Am I the only one who hates Avatar????


Wow, that was probably the most awkward, forced political insult I've ever heard.

Maybe people say Avatar sucks because of all the many, many reasons listed in this thread, none of which boil down to "it's not truly great." And maybe -- just maybe! -- people are more conservative than you because they honestly disagree with you, or have honestly come to different conclusions, and not because they're just mindless drones.


i was in the movies- kinda
you could easily be right. when i say 'it seems' i'm not talking in absolutes.
who, pubs or dems are more b/w militaristic?
seen that article on pub/lib m.r.i. deductions? pubs have enlarged 'fear' centers, dems 'open minded' oriented.,2687256.story

it does seem to me people tend to exaggerate while anonymously using the written word on forums.
perhaps not here- i hope so.

you say- 'Wow, that was probably the most awkward, forced political insult I've ever heard'.

i find that hard to believe.... not an exaggeration?
slowly i turned... step by step

i was in the movies- kinda
i just realized it's maybe a bit uncool to do politics here. if so, i'm sorry about that. i'm not here to bait. i say this because of your use of 'awkward/forced'. in my defense, it was a movie with some political undertones- it seems to me.

you could easily be right. when i say 'it seems' i'm not talking in absolutes.
who, pubs or dems are more b/w militaristic?
That's a pretty loaded question. Republicans are certainly more likely to support a given military action, it seems, but it doesn't follow that their support is "black and white."

seen that article on pub/lib m.r.i. deductions? pubs have enlarged 'fear' centers, dems 'open minded' oriented.
Yup, I did see that. You know how they determined this? They showed people people with varying political views either one letter or another, and they were told to tap a button if one showed up, but not the other. Then they had the first letter show up more often to try to get them to press in a "kneejerk" fashion, and conservatives tended to press it more. That's it. That's all you have to do to get people to pass this stuff around the Internet. Nobody notices or cares when the people who conduct these studies say they "could" explain things (which is what happened in this case) -- they just assume that they do. It's called confirmation bias.

There are other issues, of course. If I were a liberal and I decided to put stock in this experiment, I'd probably phrase it just as you have: liberals are "open-minded" and conservatives are just afraid. And if I were a conservative, I'd say it meant that liberals were wishy-washy and never stood for anything, and conservatives were better judges of how to protect us, and it would be just as supported by the available evidence.

In fact, I just went Googling around a bit more...and that's exactly how the finding was described in one instance, by CBS news:

"Liberals are better able to cope better with conflicting information, while conservatives are better at recognizing and responding to threats,"
Strangely, this quote wasn't in any of the articles I found on the subject.

There are lots of silly studies or polls like this, and the degree to which you believe them is the degree to which you want them to be true. Like the one that says conservatives have better love lives. They get passed around because they're tawdry and provocative, and few idealogues are happy with simple disagreement. They need to believe there's something actually, physically wrong or different with the other side.

it does seem to me people tend to exaggerate while anonymously using the written word on forums.
perhaps not here- i hope so.

you say- 'Wow, that was probably the most awkward, forced political insult I've ever heard'.

i find that hard to believe.... not an exaggeration?
Oh, I don't know; it certainly might have been. But what of it? Is it particularly relevant whether it's the most awkward political insult I've heard, or just among the most?

Regardless, while it's certainly true that people say lots of foolish (or hateful) things when they can do so anonymously, that sure isn't happening here. My name's all over this site.

i just realized it's maybe a bit uncool to do politics here. if so, i'm sorry about that. i'm not here to bait. i say this because of your use of 'awkward/forced'. in my defense, it was a movie with some political undertones- it seems to me.
It's totally fine to do politics, though we usually keep it in the Intermission forum. And while it's absolutely true that Avatar has political undertones, and it's totally acceptable to discuss them in this very thread, that doesn't seem to be what happened here. You didn't segue by talking about Iraq, or Native Americans, or some other thing that parallels the film. You segued to criticizing conservatives by saying some people think everything either sucks or is great, and see things in black and white "like republicans." That's what I was jarred by it. It's such a weird way to try to drag politics into the discussion. And, on top of that, it's just a shallow generalization about a very large group of people, which you can rest assured I'm never going to be down with.

A system of cells interlinked
No need for the picture. We put that one together long ago.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

i was in the movies- kinda
more than thru what i read or hear, my life experiences form my feelings. it has been my experience that the more 'conservative' a person is, [generally speaking] the more they see things in black and white.
of course that's just my opinion. most everything i say is just my opinion.
if that isn't your opinion because it hasn't been your experience, that's fine.
-awkward, forced political insult? who did i insult? it's been my experience conservatives feel that seeing things in black and white is admirable- decisive and not wishy-washy.... sound familiar?

Sure, but that isn't what you said. If you'd said "it's been my experience that most Republicans are decisive," there'd be no need for a Republican to take offense. But saying that they see things in black and white -- and in the context of talking about how you don't think people should see things in black and white, no less -- makes it pretty clear that you're taking the other tack. That the very next point railed against "blind patriotism" is probably not coincidental, either. Clearly, you meant it negatively.

So, to answer your question: you insulted Republicans, of course. Both with the words themselves and with the mere implication that you can paint such a large group of people with such a simple brush. I thought it was both clumsy and unfair, and said so.

A system of cells interlinked
Quix - Speaking as a left-leaning centrist, I must ask if perhaps you might be playing into media stereotyping of both Dems and Republicans. I know plenty of people that exist in all areas of the political spectrum, all with starkly different views, but I can't group any of them into little groups segregated by whether or not they think about things in black and white. I don't think I know anyone like that. Everyone is a complex being with their own idiosyncrasies. I know Democrats that own semi-automatic assault weapons and Republicans that go to raves.

The media tends to play up the red team/blue team horse **** a bit too much, which only creates more division and propagates stereotype.

Avatar just might fall into the category of loaded agitprop...

I still like the movie in all its big, dumb glory.

I'm not that into Sci-fi, so I didn't care too much for it, but it was alright. ^^
"One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them..."

The Lord of the Rings

I thought the movie was very similar to American Indian stories but I was captivated by the amazing CG.

I liked it ok, but to me it wasn't the hyped epic that the world made it out to be.

No, but I don't hate it, as I see it more as an example of style over substance. I find the story to be trite and nothing I haven't seen before. Though, I must admit, I have not seen it, nor do I have any plans to see it nor its two upcoming sequels.

But, welcome to Avatarland! James Cameron with the aid of the Imagineers is working on a theme land to be added to Disney's Animal Kingdom in Orlando, Florida. Which land is to be based on the film "Avatar" and its two sequels. But, don't expect anything anytime soon. Groundbreaking does not begin to 2013, and the land itself will not open till sometime between 2016 and 2018.

I think of the film as basically the 2001 or Star Wars of this generation. Yes, the morale is a bit paper thin, but like Lurker said, style over substance. I think it's great entertainment and deserves to be commended as one of the most ambitious films ever made. That's what sets James Cameron apart from the other hacks working with CGI today; he actually has a desire to make a movie for the ages, one that time will remember.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock