The Dreaded "D" word... Diet Thread!


I have never eaten a hamburger

I am so jealous of you! That is a present I want to give to my children some day...a meat-free life.

Oh, I got tested last month for anemia...I'm good to go. No health problems. But I am careful. I get protein from seeds and nuts. I also soak and eat grains like barley and wheatberries.
~~More DVD extras, please. Thank you.

You know that Gillan McKeith is not a medical doctor?
Interesting article on her
I knew she was a quack, I remember her back in the 90's (only back then she was 'nice' rather than 'nasty'. A sign of the times, maybe?) and she was into all that 'faddy, L.A. health stuff' back then. I was always suprised that the papers/media over here didn't dig her out for talking absolute bollocks.

If you take someone who's very overweight, make them do exercise, eat better food and in smaller quantities, why would you be suprised when they lose weight. What else could happen?

Although I've never watched the programme, I know that there's bit in it when they show the person all the food they eat in a week. It appears that they're always horrifed and think it looks disgusting. I've never understood this. If you put a huge amount of my favourite foods in front of me on a table, I'd think all my Christmases had come at once.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
It has started again Im on a diet starting from today

Im very excited to start this diet and loose the excess weight I have I believe im in the right frame of mind at last The only trouble with me is not so much the changing in food and drinking plenty of water etc its the exercise. Due to my illness I find it sometimes very near impossible to move and then trying to do any sort of activity is such a massive mountain to climb. Ive been looking online for exercise plans etc that people who suffer with FMS can do. So here it goes n3wt is on a mission to loose my weight and try and do as much exercise as I physically can do without seriously buggering myself up
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Hi n3wt, great to hear man. What kind of diet are you going to be following?

I've read my fair share of books on food and exercising so if you have any questions at all, fire away and I'll do my best to help.

I was a yoyo dieter before and even tried those anti-obesity drugs. Didn't do me a world of good except make my heart palpitate and drink lots of water. It also made me hyper and ampped, like a druggie on a high. Stopped it immediately cause it was wreaking havoc in my sleep routines.

Last year, I decided to do it my way, with a little help from what I read about the South Beach Diet. The trick for me was that I did it in stages... First of which was to remove all the sugar in my drinks; coffee, tea, AND SODAS. i did it for the first couple of weeks. After which, I took out all the starches: biscuits, crackers, cakes, cookies, and replaced it with lots of salads and very small servings of meat (about two slices during lunchtime). That's when the pounds began to rapidly drop. Last stage was removing the rice in my diet since Filipino staple food is rice.

I've gone from 185 lbs to 155-157. A bit slow now, since age does that to your metabolism... Still have some more weight to lose, but I balance it with lots of brisk walking, some yoga classes and trips to the gym every now and then. Been a year now and the pounds haven't come back, thank goodness!

Good luck to everyone who goes on the diet!!! Wish you well!!!
"Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."
Maxine Taurus

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Hi n3wt, great to hear man. What kind of diet are you going to be following?

I've read my fair share of books on food and exercising so if you have any questions at all, fire away and I'll do my best to help.
Hi mate im changing my diet completley and trying to do exercise, im going to call my local sports centre to see if they have any classes that I would be able to attend so im looking forward to it. My wife is great at cooking and she is making me smaller portions, more salads, no suger, fat, oils, butter and NO snacking. Im upping my water intake and im taking vitamins and minerals.

Cheers for the offer on answers to my questions mate, im sure Ill be asking you soon

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Thankyou Nebbs Im just hoping to get into the best shape I can, its going to be difficult due to the restrictions that I have, but I did enquire at my local sports centre earlier to see if they had some classes or anything I could join. But basically there was nothing appropriate for me so she has passed my number onto someone else who will ring tomorrow to let me know if there is anything that I could possibly do. *fingers crossed*

The People's Republic of Clogher
I did the same thing at my local leisure centre a couple of years back and all they came up with was swimming.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I did the same thing at my local leisure centre a couple of years back and all they came up with was swimming.
The only thing with swimming is the temp of the pool it sends me off into back spasms. If the pool was heated it would be nice
Just do it slowly n3wt and it will stay off those quick diets work but you put it back on as quick
Very true nebs I have done it before and it stayed off but as my illness has gotten worse the weight has slowly creeped up on me

Diets don't work at all. Most of them are ridiculous. Like Atkins: "eat animal fats but almost no carbohydrates!!!", or South Beach Diet: "eat loads of salmon but NO carrots!!!", or my personal favourite The Grapefruit Diet, which basically comes down to you eating grapefruits all day long.

The common factor between all these fad diets like Atkins, The Zone, South Beach Diet and whatever other **** that doesn't come to mind right now, is that they are essentially telling you to stop eating carbohydrates or a VERY small portion of them. This is the infamous Low-Carb diet. They are telling you to cut a food group from your meal plan.

Sure, to some degree, these kind of diets will make you lose some weight on a short term basis, but you will most definitely gain that weight again in the long run, because 1) these diets are very hard to keep up with and 2) they are NOT good for your health since they put your body in a state called ketosis. Because you're not getting in any carbs, your body starts feeding off your fat (so far so good), but also off your body tissue, muscles and even organs. Then as soon as you introduce a significant amount of carbs to your meal plan again, the diet stops working all together because your body absorbs everything because it's been depleted due to the high-fat, high-protein low-carb diet.

It's sad to see that so many people still believe these fad diets which just causes them to hop from one diet to the other in the hope of finding that one holy grail that will allow them to get lean and make them feel fabulous. It isn't there. It does not exist. You need to educate yourself on what is healthy, meaning you can keep this up for the rest of your life. You can eat LOTS of things as long your meals fulfill the following criteria:

1. low-fat, good protein
2. low-GI carbohydrate (= good carbs)
3. fiber
4. healthy fat
5. sugar-free beverage (water, unsweetened green tea, Snapple,...)

Sorry for the ranting, needed to get that out of my system ^^

Good Luck N3wt!

I've been doing the Wii fit (don't laugh! ) It's been pretty good. I noticed that as age crept up on me I was getting less flexible, so been doing most of the yoga exercises, and a selection of the other ones for 30 mins every day. I have noticed a difference.

I lost a lot of weight in two weeks with Atkins diet,but it was a torture and when I finished it all kilos came back. It's a good diet if you want to lose weight quickly,for some special occasion for example,but I can't imagine how people can stay on this diet their whole life.It's also unhealthy.
The best way to lose weight is counting calories.First month is hard,but later you will get used to it,trust me.I've been counting calories for about 4 months now and I don't even notice it - just got used to eat less and I still can spoil myself with chocolate or any other meal I want. Working out is very good too.