Which movie have you watched more than 3x?


Don't always take me seriously...
It's not a problem of motivation, it's that I don't care.

You are not your job.

Please, call me Jacks

Most of the film I have watched so far.With a small number of exceptions.Like "Princes' diaries" and "Not Another Teen Movie".These two-I "admire"

Pulp Fiction - Over 30x's
Resorvoir Dogs - Over 10x's
UHF - Over 10x's (its addicting I dont know why)
X-men - 5 or 6x's
Lord Of The Rings fellowship - Over 20x's

LOTR All 3 (I saw Two Towers and Return of the King 3 times in the theaters alone.)
The Matrix
Donnie Darko
Pitch Black
Pirates of the Caribbean
A lot more but those are the ones that come to mind right away.

indiana jones (the whole trilogy)
falling down

i think the movie that i've watched most lately is Fight Club. honestly, you have to keep watching that movie over and over to pick up all the little things that you missed before, then you watch it again because you understand more of it. and how can you not love tyler's wonderful words of wisdom? it's a great movie, one of the best. but like every movie that i own i've seen at lest 25 times, i know them all by heart.

Bourne Identity - 5x
Fight Club - 10x
Se7en - 4x
The Nightmare Before Christmas - Too many Times

Originally Posted by jrs
Too many.
Dito if I include video, dvd, or t.v.

As in theatres only, I would have to say

starwars episode 1 (like 4 or 5 times and only cause I was starving for starwars and saw it with different people at different times)

That's about it. I've seen some movies twice in theatres but I usually wait and buy the dvd.

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Most any movie I like even a little bit I see more than three times. I have no earthy way of knowing how many times I've seen so very many of my all-time favorites. A damn sight more then eight or nine, that's for sure. A handful I have quite literally watched over one-hundred times, BladeRunner and Casablanca among them. But lots of others I have seen at least fifty times, and hundreds I have seen at least three.

You saw Blade Runner over a hundred times? WOW! I saw it once when I was about 10. Had a tough time understanding it and got a negative feeling towards it. Mabe I'll check it out again. I've heard alot of positive comments about that movie in this forum lately which is slowly starting to peak my interest.


Originally Posted by Escape
You saw Blade Runner over a hundred times? WOW! I saw it once when I was about 10. Had a tough time understanding it and got a negative feeling towards it. Mabe I'll check it out again.
Nah, why bother? I doubt your taste in film has changed much since you were ten.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Nah, why bother? I doubt your taste in film has changed much since you were ten.
You hurt my feelings.

This thread is about what movie you have watched the most, Mine would be Dawn of the dead original have watched it about 17 times as it is one of my all time favourite horror movies. I usually watch Dawn every Halloween and sometimes when im in the mood for a good horror movie I watch the U.S theatrical cut.

Which movie do you watch the most?

Little floppy, hoppy, bunnies!
I think I've played out all of the Harry Potter's love em to death and Dazed and Confused!

Jaws. My favorite film. I watch it almost on a monthly basis and I still haven't gotten tired of it. Others would be Ravenous, Halloween, Blade Runner, Psycho, Alien, Pitch Black, Chinatown, Maltese Falcon, Predator, Apocalypse Now, Man Who Knew Too Much 1956, Dracula 1931, and Diabolique (Original).

Phantom of the Opera (2004) - at least 150 times.
Underworld (2003) - Somewhere between 50 and 100 times.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Resident Evil 1-3
Underworld Evolution
Silent Hill
Silence of the Lambs
You're going to make this work.

A system of cells interlinked
Man, I just couldn't finish Joel Schumacher's abysmal Phantom of the Opera. The re-instrumentation of the score is one of the biggest travesties to art, like, ever. Electronic drums? Electric guitars? Typical Schumacher, and almost as bad as his attempted facelift of Gotham City in his ridiculously terrible Batman films. Almost.

Whenever this director attempts to re-imagine anything, he falls on his face, every time.

This is, by far, one of the worst films I have ever seen, by someone I consider to be one of the worst directors ever.

I would MUCH rather see the play.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Fight Club
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Kill Bill (especially vol 1)
Top Gun
Good Will Hunting
When Harry Met Sally
The Notebook
Half Nelson
Remember The Titans
L.A. Confidential
Jerry Maguire
Pretty in Pink
Sixteen Candles...
oh God... I could go on forever... (but i won't)
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

"A film is a putrified fountain of thought"
I've watched all the movies on my top 10 at least 7 times, along with countless others. However, most watched of all time have to go to From Dusk Til Dawn, Dracula Dead and Loving It, Scream, American Beauty, A Christmas Story, The Emperor's New Groove, Finding Nemo, Men In Black, Young Frankenstein, AVP, Donnie Darko, ....oh dear I'll have to stop now or I'll just keep going forever...