Films about a Cult


There is so many good films scented around a cult. For instance, The invitation ,The master, Midsummer, Mandy, eyes wide shut, Videodrone etc. What's your favourite movie cult? And is there a cult in a film that you would join?

Personally I think the worse cult to join would be in the film... The invitation. Which is a cult loosely based on a real cult that was called heavens gate

Fight club would be tempting to join but there would be no women in the cult 😔

A system of cells interlinked
Off the top of my head, would also add Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene and Faults.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Il nido del ragno (The Spider Labyrinth) and The Empty Man first popped into my mind.
Back to the 80s!

Battlefield Earth

Scented indeed.

I would join most cults, I think. Bring it on.

You're already in one, MoFo.

Love this film hardly ever hear anyone talk about it.

The only movie i own that is cult related is Rosemarys Baby.
You'd think there'd be more cult movies, eh? It was overshadowed that year by such films as Kids i believe which was so much more shocking, Safe is a quieter entry and may see a resurgence in popular esteem.

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"The Rocky Horror Picture Show" - this is the name came into my mind.

'The Sound of My Voice'.

'Martha, Marcy May Marlene' is a very good, chilling film, hugely underrated.
The Sound of My Voice is quite unique imo as
WARNING: spoilers below
she’s shown to be ‘right’.

Wicker Man, for sure.

The Sound of My Voice is quite unique imo as
WARNING: spoilers below
she’s shown to be ‘right’.

Anyway, some other examples, The Void, The Empty Man, Beyond the Black Rainbow (also from Mandy's Panos Cosmatos, Rosemary's Baby.
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There's one that I wanna mention, just because I thought it was an odd and interesting watch, but I don't wanna oversell it because it wasn't great. But anyway, it's a low budget Finnish film called Kyrsyä: Tuftland.

The film follows a young woman reeling in from a romantic breakup. She's studying fashion design so she accepts an offer to spend a summr in a remote village where she allegedly will work with fashion, only to stumble upon weird characters and freaky occurrences.

First reason why I wanna bring it up is because it is obscure, and I always love bringing up obscure stuff to fellow film fans; and second, because, even though it came out a couple of years before, it kinda follows similar beats to Midsommar. For someone who is not that much of a fan of Midsommar, I think I came out slightly more satisfied from this in an odd, low budget-y, "WTF" way.

I reiterate, it's not great (but neither is Midsommar)

Also, Mandy.