The site is DOWN????


Ever since i saw braveheart YES!!
So go for it... Chicks like guys in kilts...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Registered User
So go for it... Chicks like guys in kilts...
even ones with hairy legs?

Registered User
Most guys do have hairy legs... that is, unless they shave them...

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
I would only wear one if I didn't have to wear underpants.

True Scotsmen never wear underpants!!!

As for having hairy legs, guilty as charged, I just never find the time to wax these days!!!
Hey Pepe, would you say I have a plethora of presents?

Toga, toga, toga......

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?

I dont mind this place. You all got me hardcore good with you "Insert user name into I Love You thread title" DAMN GOOD! LOL!!! Why dont you people post over there enmass!? Itd be fun to argue movies!

I can see it now! -Ding Ding Ding- .Org Vs the MoFos! We actually liked Transformers, and admit it! HA!

The Adventure Starts Here!
Well, we do have a few "guilty pleasures" threads here, for both movies and TV, I think. There are only a very few folks here who are snobby about their film viewing ... and after a while even the "rest of us" find them refreshing because we learn a lot about movies from them.

This is truly the *one* place I trust to get good, accurate information about movies -- upcoming, current, or already on DVD. Better than any professional reviewer for a wide range of answers and opinions.

Stay a while! We love more people here because that only rounds out the variety of opinions even more.

Oh Im gonna hang at both! This place is cool too.

I liked Transformers plenty; gave it
in my review last summer, in fact.

Anyway, I try not to argue for its own sake, but we're all pretty upfront about what we think here. So many boards devolve into a total lovefest where everyone's hyper-apologetic and ever so scared of offending anyone. The people who choose to stay here are, in my experience, people who thrive on the exchange of ideas and can roll with the punches. People who just want to register an opinion without engaging in any back-and-forth tend not to fit in as well.

If someone wants a nice little board where no one will ever upset them or challenge them, hey, no hard feelings. But MoFo isn't it. I for one wouldn't have it any other way.

Maybe I better go to work now....
Yes, please do. You're making it very difficult for me to not share these thoughts that I am having. My word, these thoughts, these images. Mmmm these images . . . . . . .

Sir Sean Connery's love-child

Hmmm, I wonder!

More than I should post, actually!

OK, if you're going to post my picture, at least ask my permission...... yeah I wish, I don't have a 6 pack, more like a big boy 1 pack

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
I'm not ready to admit to it yet.

All in good time, we're like the Borg, eventually we will assimulate & stimulate you!!!

Registered User
I liked Transformers plenty; gave it
in my review last summer, in fact.

Anyway, I try not to argue for its own sake, but we're all pretty upfront about what we think here. So many boards devolve into a total lovefest where everyone's hyper-apologetic and ever so scared of offending anyone. The people who choose to stay here are, in my experience, people who thrive on the exchange of ideas and can roll with the punches. People who just want to register an opinion without engaging in any back-and-forth tend not to fit in as well.

If someone wants a nice little board where no one will ever upset them or challenge them, hey, no hard feelings. But MoFo isn't it. I for one wouldn't have it any other way.
i actualy didnt like transformers