Halloween (2007)


wasn't dissapointed by the trailer hope this turns out good
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

I could have dealt with the fact that they pump out another sequel that is horrible because really doesn't do any damage to an already rundown horror franchise. But them trying to recapture what Carpenter made, then that just makes me sick. Can't anything be left alone?
Evil lives...

I could have dealt with the fact that they pump out another sequel that is horrible because really doesn't do any damage to an already rundown horror franchise. But them trying to recapture what Carpenter made, then that just makes me sick. Can't anything be left alone?
Here's how I see it. There is Carpenter's masterpiece of course. Even his second one wasn't so bad.

Then you have the other two entirely different story lines with the 4-7, and the last two films branching off from the original 2.

And of course this one. Personally, I don't mind all of these different versions and stories of Michael Myers. Carpenter's will always stand the test of time and be the best one. Those of us who are starving for more Michael are getting our fix. It doesn't mean we think they are better than the original. We just like the idea of Michael Myers. Obsessed with his character. Some want to know more, others not. I'm more interested in this one on how unique it will be on it's own. I have high hopes just on the trailer alone. It looks fantastic though I do have a good imagination. Hopefully, it doesn't let me down.

In the end I never really see remakes ruin anything. Cause all it takes for the movie go'er who loves the original for them to not exist is to just not watch them. If they do watch, and enjoy them, then bonus. If they hate them, it still doesn't change a thing. The original is always there and isn't going anywhere.

I just know they're coming to kill me.
I just plain don't know about this one...

Methinks it's gonna suck.

Me also thinks that my the part of me that likes bad movies is gonna love this like it's its own child.
Everything I do, I do to make my second stepdad proud.

Classics should be left alone though. If Zombie wants to add to the Halloween franchise, he should do it without remaking Carpenters original. A prequel would have been great, I would have had no problem. But to remake even some of the movie just sort of makes me sick. I still want to see it but really have mixed feelings. Curiosity being the main reason why I want to see it. Maybe I'll feel different after I actually see it.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Me also thinks that my the part of me that likes bad movies is gonna love this like it's its own child.
I just want to give you a hug for using "its" and "it's" properly in one sentence like that!

Sorry to say this but it looks much better than the original. Rob Zombie's own vision (NOT A REMAKE OR SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!), like Escape says, looks much more realistic. This one looks absolutely scarier and more horrifying.

Sorry to say this but it looks much better than the original. Rob Zombie's own vision (NOT A REMAKE OR SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!), like Escape says, looks much more realistic. This one looks absolutely scarier and more horrifying.
Yep, looks friggin' awesome. But I would never dare risk saying it looks better than the original. I want to live to see the movie you know. You got guts jrs.

Jrs if you don't consider this a remake then what other films do you think are not remakes but that particular director's vision instead. Zombie is taking a plot and characters created by John Carpenter and essentially telling the same story with some added elements to the plot. That sounds like most hollywood remakes, I still think this movie is looking damn good but Im just curious at what makes this movie a reinvisioning instead of a remake in you're eyes

Classics should be left alone though. If Zombie wants to add to the Halloween franchise, he should do it without remaking Carpenters original. A prequel would have been great, I would have had no problem. But to remake even some of the movie just sort of makes me sick. I still want to see it but really have mixed feelings. Curiosity being the main reason why I want to see it. Maybe I'll feel different after I actually see it.
Personally, I'd be honored if I made a movie which spawned many sequels and with some even borrowing scenes from my original. I'd be a Little pi$$ed about not receiving any money from them though lol. For example, I don't know how many times in all of the Halloween films we see Michael sitting up, looking dazed then turning his head to his next victim in almost a trance like state. I can see why Zombie may be using that sheet with glasses again too. That scene in the original was just awesome. There's another generation out there who never saw the original and maybe never would have if the attention isn't brought to it, so these amazingly creepy scenes here and there should definitely be seen again. Again, my own personal opinion of course.

Its just with the new generation, the original movie will be forgotten. I remember talking to friends of mine after they saw Amittyville Horror (remake) and they go it was a pretty scary movie wonder who would have thought of that. They didn't even know it was a remake. You get the same kind of stuff with TCM and the likes. The more this happens, the more likely these originals are to be forgotten.

Its just with the new generation, the original movie will be forgotten. I remember talking to friends of mine after they saw Amittyville Horror (remake) and they go it was a pretty scary movie wonder who would have thought of that. They didn't even know it was a remake. You get the same kind of stuff with TCM and the likes. The more this happens, the more likely these originals are to be forgotten.
Yeah I understand what you mean. But I guess personally, for me there have been remakes such as Amityville, The Fly, and TCM that I loved and wouldn't want to be stuck with the originals only. I just think if a movie can bring allot of entertainment to someone, regardless if it's a remake or not, then the job has been done. I can't really see a loss there. I'm sure the originals will 'always' have a place in someone's heart. I can't ever see them disappearing from our culture.

I could have dealt with the fact that they pump out another sequel that is horrible because really doesn't do any damage to an already rundown horror franchise. But them trying to recapture what Carpenter made, then that just makes me sick. Can't anything be left alone?
No, it can't. As I'm sure you've heard, next up, The Thing, and Escape From New York. Kill me now. Oh, and yes, I am well aware that The Thing is a remake, and a damn fine one at that. Shhh, I love John Carpenter.

John Carpenter rocks!

Seeing the trailer has really got me excited about this film. I like how Zombie's gone for a much grittier and darker tone than the original (which I was never a fan of).

Seeing the trailer makes me want to check out The Devil's Rejects and House of 1000 Corpses.
TOP 100 | "Don't let the bastards grind you down!"

It really makes me respect the original Halloween a lot more after seeing the trailer for the remake.

It's hard to believe they actually remade it. I will see it, I will probably be stunned... but I imagine not in admiration.

Rob Zombie should shock me even more by remaking Halloween II, skip the third one, remake Halloween 4 as Halloween III, then 5 as 4, 6 as 5. Forget about H20 and Resurrection.

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Suspect's Reviews

I honetly don't give a fu*k hat people think about it....I cannot wait to see Rob Zombie's Halloween. It'll be nice to see a new and fresh take on a legend. Plus, I've got positive intentions for the film.