The Covenant

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Originally Posted by jrs

It was him getting revenge.
What do you mean. What did the guy do for him to seek revenge?

Rock-n-Roll hoochie koo
I think it had something to do with the families histories.
"There used to be a time when being crazy meant something, but now everybody is crazy" - Charlie Manson

Is That Your Best?
Harry Potter meets The Matrix. I really thought this movie was horrible. 2/10. The soundtrack totally sucked too.
See Ya At The Movies

Originally Posted by jrs

It was him getting revenge.
Actually jrs I rewatched this and it wasnt about revenge but was because the kid was too nosey and in his words "just wouldnt leave it alone" after he saw him do some magic.

One more thing. Why did they even bother having that 4th dude in their little circle. The kid who played Tyler Sims. He had like 3 lines in the entire movie.

Mylogicdefiessanity's Avatar
Abyssinia Turray
The lockerroom scene was NOT unecessary!!!! And this movie is da bomb! Don't listen! Watch it and make your own desicion!

Originally Posted by Sci-Fi-Guy
I thought the movie was pretty good and the effects were awesome in a super-power kinda way.

I agree that if you like shows like Charmed or Buffy & Angel, or Smallville & Roswell even, then you'll probably like this one.

The one part I didn't really get was what was up with that one death of the guy near the beginning who's dark ghost thing (whatever they called it) kept haunting them was all about.

And yeah, the locker room scene was a little unnecessary but I guess they wanted teen-age girls to see the movie too.
I thought I was unbreakable, but with one word you shattered me.

Mylogicdefiessanity's Avatar
Abyssinia Turray
It's a darkling(the ghosty dark thing) And if you ahd paid attention to the movie you would know what it was for. You're the kind of people who ruin the chances for a second movie!!!!

WARNING: "The Covenant" spoilers below
Because Chase didn't die(at least that's what I think)

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Mylogicdefiessanity
It's a darkling(the ghosty dark thing) And if you ahd paid attention to the movie you would know what it was for. You're the kind of people who ruin the chances for a second movie!!!! Because Chase didn't die(at least that's what I think)
I think this film ruined its own chances, all on its own. I mean, it is one of the lowest rated films ever on RT, with wonderful comments like these in large supply in most of the press it received:

"Movies like this are why we have eyelids."

No one has bothered to develop a coherent story or remotely likable characters to sustain the CGI effects, ear-splitting music, and hyperactive editing."

All that's truly scary about The Covenant are the words that appear before the title: 'A Renny Harlin Film.'"

It's as if the WB took Harry Potter and turned it into Five Hot Underwear Models Go Back to High School and Do Magic..."

This sort of thing might work as a desperation rental -- like if you've been injected with poison and must keep watching incredibly lame movies or die ..."

And on and on and on...

My point being, if you want to stop in here at MoFo and go on the offensive against it's members, you may want to choose a film that has some clout, not a busted script from Charmed.

Also, if you ARE going to wax on about the film, how about wrapping spoiler tags around your spoilers...although in this case, I doubt anyone will mind.

Regardless, I am editing you post for spoilers.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Originally Posted by Mylogicdefiessanity
The lockerroom scene was NOT unecessary!!!!
You're absolutely right, it wasn't. I had already fallen asleep by the time this locker room scene I keep hearing about occured. TOTALLY missed out on whatever bare body parts were shown. So, yeah, very unnecessary as I was catching some Z's.

Rock-n-Roll hoochie koo
I found myself wanting to watch after I saw it on my friends living room table. I guess if you have a thing for magic in movies you would probably want to watch it more than one time. lol!

It seemed like it needed more scenes to explain alot of the things that had happened or something of the sort.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Originally Posted by 75uk1
I guess if you have a thing for magic in movies you would probably want to watch it more than one time. lol!
Nah, once is quite enough. I guess if you really just want to see the gay male version of The Craft, this is your flick. lol.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

Rock-n-Roll hoochie koo
Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
Nah, once is quite enough. I guess if you really just want to see the gay male version of The Craft, this is your flick. lol.
lol.Is there a kewl male version to The Craft?

Harry Potter meets The Matrix. I really thought this movie was horrible. 2/10. The soundtrack totally sucked too.
So,what are u,12 or something?!...Cuz that wud b the only explanation for concluding that the movie sucked.It was extremely well put together,the special effects were 1st class and the story,comprehensive(4 anybody with half a brain anyway),fresh and exciting.So,with that in mind,let me agree with you that smth around here sucks.Can you guess whom?

A system of cells interlinked
So,what are u,12 or something?!...Cuz that wud b the only explanation for concluding that the movie sucked.It was extremely well put together,the special effects were 1st class and the story,comprehensive(4 anybody with half a brain anyway),fresh and exciting.So,with that in mind,let me agree with you that smth around here sucks.Can you guess whom?

Well, not 12 here, just but a mere 35. Meanwhile, your vituperative comments, poor grammar and spelling, and playground tone immediately strip you of any credibility as far as opinion on film. Perhaps if you would have approached the issue with a bit more tact, your opinion would be taken more seriously.

I mean, hell, the film has a whopping 3% positive reviews on, and is probably one of the lowest rated films ever on that site, but, I guess all those people just didn't see the exquisite cinematic genius behind the The Underwear Commercial.....oh, I mean, The Covenant.

Regardless, personal attacks aren't tolerated for long on this site, especially by with new members. Be nice, or go back to the playground.