Spider-Man 3

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Registered User
i have to agree with many people here. Spider man 3 was just two hours of tedious special effects.

Hey, i'm not one of those snobby critics who take films seriously. I know this is a superhero film and didnt expect some mind stimulating story or anything. I liked the first 2.

but this 3rd one was just OTT. all i saw was just spidey and the bad guys beating each other up and smashing into walls for two hours.

that pretty much sums up the whole film. sandman was just unnecessary. In an attempt to be intellectual, the writers decided that sandman should be a misunderstood bad guy. They gave him some compassion.

People may call it cliched but at the end of the day, A film (especailly a superhero film) needs a protagonist and antagonist.
Without this, the film falls flat.

the bad guy has to be bad and the good guy good. period.

and did people see how big the sandman got at the end? that was it for me. Too ridiculous.

I say, chappy, I happen to be a professional butler, and let me tell you: We practically EXIST to pop up now and again with crappy dialogue or to leverage the plot out of a ridiculous hole.

"By the by I cleaned your father's wounds and let me tell you that he most certainly killed himself. I just, y'know, never thought to mention anything like this before. It just never really seemed like a good time. [para]"

I'd love some feed back on my site:

Should I call you Logan, Weapon X?
went to see this film with low expectations after seeing Spiderman 2 (which was OKish). One of the worst things about this shockingly bad film is the fact that you cringe while watching it, often feeling embarrassed because of the poor dialog, bad acting or just generally shaky storyline.

The story kicks off right where Spiderman 2. I think I would have preferred these films to be separate from each other. With a sort of continuing story line, but not much of one. This film clocks in at around 2 and half hours. A very large majority of this is awful storyline between MJ, Peter and Harry.

The most cringe worthy part of this movie is where Peter Parker becomes an emo kid once he has been latched onto by the symbiot gunk. He wears eye liner and has an emo hair style. Obviously this is some crude ploy to try and communicate with the 'youtube generation'. Quite obviously it didn't work at all. It just lowered the picture.

I really don't understand how a very large majority of people on IMDb gave this film 10. Even the fan boys shouldn't really be giving this film a 10 as it changes classic storyline elements. For the sake of story they change the plot so the Sandman originally killed Peter's father, Ben. Also original Spiderman fans, i guess, would hate the idea of making peter Parker an emo kid. Also any film fan with any sense would realise this film was an awful cash in.

The only redeeming part of the film was the dinner scene with Bruce Campbell playing a French waiter. This had the cinema laughing.

So yeah. 2/10. Truly awful film.

Spiderman 1 was quite good. Maybe because of the novelty of it Spiderman 2 was pretty average, not the greatest. Spiderman 3 was just plain cringe worthy.

I too was extremely disappointed by this movie. And I love the first two. Most of the points have been made here, so just a few more things.

Anybody notice the butler's Lynchian delivery? We kept laughing every time he opened his mouth. And yeah the whole deus ex machina thing with Harry was idiotic.

Changing Gwen Stacy's fate was going too far. I've forgiven a lot of the history rewrites, but this one takes the cake.

Sandman - So what, every villain has to have a heart of gold now? He was a thug in the comic, nothing more. It's part of what made him cool and why I was looking forward to this movie.

Willem DaFoe was in the jazz club, center frame, right between Pete and Gwen...I'm sure of it! If not then it had to be a deliberate lookalike. What the point of it was I have no clue.

Flashbacks. Too many flashbacks.

But by the end when he's fighting Sandzilla I was literally picking at my fingernails and not even looking at the screen. The drop in quality was so marked from Spiderman 2 that it's obvious Raimi gave up. And if that's the case I don't see how 4, 5 and 6 will be any different.

Registered User
I agree, this movie was HORRIBLE! I had low expectations when I heard Sam Raimi was adding Venom, he hates Venom and has sais so many times. So I knew he would not do him justice. As for the movie as a whole.....what a letdown. I cannot even get into how bad it is because it will just remind me of the money I wasted on the garbage titled Spider-man 3.

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
yeah this movie was great

Argh, I know I'll get stick for this, but I felt like Spiderman was one big audience survey result. Everything in it seemed really predictable and over done. I think the expensive effects and fight scenes belie a film full of plot holes and it definately tried to get too many villains in one film, I likes some bits a lot, but my main critism was the amount of villains!

I think that Spiderman 3 is better than the other two Spiderman movies.
Right because it concern lots of Spiderman struggle in life and in himself...And lots of emotion came out in this movie...

In more ways that one he got emotional.

*Cough* *Cough*
James Sparrow's Rented Reviews!

The Reaping 7/10
Transformers 8.5/10
Flight of the Living Dead 6/10
The Invisible 6/10
Return to House on Haunted Hill 1/10
Planet Terror 8/10
A Mighty Heart 7/10

The only reason Spider-Man 3 had (its very few) flaws was because of the ridiculous amount of pressure put on Sam Raimi by:

1:The Bad Men in the Big Suits (Marvel and Sony(though I love Marvel))
2:The Fans
3:His own artistic vision to make a movie HE wanted to see with characters he likes(Sandman)

All this meant he had to cram in story and hastily edit one of the potential greatest films ever, which in the end was only: real good.

So no it didn't live up to its potential. But it's potential was limitless.

In order of preference:


Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 2
And lo the whispering wanderer weeps
what whit to whom did my life keep?

You're ridiculous. You bad rep a bunch of posters for stating their opinion about it being bad and then you say it has very few flaws?

Well, I bad repped your bad rep back.

No offence, but I'm hardly gonna be affected by anything someone as juvenile as you says.

I mean really, you start a thread meant to, I don't know , intimidate and ridicule newcomers and you have that stupid BANNED sign under your name and you think I'M ridiculous? Frankly I wish you'd just stop hassling everyone for your own sadistic PETTY pleasures and just try not to be such an impotent pukesack.

But it's a free world so whatever. I don't expect you to change in any way shape or form. You probably can't.

I also LOVE that Snow Patrol "Signal Fire" song.

I hate the figure of venom in Spiderman 3... first if you color him red he look exactly like carnage without the symbiote moving all over him!!.. I mean don't you think that venom supposed to be a big man with huge muscles or something.....................

I dont know if I will ever watch 3, the guy from 70's Show as Eddie Brock just doesn't do it for me. He might be a decent actor, but Eddie Brock is Vin Diesel hell I would take Dwayne Johnson.. or any wrestler, just not what's his name... who's a jerk in real life.

I don't know that I'm as much of a hater as some others here, but SM3 was definitely the least of the series, with 2 edging out 1 as the best.

I enjoyed this film, but it just didn't live up to the hype that it was getting. Some of the CGI was cheesy looking in this one to me. There was a much better presentation in Film #1. I would say the storyline was pretty good on the level of the second but didn't reach the quality of the first Spider Man film.