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The French Connection. 5/5. One of my 10 favorites. Gene Hackman has always been one of my favorite actors. Definitely one of the best cop/detective movies ever made.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi​

Three good movies. First one is very strange.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Never even heard of the first one. I only gave Licorice Pizza a rating of [rating]3[/Rating} but The Apartment is Wilder's 2nd best film, only topped by Sunset Boulevard. If memory serves, The Apartment clocked in at #1 for my favorite Jack Lemmon performance.

Never even heard of the first one. I only gave Licorice Pizza a rating of [rating]3[/Rating} but The Apartment is Wilder's 2nd best film, only topped by Sunset Boulevard. If memory serves, The Apartment clocked in at #1 for my favorite Jack Lemmon performance.
For some reason LP was in my negative pile, which was strange as I had never seen it. I liked it.

I want to revisit Lemmon in The Days of Wine & Roses since I found his performance to be just brilliant. I love Sunset Boulevard.

I really like the Endless, I think it's my favorite film by the duo. Resolution has some cool moments but probably not as good.
I guess Resolution might be considered a dry run of sorts for The Endless. And as it turns out, Moorhead and Benson also worked on episodes of Moon Knight and Loki both of which I really liked. Haven't watched Synchronic though.

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Insiang - 8/10
This was a difficult watch, because it's good enough that her struggles became my struggle. A very nuanced movies with characters who are nuanced, as well as the well-written script. The acting is excellent as well.

The French Connection came in at # 2 on my list of favorite Gene Hackman performances.
Is Unforgiven your #1?

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
The Lady in the Van (2015)

Directed by Nicholas Hytner
Starring Maggie Smith and Alex Jennings

Caught it today on the telly. It is probably my third viewing.
Pleasant comedy, though here and there, there are some dumb lines for Maggie Smith.
Alex Jennings is awesome all of the time. Cute movie as a whole.

"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

A Dark Song - #5 on Flanagan's list. The movie opens with Sophia Howard (Catherine Walker) and a realtor touring a home in the hinterlands of Wales. She leases it for a year and then meets up with the gruff and surly Joseph Solomon (Steve Oram) at a train station. It's eventually revealed that Sophia has hired Solomon to perform some sort of occult ritual. After some digging the brusque Solomon gets her to admit that she wants to be able to talk with her dead child. He tries to dissuade her by listing all the various ways it will be a danger to both of them and the odds of it not working. But she is steadfast and he reluctantly agrees, stating that she will need to keep up that level of unwavering dedication. But Sophia is still holding back on the actual reason for the ceremony which just adds to the likelihood of it blowing up in their faces.

This is quite literally a things-that-go-bump-in-the-night chiller in the form of a liturgical dyad. The terminology sounds authentic enough but director/writer Liam Gavin has said that even though the actual ceremony is based on The Book of Abramelin it was largely fabricated. Partly out of respect but also due to a healthy dose of superstition. Walker and Oram do all the heavy lifting in this story and they're both admirably up to the task. By the time the third act was ramping up I was fully invested and dialed in. Gavin maintains that level of dread until the denouement which is the mark of any respectable horror offering.


I really like the Endless, I think it's my favorite film by the duo. Resolution has some cool moments but probably not as good.
While I would probably overall rate The Endless a bit higher than Resolution, the latter has a grimy charm to it and sits in this low-key sci-fi/horror space that I find very appealing.

Replicant (2001)

Starts off looking like a cheesy straight-to-video movie and after that looks like a generic made-for-TV copshow episode but then once that bad intro wears off it gets to feel like a real movie and is quite amusing with Van Damme playing a partially retarded clone that can do Olympic acrobats but not too good at knowing how and when to fight. The premise is unrealistic and at times looks lifted right out of a comic book, but despite all these strange setbacks its actually an entertaining and out-of-the-ordinary flick.


The Brothers Grimm (2005)

All the ingredients are there for a great movie; big budget, big stars, excellent setwork and so on, but it misses the mark in pretty much every way. I had a hard time seeing it through to the end. It wasn't terrible but it wasn't much entertaining either beyond some eye candy here and there. I read up on it and learned this movie was plagued with problems which probably knocked it out of the zone a tick. Everything seems off a bit and the tone is much the same. You want it to be something you can say was awesome but it doesn't seem that way. I think even kids would get bored with this.


I forgot the opening line.

By http://www.eyesteelfilm.com/?page_id=60, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25325004

Last Train Home - (2009)

This is just a sad documentary in nearly every way possible. Many migrant workers in China only get the Chinese New Year's holiday off, and as such each year on that date, there's a tidal wave of over 100 million people all wanting to travel home at the same time. Last Train Home follows a plight of one such family over many years and reunions. The Zhang family consists of mother and father - who work in another part of the country so they can only see their kids for a couple of days each year. They're desperately keen to see daughter Qin do well at school, but she resents them being away so often - and her quitting school to find a job and some excitement in her life leads to the horrible disintegration of the whole family. In the meantime - what this doc was meant to be giving us a glimpse of adds to the drama. The fight for tickets on trains and lengthy delays cause crushes, fights, and hospitalizations. Sheer madness. So sad. Both views - the close up of the one family and the bigger picture with a tidal wave of humanity on the move fit neatly and give the documentary the sheen of being one of the better 21st Century ones out there. It was really great, albeit bittersweet when you consider the Zhang family. I like how the film's poster gives 50% space to each general storyline.


By https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/...7,1000_AL_.jpg, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=58838910

The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings - (1976)

This wasn't really as awful as I thought it might be - and was a box office success in it's day. I'm surprised I hadn't heard of it until now - this depression-era Negro baseball league story features the likes of Billy Dee Williams, James Earl Jones and Richard Pryor - all doing pretty good jobs as talented baseball players. They become sick of being treated poorly by their team owners and get together to form their own "Harlem Globetrotters"-type baseball team, travelling the U.S. and making money, only to be on the receiving end of dirty tactics from the dastardly Sallison Potter (Ted Ross) - owner of the "Ebony Aces" team. It all takes place at a time when baseball was segregated. This was directed by John Badham - no African American director or writers here - but all the same it manages to feel like the actors were allowed freedom to be and mould their characters. A baseball film I was never the slightest bit aware existed until now. Slow at first, but a real builder of momentum - one reviewer called it "The rise and fall of communism in a baseball movie" and that's a pretty accurate way to look at it. In any event - there's enough here to make this a film that shouldn't have faded away the way it seems to have.


Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=22274313

Space Truckers - (1996)

This was a great deal of fun every time villain Captain Macanudo (Charles Dance) was onscreen, and this also had the added benefit of having Vernon Wells in it's cast as a heavy. Those two factors alone will do a lot to win favour from me, but apart from that and the design of the cyborg warriors (some of the other production design here wasn't too bad either) there was a dearth of fun. When Stephen Dorff, Debi Mazar and a surprisingly mediocre Dennis Hopper are guiding the story, this lacks spark, with Mike (Dorff) and Cindy (Mazar) being bare outlines of characters without much to do - and they get the majority of the "heavy lifting" for this film's first half. Hopper feels miscast. This film needed much more Charles Dance and Vernon Wells in it - Stuart Gordon's silliness hit a peak with their scenes. A mixed bag.

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Suzume No Tojimari - (2022)

Absolutely beaultiful! Animation, story, characters.... simply gorgeous!
There has been an awekening.... have you felt it?

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
Married Life (2007)

Written and Directed by Ira Sachs
Starring: Chris Cooper, Patricia Clarkson, Pierce Brosnan and Rachel McAdams

I discovered this title several days ago and was highly attracted by the listed actors. So, I immediately found it in the net.
Well, it is okay but I think that the filmmakers failed to get maximum of this premier league cast. They had Cooper, Brosnan and the absolutely great Patricia Clarkson (the cute Rachel McAdams was a bit dull here), alas, the screenplay and the directing weren't on that level.