I Partook in "The Dark Knight"'s Viral Campaign


I just know they're coming to kill me.
For those of you who are out of the light, Warner Bros. is doing a viral marketing campaign for The Dark Knight. If you don't know what a viral campaign is, in laymen terms it's a form of advertising in which you create fake news, newspapers, news reports, advertisements and websites that are set in the universe that you are trying to sell to people. It's a unique way to get people to know about your product, and it allows great interaction between users.

Anywho, The Dark Knight's viral campaign has a slew of fake websites and phone numbers. Half of them are all things Gotham City, and the other half are games and riddles plotted by the Joker himself. Look it up on Google for the complete list of websites, there's quite a few of them.

One of the sites is I Believe In Harvey Dent, which is a campaign website that users go to show support for Harvey Dent to run for Gotham City's District Attorney. Users were allowed to create either a video or picture displaying their support and encouragement for Harvey to run for District Attorney. So, my friend and I decided to take a comedic character we had put in a couple of our movies and place him in Gotham City and show support for Harvey Dent.

Low and behold, they accepted our video, and it can be seen here. It's pretty cool that they put it up, and I'm pretty sure that there are no other videos like ours on the site, which makes it stick out more (especially with the name we gave it - Green Sub-Human Supports Harvey Dent!)
Everything I do, I do to make my second stepdad proud.

This is Bat Country!
I wanna know who made the fake " Not all Jokes are Funny " Poster...cos I actually liked that...However, the " Why So Serious?" one is still better....
Im trying to listen to the new Robert Palmer Tape..But Evelyn, my supposed fiancee keeps buzzing in my ear...

A system of cells interlinked
Cool campaign, although that isn't the correct definition of viral marketing, really. Viral marketing doesn't have to be fake news set in a specific universe. Plenty of viral marketing uses real news in our universe.

More on viral marketing, from Wiki
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Warthog's Avatar
Freeway terror
This movie really does have some of the best marketing I have ever seen... you just keep hearing weird stories of TDK stuff happening to people; I think it's really cool.

This is Bat Country!
And the new pictures released of Heath Ledger's Joker make it all the more exciting..the ones of him in the nurses uniform!

What is the exact time of the open of Dark Knight