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Lets put a smile on that block
Yo guys! back from the edge and in with society again! My first Uni post! hurrah!
Saw "Signs" for the second time last night at my local uni, two screen, 3 employees, "Savoy Cinemaplex!" and still thought it wAS INCREDIBLE!

All this talk about the aliens being silly for landing on the planet of water and navigation systems being too stone-age is just lookin into the film too much. The film is totally from the families point of view. We know what they know through the entire film. When a light goes out we feel as scared as they do, when they go to open a door, we feel just as the characetrs do. When we see a report on the TV we feel just as curios as they do. So just like the characters, (Morgan) we can make our own assumptions about what the aliens wanted.
I think this is possibly as good as "the Sixth Sense" and i never thought that could happen.
My only critisism (sp) is the large role played by M. Night. His not the best actor and i thought his role was maybe a bit too crucial for him to take on.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

4 out of 5 stars

Alex DeLarge

what I do I do because I like to do

You guys MUST watch the extra crap on the DVD!!!!!!!

I have to say, this mkaes me love the movie EVEN more!

It streets Tuesday....

WARNING: "Signs Extras" spoilers below
In the deleted scenes: both flashback scenes made me well up with tears....not sure why but they did, The first one shows the mom humming and rocking one of the kids, and the next she is humming and dancing with Graham. Both are beautifully shot. AND THEN.... ALIEN IN THE ATTIC AND THE THIRD STORY....
OMG! The hair stood up on my arms! They realize they didnt block the attic door and go up to block it, OMG I cant beleave they cut that. And the third story.. you know when Graham is telling the kids aobut when they are born, well then he tells Merrill about when he dislocated his elbow...all in the while trying to convince them to go in the basement, but Merrill doesnt watnt o go... he says.. there is no way out... OMG! I so would have left both those things in.... LOOK.. see the hairs on my arms.. standing up just typing about it!
it's better to have loved and lost
than to live with the psycho
for the rest of your life

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
5 stars. I saw this 3 times in the theatres. A record for me. A really enjoyable film, gave me butterflies, I could go on, see it. One of the years top 10 in my opinion.
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

jamesglewisf's Avatar
Didn't see it.
Just bought this one. I love that guy's movies.
Jim Lewis
To BE or Not to BE, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Barium Enema
Crouching Tiger, Paint Your Wagon - Forums

Lets put a smile on that block
Well, i 100% agree with FiLm Fr3aK. thanx to your tempting and arousing spoiler about the extras i just had to buy this on DVD immediatly. I hadnt read your spoiler and im glad i didnt but it was just incredible. any fans of the film need to buy the DVD. Its great. I cried my eyes out watching it on my own! Such a wonderful film about wonderful circumstances....kind of

Here's my overview of Signs DVD:

The movie - I could see over and over. Great flick.
Deleted Scenes - Must have here.
Documentary (so-so)

I was turned away at the rest. There was

No commentary
No trailer
Silly short film

Did I forget anything?

Anyways, my grade is a C+. I could have easily rented it and watched the extras. Then got the DVD-Rom of Signs (w/extras, trailer and possibly documentary). The good

it was a very good movie and very well done
The wold is full of kings and queens
Who blind our eyes and steal our dreams
it's heaven and hell

Lets put a smile on that block
Actually thats a good point jrs. I think i just got caught up with the deleeted scenes. i thought they were really good. theres some great documentries though. some really good ones on the special affects. But your right, there was no trailers or commentary. a commentary would have been awsome.

SPIDEI2_MAN__'s Avatar
Although the movie is excellent,if you watch it again it looses the power it had the first time you saw it 9thats true for most movies but it was especially obviuos in this one). I went out and bought the DVD which has little to offer in terms of bonus stuff. All and all it was a good little movie if u wanna get away not too frighting but keeps your blood moving.

this movie was such crap it was the prequel of that other crap dreamcatcher

Lets put a smile on that block
Dreamcatcher? The Steven King film? It wasnt a prequel to that, or are u just saying that it felt like it was and theyre both ****? Im really lookin forward to seeing Dreamcatcher.

yes i meant it in a sarcastic your self from that horrible movie and dont see it.unless your going to see Animatrix i would suggest see the animatrix then walk out

Dreamcatcher was NOT a horrible movie. Everyone is saying "well just because the book is one way and the movie doesnt follow it that way, it sucks.". That is stupid. Plus the movie basically is not terrible. thats a real understatement.

I declare Dreamcatcher as entertaining for the most part, and very compelling during the first 30-40 minutes, but overall, in terms of raw filmmaking, it was a disaster. Disjointed and sloppy beyond belief. Doesn't mean it wasn't fun to watch on some level, however.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Oh, this is bad news. Sloppy? Sorry to hear it. The website for the movie was interactive and quite fun. Kinda like the Donnie Darko website. Creepy, especially late at night.

Sounds like the website was better than the movie! (I'm still waiting for the library to call me about being next in line to take out the book. Sounds like I'll enjoy that more than I would have enjoyed the movie anyway....)

...thats a real understatement... [/QUOTE
Yeah, it's really terrible!

you said was terrible!