Film Noir HoF IV


Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm in. Just need to pick a nom.

You bet, CR. I'll be happy to join the fun.

Just to be sure, you're wanting only 1 nomination per person sent to you; and that nomination can't be a noir that has won before. Is that correct?
Yup just 1 nom per person that hasn't won an HoF before. If we get alot of people joining, I'll extend the HoF time some.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm going to pass on this one but I will attempt to watch the nominations that I haven't seen.
I know you've seen some of the noms from past HoFs. I think you would dig some of the ones you haven't seen. I hope to post the movies real soon.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I'm going to pass on this one--

you're gonna piss off, Bogey. I'm just saying.

What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Diehl40 @John W Constantine; @rauldc14 @KeyserCorleone @Siddon @Thief @PHOENIX74 @edarsenal @GulfportDoc @beelzebubble @seanc

The Nominations are up on the 2nd post. Take a look, the posters are pretty and all the same size

Act of Violence (1948)
Directed by: Fred Zinnemann
Nominated by: John W. Constantine
Length: 1h 22m

The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
Directed by: John Huston
Nominated by: Edarsenal
Length: 1h 52m

Criss Cross (1949)
Directed by: Robert Siodmak
Nominated by: Citizen
Length: 1h 24m

Detour (1945)
Directed by: Edgar G. Ulmer
Nominated by: Thief
Length: 1h 6m

Gilda (1946)
Directed by: Charles Vidor
Nominated by: Phoenix
Length: 1h 50m

Gun Crazy (1950)
Directed by: Joseph H. Lewis
Nominated by: Sean
Length: 1h 27m

The Maltese Falcon (1941)
Directed by: John Huston
Nominated by: Diehl40
Length: 1h 40m

Mildred Pierce (1945)
Directed by: Michael Curtiz
Nominated by: KeyserCorleone
Length: 1h 51m

Murder, My Sweet (1944)
Directed by: Edward Dmytryk
Nominated by: Beelzebubble
Length: 1h 35m

Out of the Past (1947)

Directed by: Jacques Tourneur
Nominated by: Gulfport Doc
Length: 1h 37m

Thieves Highway (1949)
Directed by: Jules Dassin
Nominated by: Raul
Length: 1h 34m

Touch of Evil (1958)
Directed by Orson Welles
Nominated by: Siddon
Length: 1h 35m

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Absolutely pumped for this. I have seen a few, but a couple I really want to rewatch anyway. Act Of Violence was high on my to watch list, and I was planning on checking out all the Marlowe adaptations.

Can't wait to get started. Not a bad choice in this group.

That's a damn fine lineup there fellas. A few I'm happy to revisit after not seen in years to favorites like Welles and Dassin. Great lineup.


Detour bears a healthy dose of all the bare essentials needed for a great, twisty noir movie. Some of these events are extremely shocking and unpredictable. I really have to handle it to the writers for not only keeping this full of events, but really relying on the personality and intelligence of the main character. On the BOTTOM side, they're also a little hokey, which tells me the movie needed a little more length to flesh out the story. But in the end it's an excellent tale of bad luck and how life really bites us in the ass. This on top of the excellent first-person narration make this a very easy movie to get behind, as well as making our protagonist easier to sympathize with than many other protagonists in the genre.

Mildred Pierce

Mildred Pierce is NOT a typical noir movie. We have yet another protagonist that's unique and easy to relate to because we see all her life-related pains before her eyes a la Jeanne Dielman, except this movie's happening over the course of a few years, which means our feelings are building up with the main characters. The movie has a lot of story to it, but instead of packing it with all the detective crime stuff you can expect in those Mr. Wong movies, we're getting a Jane Austen tale of love, loss, betrayal and everything attached to it. But one of the biggest, and most powerfully heartstring-teasing aspects is the ****ed-up family aspect. Through this, our noir story beats at our own feats of betrayal like a bombshell. I adored the characterization of this movie, and that's why I was happy to nominate it.

Touch of Evil

Saw this twice. It's a real shame that a standout for movie nerds is the opening cinematography, because the real meat of this movie is the realism of the setting and all of the characters' reactions, responses and actions as a result of the surroundings. In lieu of a thoroughly developed wife / female deuteragonist (a criticism I also gave Strangers on a Train, North By Northwest and Doctor Strage 2), we have a couple of cops doing their own thing and going against the powers that be for their own agenda. Both Heston and Welles play excellent foils, one being a temperamental man on the side of the law who will do anything for his wife, and one being the exact kind of person you can guarantee will justify any crime he commits with "the law." It's not my favorite Welles movie, as I still wish the lady had more development, but it's still an amazing movie.

Wow Keyser did you just do three reviews within 30 minutes of the noms being posted...That's a HoF record!

Whoa. Didn't think I'd make a record.

I was gonna add Out of the Past to it, but I think I need to watch that one again.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Whoa. Didn't think I'd make a record.

I was gonna add Out of the Past to it, but I think I need to watch that one again.
I'm impressed! I'll link yours and everyones reviews to the 1st post as usual. I'll do that as soon as I wake up

The trick is not minding
Act of Violence (1948)
Directed by: Fred Zinnemann
Nominated by: John W. Constantine
Length: 1h 22m

The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
Directed by: John Huston
Nominated by: Edarsenal
Length: 1h 52m

Criss Cross (1949)
Directed by: Robert Siodmak
Nominated by: Citizen
Length: 1h 24m

Detour (1945)
Directed by: Edgar G. Ulmer
Nominated by: Thief
Length: 1h 6m

Gilda (1946)
Directed by: Charles Vidor
Nominated by: Phoenix
Length: 1h 50m

Gun Crazy (1950)
Directed by: Joseph H. Lewis
Nominated by: Sean
Length: 1h 27m

The Maltese Falcon (1941)
Directed by: John Huston
Nominated by: Diehl40
Length: 1h 40m

Mildred Pierce (1945)
Directed by: Michael Curtiz
Nominated by: KeyserCorleone
Length: 1h 51m

Murder, My Sweet (1944)
Directed by: Edward Dmytryk
Nominated by: Beelzebubble
Length: 1h 35m

Out of the Past (1947)

Directed by: Jacques Tourneur
Nominated by: Gulfport Doc
Length: 1h 37m

Thieves Highway (1949)
Directed by: Jules Dassin
Nominated by: Raul
Length: 1h 34m

Touch of Evil (1958)
Directed by Orson Welles
Nominated by: Siddon
Length: 1h 35m

I’ve seen 7 out of 12.
Haven’t seen Act of Violence, Gun Crazy, Murder my Sweet, Out of the Past, or Thieves Highway.

Nice set of nominations.

Gun Crazy (1950)
Nominated by: Sean
Excellent pick from Sean...this isn.t going to "win" might even finish at the bottom...but this is a whole lot of fun for the genre piece.

The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
Nominated by: Edarsenal
Ed going with his pick for the last Hall. I think this might place higher for me on second watch because it has stuck with me a bit.

Murder, My Sweet (1944)
Nominated by: Beelzebubble

Didn't care for this one and actually prefer the neo-noir remake Farewell My Lovely.

Mildred Pierce (1945)
Nominated by: KeyserCorleone
I don't know if this is going to hold up on rewatch for me. It's a good film though,

Detour (1945)
Nominated by: Thief
Thieves Highway (1949)
Nominated by: Raul

Happy to rewatch these two because they might make my ballot with a revisiting.

Act of Violence (1948)
Nominated by: John W. Constantine

Criss Cross (1949)
Nominated by: Citizen

I might have seen these before but good to see again with a more critical eye.

And here we are with the films that should rank highly here and on the countdown

Gilda (1946)
Nominated by: Phoenix

The Maltese Falcon (1941)
Nominated by: Diehl40

Out of the Past (1947)

Nominated by: Gulfport Doc

Touch of Evil (1958)
Directed by Orson Welles
Nominated by: Siddon
Length: 1h 35m

I don't know what version of the film they should see...I think the Theatrical cut is actually the worst one

Trouble with a capital "T"
Touch of Evil (1958)
Directed by Orson Welles
Nominated by: Siddon
Length: 1h 35m

I don't know what version of the film they should see...I think the Theatrical cut is actually the worst one
When you say theatrical cut, do you mean the first version that was edited without Orson Welles guidance and originally shown in the theater?

I first watched Touch of Evil for the Noir HoF II, the person who nominated it drop out so it's not listed as being in an HoF. I had wrote this about the different versions of the movie:
I just watched Touch of Evil, excellent film. There's the edited by the studio version done without Orson Welles permission much like was done with Magnificent Ambersons and The Lady From Shanghai.

Then there's a 1978 reworked version.
Then there's the fully restored to Orson Welles's original intent version which was done in 1998 which is called the restored version. I highly recommended the 1998 version as it's what Orson had intended the film to be.

If you see title credits role during the opening scene, that's not the restored version. Orson specified that no credits roll during the opening scene and in the 1998 version they don't.

About the different versions:

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've seen all the noms except Thieves Highway (1949). I considered some of the other noms for my own choice. One of the noms is in my Top 10 profile and many of them are contenders for my Noir Countdown ballot. Looking forward to rewatching all of them.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Gun Crazy

My nom that I just watched a couple of weeks ago. I like fun movies, but I don't think it's too often I love a movie when I feel like that's the main point going for it. I just thought this was a blast. Also has maybe my favorite femme fatale. The story is silly but imaginative. the dialogue is funny and colorful. I don't really have a ton to say about it. i just hope everyone enjoys it as much as I did.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Thieves Highway

A Noir of highs and lows for me. The highs were very high though. I love the opening scene. There is a very tense scene about half an hour in that had me sitting up straight a couple of times, that's one I won't soon forget. The climatic scene is also fantastic.

The problem for me comes with the protagonist. I like the actor, but the character as a whole is slightly baffling. I kept expecting his plan to some together, but instead I just kept getting left asking what in the world is intentions are. This wouldn't be a big problem if the character was written as dumb, but that's not how he comes across 80% of the time. I also thought the relationship with his girlfriend was under developed. Which leaves that arc very unsatisfying.

Overall this Noir has much more good than bad, and I am glad it was nominated.