FAVORITE Stephen King Movie


Banned from Hollywood.
A little off topic but has King ever considered The Dark Tower series to be made into movies, just thought he'd maybe be interested seeing the success of Lord of The Rings

they would make a great movie...although it's seven books...i think they've made a comic book about the dark tower series..not sure...dont know if S.King is interested in the making of a movie though..
My 100 ALL-TIME FAVE Movies

Green mile. I loved it!!!

Manolo, Shoot That Piece Of Sh*t!
Top 5:

1. The Shawshank Redemption
2. The Shining
3. The Mist
4. Misery
5. Children of the corn

Worst 5:

1. Quicksilver Highway
2. Trucks
3. The Langoliers
4. Children of the corn 4
5. The Night Flier

I am a Stephen King fan, but things like Quicksilver Highway make me want to puke!

"You accuse me of blasphemy, but how can you accuse me of a crime without a victim?"

Spikez's DVD Collection

Last Movie Seen: The Breakfast Club

Does The Stand count, or are you only counting theatrical releases?

The World's Smallest Violin
Top 5:

1. The Shawshank Redemption
2. The Shining
3. The Mist
4. Misery
5. Children of the corn

Worst 5:

1. Quicksilver Highway
2. Trucks
3. The Langoliers
4. Children of the corn 4
5. The Night Flier

I am a Stephen King fan, but things like Quicksilver Highway make me want to puke!

I think Spikez nails it. I'd probably put Green Mile toward the top though.

Never read a single King book. So I can only go by movies.

"The Dead Zone"
"Pet Semetary"
"Salem's Lot"
"Children of the Corn"
"The Mist"
"Storm of the Century"

"Maximum Overdrive"
"The Stand"
"Silver Bullet"
"Needful Things"
"The Shining"
"Cat's Eye"

"The Night Flier"
"Dolores Claiborne"
"Golden Years"
"Apt Pupil"
"Rose Red"
"The Dark Half"
"The Running Man"

For me it is the Green Mile....

I just joined these forums and found a major flaw. Nobody ever explains why. A list is great, but why choose Shawshank over The Shining? "I liked it better" does not count.

I just joined these forums and found a major flaw. Nobody ever explains why. A list is great, but why choose Shawshank over The Shining? "I liked it better" does not count.
It's not a flaw, when the question is never asked. All they asked for, was for us to name our favorite Stephen King film. Something you didn't do. I can assume it's The Shining, but I'd rather you post it.

but why choose Shawshank over The Shining? "I liked it better" does not count.
It does if you liked it better.

As far as the hammy bore fest "The Shining" goes (Nicholson can kiss my arse when he hams it up like this and he's not in a comedy)...I'd take most things over it bar a few of the crappy TV things and 'Romero has lost it' rubbish of "The Dark Half".

But ultimately, as far as "Shawshank" being above it..I guess its because I liked it better.

What 42ndStreetFreak said about The Shining.

I'd have to go with The Shawshank Redemption. It's on my Top 100 list, so I definitely like it better than any of the other King films. The Green Mile is good, too, but I feel like the characters in Shawshank are more well drawn.

the scene were the character played by tom jane shoots all the people in the car and the bullets are finished b4 he can kill himself. watch it. the movie is the mist

Stand By Me, 1986 - Based on Stephen Kings novella .. The Body.

Not only is this my favorite book turned film by King, but, also my favorite all time film in general. Rob Reiner did an incredible job of getting astounding performances out of all of his cast. If you watch the bonus material on the DVD you will see that he really goes to extreme lengths to drag out the potential that he knew he had found in the four young actors.

What else is perfect about this movie? The camera work, the narration by Richard Dreyfuss, the clever use of period music, the attention to detail (like the old Hills Bros. coffee can the kids pitch rocks into at the junkyard), the pace and rhythm. The juxtaposing of the main storyline with detours like Vern's penny hunt and the sad but hilarious tale of Lard Ass Hogan is brilliant, and makes this a hard film to get tired of no matter how much you see it.

One excellent scene in particular, the real gem in this crown, is where Chris (River Phoenix) tells Geordie (Wil Wheaton) about his milk-money experience. It was the strongest point of the film, by far the most emotional and River Phoenix acted well beyond his years, more believable than most adult actors.

To give this film as high praise at it deserves is near impossible.

Apt Pupil, 1998 - Based on Stephen Kings novella of the same name.

It does so primarily because writer Brandon Boyce and director Bryan Singer have wisely ditched King's by-the-numbers gore in favor of a far more interesting focus on the characters.

McKellen and Renfro put in outstanding performances as the leads. Renfro strikes the perfect balance between innocence and menace, and McKellen is at times legitimately terrifying as the aged Nazi.

Overall, this is more tightly constructed than the novella, and dispensing with the ludicrous violence makes it far more credible. For these reasons, it's more unsettling than King's work could ever be. Once again Singer has given us a cleverly written, beautifully acted, and finely crafted film.

but why choose Shawshank over The Shining? "I liked it better" does not count.
It does if you liked it better.

I have decided to remove the somewhat derogatory comments made about The Shining later in the post because I fear the deep-seated yearning I felt whilst reading them to have you burnt at the stake may be a step too far in the wrong direction. Which of course we cannot allow to happen ... again. So it must be stricken from the record and lost if only to shield future generations from what could only be called an abomination.

But your first statement was right on the money. So I guess you're not all bad.

Registered User
Green Mile, Secret Window, The Shining, The Mist. I also liked that film Room 1408 or whatever it was called.

Registered User
Didn't realise Shawshank was a Stephen King film. That too.