When was the last time you truly loved a movie?


And this is my BOOMstick!
Originally Posted by The_Elephant_Man
All the matrix movies sucked except the first one.
That's not an opinion. That's a fact.
"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

Schindler's List would probably be the last movie I truly loved.

It was the only film that made me feel sorry that so many Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, ect, were exterminated rather than laugh at how funny it was.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Originally Posted by Justin_Timme
Schindler's List would probably be the last movie I truly loved.

It was the only film that made me feel sorry that so many Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, ect, were exterminated rather than laugh at how funny it was.
You needed a movie to tell you to not laugh at genocide? Are you f_cking retarded?
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Originally Posted by OG-
You needed a movie to tell you to not laugh at genocide? Are you f_cking retarded?
I think you've misunderstood me.

I'm not trying to say that genocide is good thing, as I'm sure you and everyone else know. Schindler's List was the only movie that I've seen so far that depicted the genocide in a way that made me cringe rather than turn to my friends and laugh.

Call me evil and a retard all you want. Many people try to humorize things that are tragic to them, and I'm one of them.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Originally Posted by Justin_Timme
Call me evil and a retard all you want. Many people try to humorize things that are tragic to them, and I'm one of them.
Trust me, you're talking to a king of dark humor right here, but don't even try to scapegoat laughing at the holocaust as a defense mechanism against something that was 'tragic to you'. That's bull**** and you know it.

I'm not going out of my way to be a dick, I just call bull**** when I see it.

And out of curiousity, what movies did make you laugh?

Originally Posted by OG-
Trust me, you're talking to a king of dark humor right here, but don't even try to scapegoat laughing at the holocaust as a defense mechanism against something that was 'tragic to you'. That's bull**** and you know it.

I'm not going out of my way to be a dick, I just call bull**** when I see it.

And out of curiousity, what movies did make you laugh?
I've answered your question already--Schindler's List was the only one that didn't. But if you won't accept that, Life Is Beautiful made me laugh.

Human Traffic- its really quite lame but i love all the characters (esp Jip). i think i am the only one out of my friends that loves it!! when you look past all the drug culture (if you even wanted to) the story is line is quite profound and involving...

Originally Posted by OG-
A friend of mine can't recall the last time he truly loved a movie he saw in a theater. When was the last time you were just absolutely captivated by a movie? Where the movie sucked in reality and the only things that existed during that moment in time were you and the movie.

There are plenty of movies that I enjoy and often see more than once in theaters, but it is kind of a struggle to think about the last time I absolutely loved one.

The last movie I can think of that sucked me in, beat me up, and spit me back out wanting more was Oldboy. I didn't want that movie to end, even though it ended perfectly. I was just so completely consumed by it that it felt like it was the only movie ever made and the last movie I'd ever see. I couldn't get enough of it.
Instinct, in 1999. I've seen some real good stuff in theaters since, but nothing that grabbed ahold of me and made me think something like, "wow, I LOVED that!"
One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.

If Its Got Large Pointy Teeth, RUN!
When I first saw "The Fearless Vampire Killers: Or, Pardon Me, but your teeth are in my neck." 'Roman Polanski 1966.
Waiting Until I finally (Get Back) PS7 - Once aquired I'ma make the best damn sig ever.

Gladiator, I absolutely love that movie. Hopefully Kingdom of Heavens will be the same way.
Maybe they can take one, but they cant take us all. Were gonna take our scene back.

A system of cells interlinked
Yesterday....Sin City
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

the last movie i truly loved.......Spongebob squarepants. You Gotta love the sponge!!!
"Real Love Lasts forever" - Eric Draven aka The crow

The absolute last time I was totally blown away at the theatre was when I saw Greenaway's The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover. I saw it at a now sadly defunct little arthouse theater in New Haven Ct. I can't possibly describe the feeling of being absolutely sucked into the film, both disgusted beyond belief and in awe of the beauty of the images that seemed to spill forth like wet paint on an artists canvas.

NO filmgoing experience has EVER effected me as much, and I doubt one ever will.

It was like seeing god and having the longest most intense orgasm while having some evil looking guy pulling out your guts and laughing at you! And that was a poor metaphor in comparison to the actual experience.

Originally Posted by Alien05
When I first saw "The Fearless Vampire Killers: Or, Pardon Me, but your teeth are in my neck." 'Roman Polanski 1966.

Oh, I LOVE that movie

Originally Posted by OG-
Trust me, you're talking to a king of dark humor right here, but don't even try to scapegoat laughing at the holocaust as a defense mechanism against something that was 'tragic to you'. That's bull**** and you know it.

I'm not going out of my way to be a dick, I just call bull**** when I see it.

And out of curiosity, what movies did make you laugh?
I hate to tell you this but comedians do this ALL the time. Yes its more on a personal basis but its still the same thing.

The Holocaust, Slavery, near genocide in Cambodia and Rwanda, atrocities all no doubt but they are also sacred cows that are ripe for slaying. Mel Brooks has managed to make light of the Holocaust a number of times (Springtime for Hitler anyone?) Having respect for a devastating human tragedy, acknowledging evil at its most heinous, and comedy are NOT mutually exclusive. Being able to laugh at a tragedy, look it in the face and tell it it has no power over you is part of moving on, without forgetting, otherwise human tragedy becomes a totem without meaning, a event without understanding.

I agree that tasteless humor directed at a certain race, event or tragedy WITHOUT respect for that group or event does nothing, but I would rather laugh and cry in the face of tragedy then cry alone.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Originally Posted by Othelo
The Holocaust, Slavery, near genocide in Cambodia and Rwanda, atrocities all no doubt but they are also sacred cows that are ripe for slaying. Mel Brooks has managed to make light of the Holocaust a number of times (Springtime for Hitler anyone?) Having respect for a devastating human tragedy, acknowledging evil at its most heinous, and comedy are NOT mutually exclusive. Being able to laugh at a tragedy, look it in the face and tell it it has no power over you is part of moving on, without forgetting, otherwise human tragedy becomes a totem without meaning, a event without understanding.
Oh, I agree entirely. The thing was, I just didn't get that coming from that guy. He came off as the type of person who would say he laughed at such movies just to be counter-culture and say that he laughed at them.

I did rip into him pretty harshly though and I may have turned him off the forums because I don't think he's been back since. But oh well, guess I'm just a bully.

Lets put a smile on that block
Originally Posted by Othelo
It was like seeing god and having the longest most intense orgasm while having some evil looking guy pulling out your guts and laughing at you! And that was a poor metaphor in comparison to the actual experience.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!