X-Men 3: The Bad Guys All Wear Black Hats

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Theres nothing wrong with being a fan of the comics I am as well. Its just they are parts of different story lines. I don't know if your a fan of the show X-men evolution but that created its own type of story line in the x-men universe by having Storm and Wolverien be the oldest X-men and cyclopse and others just be high school students in Xaviers school. So im just wondering are you against that show as well because of how it strays from the original concept?

WARNING: "X-men3" spoilers below
Magneto was hit with the same amount of darts as Mystique. She was shot with a cartridge from one of the cure guns. But if you remember the scene where Jean takes the gun apart and takes the casing off the cartridge there are about 4 or 5 needles inside it. So all beast did was take out the 5 darts from the cartridge and stab Magneto with it. I stated as a theory that the cure is only temporary on mutants above level 3 and we all know Magneto is more powerful than Mystique, So you never know what can happen with her and her powers if they continue the series.I do agree that the ending was just put in there so they can continue to make more of these movies. but Im just trying to figure a way for it to make sense in the universe of the movie. I honestly think the writers and Brett Ratner don't know what the ending means. the only thing they know is more movies equals more $$$
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Originally Posted by The Taxi Driver
Theres nothing wrong with being a fan of the comics I am as well. Its just they are parts of different story lines. I don't know if your a fan of the show X-men evolution but that created its own type of story line in the x-men universe by having Storm and Wolverien be the oldest X-men and cyclopse and others just be high school students in Xaviers school. So im just wondering are you against that show as well because of how it strays from the original concept?

WARNING: "X-men3" spoilers below
Magneto was hit with the same amount of darts as Mystique. She was shot with a cartridge from one of the cure guns. But if you remember the scene where Jean takes the gun apart and takes the casing off the cartridge there are about 4 or 5 needles inside it. So all beast did was take out the 5 darts from the cartridge and stab Magneto with it. I stated as a theory that the cure is only temporary on mutants above level 3 and we all know Magneto is more powerful than Mystique, So you never know what can happen with her and her powers if they continue the series.I do agree that the ending was just put in there so they can continue to make more of these movies. but Im just trying to figure a way for it to make sense in the universe of the movie. I honestly think the writers and Brett Ratner don't know what the ending means. the only thing they know is more movies equals more $$$
I don't like the evolution show because of the bad writing and animation. The FOX cartoon is and always will be the best.

WARNING: "X-3" spoilers below
I have to disagree with the shot that Mystique took. The cartridge does have many darts in it, but they only took out the one from her body. It's like a gun that has many bullets but only shoots one. She was shot with one, Magneto was stabbed with several.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I am Jack's sense of overused quote
The ending was crap. It put a poor cap on an already poor movie.
"What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present." - T.S. Eliot

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect
I don't like the evolution show because of the bad writing and animation. The FOX cartoon is and always will be the best.

WARNING: "X-3" spoilers below
I have to disagree with the shot that Mystique took. The cartridge does have many darts in it, but they only took out the one from her body. It's like a gun that has many bullets but only shoots one. She was shot with one, Magneto was stabbed with several.
WARNING: "X-men3" spoilers below
I don't really recall them pulling only one dart from Mystique but I don't really see this argument going anywhere since at least until a new x-men comes out the ending is left up to the imagination so its really a matter of opinion.

i've been an x-men/ comic fan for years while x-men 1 and 2 werent the greatest movies ever they were the closest thing that ever came to bringing the x-team to big screen i now with the 3rd one i was very dissapointed the fact that they messed up origins for multiple char's, dissapointing fights, plot

i think that it would have been a lot better if Singer stayed to direct it the movie just ended up being SFX fest and thin on story and everything else

Is it possible to not have a totally hyperbolic impression of this film?

It wasn't bad. It CERTAINLY wasn't good.

Well as far as I'm concerned it's a good thing they called it "The Last Stand" because if I had any thought in my mind that they were going to make another one of these movies I would to shoot myself! The special effects were good, but the movie itself was more of a frigging sappy drama than a comic book action flick. I would recomend spending the money on something like a pack of smokes, even if you don't smoke because the pack of ciggarettes would take less time off your life than the lingering thoughts of why, why did they even make this movie?
Daddy Mentel

unfortunately for me,there is no plan to import X3 in china.

i think it may be, that movie-wise, im just easy to please. i mean, i loved the movie... i thought it was really cool, badass new characters.... it totally drew me in, and all in all, i thought it was a very enjopyable movie with lots of funny lines and cool scenes *shrug*

LOL. never noticed that