Movies you couldn't even finish.


I wasn't a fan of 28 Days Later either. The first 45 minutes are ok, not great, but after that it really falls apart. Didn't bother with the sequel.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
I didn't care for it much either but I liked the sequel better.

I wasn't a fan of 28 Days Later either. The first 45 minutes are ok, not great, but after that it really falls apart. Didn't bother with the sequel.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
It had more of a story to it, IMO. It also had characters that I could care about and get invested in what happened to them. These things are always important to me. They make or break a film, book or TV show from my point of view.

You're seriously out of your mind if you think Boyle can't shoot.
I'm surprised Hana-Bi is number 1 on your top 10 , yet you still enjoy how 28 Days Later looks. There isn't a single frame from what I saw that didn't look terrible. I challenge you to post some stills of 28 days later that look even decent.

It isn't how "decent" they look, meatwadsprite. It is about composition, framing, and how the style reflects the themes of the film. Boyle's cinematography helps illustrate how the character feels; the use of wide-shots in the opening scenes of 28 Days Later (when the main character is walking around the city), or the frantic, kinetic cinematography of the opening scenes (with the animals).

Registered User
My question is, what dragged you to watch these terrible movies in the first place?

the assasination of jesse james by the coward robert ford

my own private idaho...i love river phoenix, but every time i try and watch this i can't stand it, and turn it's just so terrible!
"Empire had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All Jedi had was a bunch of Muppets." - Dante Hicks

It isn't how "decent" they look, meatwadsprite. It is about composition, framing, and how the style reflects the themes of the film. Boyle's cinematography helps illustrate how the character feels; the use of wide-shots in the opening scenes of 28 Days Later (when the main character is walking around the city), or the frantic, kinetic cinematography of the opening scenes (with the animals).
I realize Boyle is trying to make the movie look as gritty and intense as possible , but that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice actual good camera-work to do so. Look at Se7en for example , which is a very dark movie with amazing cinematography.

my own private idaho...i love river phoenix, but every time i try and watch this i can't stand it, and turn it's just so terrible!

I've never gotten around to watching My Own Private Idaho but I have a friend who recommended it to me not too long ago... he said Phoenix was great in it...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Put me in your pocket...

Death Note (2006)
My daughter was into the anime and wanted to see the live action movie, so I tried to watch it with her. I didn't get far. The CGI for the Shinigami (God of Death) was so cheezy it made me giggle. It was just weird and didn't match what was suppose to be the tone of the movie. I tried to walk back in and see it at another point, but I couldn't get past that Shinigami who ate apples and I walked back out. Heheh...I thought he'd be a great villian for a remake of a stylized version of the 60's Batman show.

I realize Boyle is trying to make the movie look as gritty and intense as possible , but that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice actual good camera-work to do so. Look at Se7en for example , which is a very dark movie with amazing cinematography.
I'm sorry, but if you actually believe his cinematography was poor than you clearly have no understanding of the art. It's subjective as we all know, but what you're saying is just ridiculous. I'd like to know what is so "poor" about it, actually. Because you certainly must know much more about cinematography than Boyle. Please, feel free to elaborate.

Se7en was shot well, absolutely -- but it's also very different.

I've never gotten around to watching My Own Private Idaho but I have a friend who recommended it to me not too long ago... he said Phoenix was great in it...
phoenix was really good in it, but the movie itself is just so bad...i mean, it's about male prostitutes, not exactly my favorite subject...and although the acting was good, it wasn't good enough to save the movie imo...