Will anybody go to see a new or old Woody Allen movie? Ever?


American puritanism never completely disappears and once you're on the bad list you never come off.
More like American hypocrisy IMO. I always remember the Reverend Jackie Robinson excoriating Clinton for the Lewinski affair. Turns out the dear reverend had an illegitimate baby daughter. Better not to judge others without judging oneself first.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Re: "apply himself." There are lots of reports from on set of how he's basically been phoning his films in for a decade. One take over and over even when it's obviously not great, not offering much direction, and obviously there's a near-universal consensus that the films themselves have become stale/rote and repetitive, which follows from all that.

I just re-watched this from 1998. Brilliant movie & my favorite of his. Nothing like what he’s done for many years now.

More like American hypocrisy IMO. I always remember the Reverend Jackie Robinson excoriating Clinton for the Lewinski affair. Turns out the dear reverend had an illegitimate baby daughter. Better not to judge others without judging oneself first.
Yup. I'd be accused of being political if I responded, but without mentioning names, you can easily pick some well known characters in recent American life who committed similar "crimes" and had completely different outcomes.

The hard part, however, is EVER coming off that list.

Just think that he was never convicted..for so many years ppl have been talking about Farrow, Soon yi, and nothing concrete came out of it. I'm looking forawrd to watching COUP DE CHANCE, his new movie..Shot in Paris apparently.

The trick is not minding
I know this will be controversial but, I have no issues. He wasn’t convicted, and there was apparently evidence to support that Allen and Soon Yi started dating when she was 21 iirc. She’s old enough to make her own decision at that age.
Add to the….inconsistencies…from Farrows own children, and the allegations of abuse against her as well that no one speaks about, and it’s a mess.

People know my take on Woody Allen...looking at the case critically and dispassionately this guy was railroaded by a dishonest system. And the tragedy was a seven year old girl was gaslight by a deeply disturbed woman into believing she was molested by her father. That this same woman was taken in as an "abuse" victim only to break up her friends marriage and send her into a mental asylums. That she took in child after child after child manipulated, exploited and threw them away. Where three of them are longer here and two are estranged while several live in this weird compound.

And yet Woody Allen and his wife of 30 years is the problem...it's shameful pure and simple

And yet Woody Allen and his wife of 30 years is the problem...it's shameful pure and simple
Well, it is "a" problem. She's the daughter of his ex-wife. Even if he was not her official adopted dad, that's weird, man.

Well, it is "a" problem. She's the daughter of his ex-wife. Even if he was not her official adopted dad, that's weird, man.

She was a adopted daughter of his ex girlfriend...her adopted father Andre Previn took in Mia when she claimed she was being physically abused. Mia ended up pregnant with twins from Andre and Andre's wife ended up in a mental asylum. It was only after Dory Previn passed away did Ronan and Mia start using media avenues to rehash the cancel Woody movement.

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The truth is in here
I was hoping for Coup De Chance to be imported into Swedish theaters, but unfortunately there is still no word on that. In fact it doesn't even seem to be screening in any English-speaking countries. This is Woody's last movie and they're barely distributing it? Unbelievable.

She was a adopted daughter of his ex girlfriend...her adopted father Andre Previn took in Mia when she claimed she was being physically abused. Mia ended up pregnant with twins from Andre and Andre's wife ended up in a mental asylum. It was only after Dory Previn passed away did Ronan and Mia start using media avenues to rehash the cancel Woody movement.
If the official story is true, he was 56 and she was 21 when they hooked up. That's weird.

She's the adopted daughter of a woman he was was with for 12 years. That's weird.

He first met her when she was in the 11th grade. That's weird.

I don't know what I don't know. What I do know is weird.

I'm not saying we should cancel him or boycott his movies. It's like the Michael Jackson thing. Even when you put it in its best light it's still weird.

I forgot the opening line.
Woody Allen's relationship with Soon-Yi Previn was unseemly at best when it started, but apart from that I don't really have any opinion about Woody Allen the person - I only enjoy watching some of his movies. Mia Farrow though, is a nut - but if you decide you're going to take off with a crazy lady's adopted daughter then you better be ready for some serious blowback. Obviously Allen and Soon-Yi loved each other in a very genuine and serious way, but I like to imagine that if I were Allen I would have steered clear of anyone that young, or related to Farrow. If I were driving teenage Soon-Yi home from soccer practice, and there was something there - I would have avoided Soon-Yi for the rest of my life. I mean, you're pretty much making sure most of the world is going to see you as a very creepy old man.

If I decide not to watch movies like Blue Jasmine, Midnight in Paris and Wonder Wheel just because I think he's a creepy old man, then I'm only punishing myself. He's been punished just by taking that massive hit to his public image.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

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I still watch Woody Allen movies. He has never been convicted of any crime and there is reasonable doubt regarding the accusation. Unless there were to be new evidence, I am not convinced of his guilt and will give him the benefit of the doubt.

I still watch Woody Allen movies. He has never been convicted of any crime and there is reasonable doubt regarding the accusation. Unless there were to be new evidence, I am not convinced of his guilt and will give him the benefit of the doubt.

Even if he were convicted of a crime, I'm pretty sure his films haven't assaulted anyone.

Even if he were convicted of a crime, I'm pretty sure his films haven't assaulted anyone.
Correct, but if someone is unable to watch his films without feeling uncomfortable by the knowledge of his potential crimes, that's a reason to not watch them. Of course, this isn't to say we should cancel him or that people who enjoy his films are sick, but the similarities the plot of Manhattan has to his controversies definitely doesn't make me eager to check it out again. Which is too bad as it used to be a personal favorite. For the most part though, I'm generally able to separate art from artist.

If the official story is true, he was 56 and she was 21 when they hooked up. That's weird.

She's the adopted daughter of a woman he was was with for 12 years. That's weird.

He first met her when she was in the 11th grade. That's weird.

I don't know what I don't know. What I do know is weird.

I'm not saying we should cancel him or boycott his movies. It's like the Michael Jackson thing. Even when you put it in its best light it's still weird.

The Woody/Soon Yi relationship isn't great but last time I checked we just elected a President who had the same age difference with his wife. It's also important to note is we have no idea how old Soon Yi was when she came to the US. She could have been in her mid twenties, she was a street orphan.

But that is beside the point. The bigger issue is the systemic child abuse that was occurring in the Farrow home. The children Mia kept ended up deeply damaged but we as a society just throw up our hands and say....well Woody and Soon Yi.

I am so tired of this. I love Woody's movies and will always watch them. There might be an ick factor to some of his behavior off the set, but he has been convicted of no crimes and I am able to separate the man from the artist. If he hadn't been cancelled, I would still be watching Kevin Spacey movies.

I know this will be controversial but, I have no issues. He wasn’t convicted, and there was apparently evidence to support that Allen and Soon Yi started dating when she was 21 iirc. She’s old enough to make her own decision at that age.
Add to the….inconsistencies…from Farrows own children, and the allegations of abuse against her as well that no one speaks about, and it’s a mess.
I feel exactly the same way. I like Woody’s movies - some more than others like any director & I will continue to watch them.

People know my take on Woody Allen...looking at the case critically and dispassionately this guy was railroaded by a dishonest system. And the tragedy was a seven year old girl was gaslight by a deeply disturbed woman into believing she was molested by her father. That this same woman was taken in as an "abuse" victim only to break up her friends marriage and send her into a mental asylums. That she took in child after child after child manipulated, exploited and threw them away. Where three of them are longer here and two are estranged while several live in this weird compound.

And yet Woody Allen and his wife of 30 years is the problem...it's shameful pure and simple
Can’t follow this post at all.

Well, it is "a" problem. She's the daughter of his ex-wife. Even if he was not her official adopted dad, that's weird, man.
Woody & Mia never married. Surely everyone knows this by now. They didn’t even live together.

If the official story is true, he was 56 and she was 21 when they hooked up. That's weird.
I see nothing weird about it. Men like young women. They always have, they always will.

I still watch Woody Allen movies. He has never been convicted of any crime and there is reasonable doubt regarding the accusation. Unless there were to be new evidence, I am not convinced of his guilt and will give him the benefit of the doubt.
Same here.

I am so tired of this. I love Woody's movies and will always watch them. There might be an ick factor to some of his behavior off the set, but he has been convicted of no crimes and I am able to separate the man from the artist. If he hadn't been cancelled, I would still be watching Kevin Spacey movies.
Same here.

That's some bad hat, Harry.
Annie Hall is still one of my favourite films. Things that happen outside the film don't change that.
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