicker and defense until last 2 rounds, because that's what I would do.

Hey, I meant to ask earlier. Could we switch the swing to include TE's too? So we'd have T/W/R swing slot? There's sooo many good Tight Ends now and it's nice to have that extra flexibility.

Changed the Flex to include TEs. Can't imagine any one objecting, but let me know if any of you don't dig it.

Re: pushing the draft back a week. A little close for comfort, but if it definitely guarantees multiple owners can make it, we can consider that. Would it guarantee that for you, Dusty? How about you guys, Mike/LT? Does it totally solve the being out of town thing?

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
What is the signifigance of the teams in bold?
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.