Old School Chat Rooms


Who here remembers the days of AOL chat rooms, AIM and other chats as such? If you're not aware, they were basically how Discord is now, except a lot more trolling and people trying to hook up lol. I still have friends that I talk to on occasion from those even to this day.
Last Movie Watched: The Watchers (2024).
Last TV Show Watched: Ghosts US (S3:E4).

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I used AOL and AIM from the mid-90s until about 2001, when I got a cable modem. I did get back on AOL from 2014-2017 when it changed to AOL Gold and started charging, so many of us just migrated elsewhere. I'm actually chatting in a live room right now, and always wished this site had on. Still haven't found a movie chat room, and the music one is never talking music.. Oh well.

You ready? You look ready.
i remember them. it's where i met the finest of weirdos.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Oh yeah, I 'member. I was on AOL in the early days. And Compuserve before and after. Compuserve was closer to the Internet as we think of it today. AOL was more like the Apple ecosystem.

Back in primary school, a friend introduced me to one of those erotic chat rooms. His mom must'd been using it because he found it in the browsing history on her laptop. We didn't think twice before creating a new account named Hot_18_Blonde or something along these lines and joining in. It took only a few seconds before we started receiving lots and lots of perverted DMs with really audacious fetishists looking for somebody to meet up with in person.

Some people even wanted to have cyber sex with 'us'. We typed 'We make you a blowjob', and that person wanted more details but we couldn't give them any because none of us had any idea what the details were apart from that forbidden keyword: 'blowjob'. Many guys didn't waste any time and asked for a phone number as the very first thing. We almost gave away the phone number of a class bully a few times. The fear of the bully's retaliation was the only thing that stopped us.

This experience totally ruined our pure, virgin minds. This same friend also showed me a normal (not erotic) film on VHS but rewinded it to a scene with visible female breasts. This was nothing compared to that sex chat, though. People say "I didn't know it was a child!" is a poor defense of a pedophile, but yeah... maybe this was one of those few situations when it'd be a genuine one. Of course, we never even attempted to meet any of those people. We closed the chat and blocked them as soon as they asked for more details about where we live. This was really dumb and risky anyway all things considered, but it was way over 20 years ago...

Maybe parental controls aren't that bad after all.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.