Japanese version of this movie please anyone?


Registered User
I'm trying to find the original japanese version ( or was it thai, i cant remember) for this movie The Ring coz people were saying the original is much, much scarier?

is this true? i cant seem to make my mind up from reading the reviews. and i dont want to waste money buying a film that does not live up to the hype. has anyone seen it and can let me know where i can get it?

thanks loads!

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You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

A system of cells interlinked
The original version of the film was called Ringu. It came out in 1998, I believe.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Actually, seeing as you're in the UK andy, the original was called Ring over here (followed by Ring 2 and Ring 0, which is a prequel, if you're interested.) I've not seen the US remake, so I can't tell you whether it was better or not (but as it's a remake of an Asian horror film, I'd guess that it isn't) but I can tell you that I thought the original was good and worth seeing.

The original Japanese version is called Ringu.
I think the American remake, The Ring, is scarier, but Ringu may actually be the better movie, being more of a mood piece. It's frightening, no doubt, but The Ring scared the living hell out of me, maybe because I saw it first.

I'm completely with ya', Prospero. I saw The Ring without having seen Ringu, and it scared the living daylights out of me. Most scared I've ever been of a movie, I'd say. Enough that I haven't really wanted to seek out Ringu, and probably won't for awhile.

I saw the original Japanese version of The Ring at the Cornerhouse on Oxford Road in Manchester. I thought it was pretty good and well worth seeing, but haven't bothered with the remake.

Good to see another person from Manchester on here; hope you stick around

Yeah, "Ringu" is good. But if you've seen the TV scene in the remake...you've lost a lot of its power.

And Welcome to another UKer. Only about an hour's drive from Manchester myself.