The most unfunny comedian actor of all time?


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I haven't heard that, Seanc. What's the beef with Martin and SNL? I don't think I've watched SNL since 1980.
Oh no, it’s just that he was never actually a cast member. He was on so much we all assume he was.

He's autistic, so this might play a part in that

Oh great, now what does that make me?.. an a** lol

The interviews with him and murray are great though i just thought he wasn't good at interviews.

Im sure there's alot of comedians who arnt always "on" especially writers. A lot of standup comedians i love do put on a show when doing interviews (which is their job) so i understand it's not all natural.

Will Ferrell wins this in a landslide.
I used to think he was a pud when I was younger but as I aged hes become quite funny in a non-insulting way, which is great, because most comdeians think the only way to get a laugh is tear someone else apart. And for me that gets old fast.

Jim Carrey supposedly only playing grinning clowns has to be the worst undermining of his talent I've ever seen. I do gets tons of fun out of those roles, but he's proven on countless occasions he's capable of much more, such as The Truman Show, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, I Love You Phillip Morris and yes, Kick-Ass 2 despite how disappointing the movie as a whole was.

And Dan Aykroyd is a great actor all-around, what's with this thread only featuring awesome talents so far?

"Of all time" is too harsh for me to think of one, but I've started disliking Nick Kroll after History Of The World: Part II. He was so incredibly annoying in that show, and it's led me to not really want to see him in other stuff.
I think Jim Carey climbed the Mt. Everest of comedy but never found his way back to Earth and he'll never be normal again.

Does Sarah Silverman count? Not sure she's acted but she's never made me laugh.
You're not sure if she's acted? That's all the excuse I need to post, yet again, the greatest opening to any film ever. Enjoy!


Jack Black is an original.
Yes, but an original what, is the question.

As to the OP? There's just too many contenders for that crown, many of them already mentioned in here.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

You're not sure if she's acted? That's all the excuse I need to post, yet again, the greatest opening to any film ever. Enjoy!

I've not seen that one and I don't think that will be changing anytime soon judging by that clip.

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
Jim Carrey supposedly only playing grinning clowns has to be the worst undermining of his talent I've ever seen.
Talent? What talent?

The guy is grinning and grimacing like a complete braindead maniac and some guys call it "talent". Then when Carey is not grinning and grimacing like a maniac for a change, some still call it "talent".

but he's proven on countless occasions he's capable of much more, such as The Truman Show,
Capable of what? Capable of actually acting without grinning and grimacing?

And Dan Aykroyd is a great actor all-around
But this thread ain´t about "good actors". It is about "funny" actors who aren´t funny at all.

Trouble with a capital "T"
You're not sure if she's acted? That's all the excuse I need to post, yet again, the greatest opening to any film ever. Enjoy!
Ha, that was funny! But that's the second greatest opening to any film, this is the first

Even as someone who can barely tolerate Jim Carey in film or in real life, the guy is a ****ing master in physical comedy. To reduce what he does to just grinning and grimacing is to not acknowledge the imagination which he brings to that physicality. Yes, he's got the try-hards, but the guy is a phenomenal talent. He just ends up in a lot of crap that I don't find funny. And does interviews which annoy me.

Most of these selections wouldn't even be top ten picks in my eyes...

Bill Cosby, Kevin James, Bob Hope, Jerry Lewis, Ashtor Kutcher, Rob Schiender, Katherine Heigel, Jim Varney....

George Lopez
(I once sat through his entire routine and barely even cracked a smile - his material just seemed so cliched and done by every other Latino comic... or maybe they stole it from him? Either way, not too funny.)

Even as someone who can barely tolerate Jim Carey in film or in real life, the guy is a ****ing master in physical comedy. To reduce what he does to just grinning and grimacing is to not acknowledge the imagination which he brings to that physicality. Yes, he's got the try-hards, but the guy is a phenomenal talent. He just ends up in a lot of crap that I don't find funny. And does interviews which annoy me.
Carey actually started out as an impersonation comic. And his impersonations were insane.
I've never seen anyone else do Bruce Dern!

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
I thought I had an answer for this, then I realized I discarded them from my memory. I will say it's no one already mentioned.
Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.