Best Director


John Jefcoat, hands down.

He's doing this movie, Outsorced.

Now untill outsorced I didn't notice him but as a new director he is did a fabulous job of turning the Romantic Comedy formula on it's ear.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Didn't you say that you haven't watched the movie yet? I believe it's called Outsourced, directed by John Jeffcoat? What other films of his have you seen? I'll put my hand down after you tell me.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

I caught it during my break at work today. and yea, those where some flagrant spelling errors, my bad.

and He did a Bingo documentary, thats just badass.

Not to mention his work on About Us.

I admit, I was wrong about him being new. Yea, but so far what I have seen I liked.

Perhaps I should clarify. Of that Genre John Jeffcoat rains king.

Outsourced is the best movie of the Romantic Comedy kind.

I have a favorite director for each genre.

I just watched outsourced when I made that post so I brought him up without though.

I have other favorite directors but as far as that genre goes, I like Jeffcoat the most.

Since you keep bumping the thread up why don't you tell us why you think this particular director reigns supreme over all other romantic comedy directors, or even what you think qualifies a director to be a romantic comedy director.

What romantic comedies have you seen that could have been improved had Jeffcoat been the director, why is that the case?

This man is a plant, and works for Guerrila PR. Obviously, he's been banned.

Pretty pathetic how some marketing firms try to generate "buzz" about a film by posing as ordinary moviegoers. Never seems to work, but it never seems to stop them from trying, either.

Yes it was obvious, but I thought it was very funny how Mark had to correct them that they had misspelled both the name of the movie and the director. Fun times.

Now piss off.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

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