Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Jurassic World: Dominion (2022)

This was like a token watch just because I've seen every movie in the series. I'm not a big fan of the series, and actually have disliked a couple of the movies, but I think dinosaurs are super cool. This movie was a surprise and could be my favorite of all of them. The plot I couldn't tell you about but so what, there's a lot of action and I was entertained the whole way through. Good special effects and cast.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Titanic (25th Anniversary)

Titanic was already the film I had seen the most times in the cinema (5) so why not one more? I loved it when it came out but it was never quite the same on the small screen. Often people say something ought to be seen on the big screen but for Titanic it really does make all the difference.

And you know what? It's still good. I think it is sometimes unfairly maligned for being a crowd pleaser and for being a romance. I've always thought that slightly cheesy action movies get a pass more than slightly cheesy romantic movies.

I was 16 when Titanic came out and I loved the romance (and probably had a bit of a crush on both Leo and Kate). Now, I feel like it could have worked well as an ensemble type of movie but the romance is still touching.

Obviously she should not have got off the lifeboat and the dialogue could do better than them shouting "Rose" and "Jack!" I watched it in 3D this time but I don't think it really added anything.

Apart from that, there's very little to complain about. It's still admirably epic in scale, tense and thrilling as a disaster movie with effects that have aged much better than a lot of subsequent movies.

Back in the 90s I watched this film with different people - my boyfriend, my friends, my parents - and today I watched it with my son. He thought it was really good. I think there's something to be said for a film that can reach people across generations like that.

I forgot the opening line.
They slot into my Marvel films list at 23rd and 19th places respectively.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

SF = Zzz

[Snooze Factor Ratings]:
Z = didn't nod off at all
Zz = nearly nodded off but managed to stay alert
Zzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed
Zzzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed but nodded off again at the same point and therefore needed to go back a number of times before I got through it...
Zzzzz = nodded off and missed some or the rest of the film but was not interested enough to go back over it

'The Menu' (2022)

Directed by Mark Mylod

This film made me laugh alot. A group of wealthy people go to an island for an extortionate meal cooked by a leading chef (Ralph Fiennes). It's co written and directed by the team behind 'Succession', and some of that brutal comedy is on show here.

It is a ridiculous satire on the pretentiousness of fine dining but also alot more than that, it scrutinises the wealthy, those with power and those who have risen to an upper class, in which they don't really belong. Fiennes, Nicholas Hoult and Anya Taylor-Joy are fine, and the captions describing the food get funnier and funnier.

This is an example of an ensemble cast comedy that is written well. It's an absurd plot that knows it's an absurd plot and doesn't try to be too clever. Whereas something like 'Knives Out' wasn't as funny, wasn't as clever, wasn't as intriguing, was more of a pastiche and didn't land (in my humble opinion). The Menu is a tasty treat if you're looking for a light hearted, fun experience.

DEAD CALM 1989 Phillip Noyce (re-watch)
- 75/100

1h 36m | Horror | Thriller
Writer: Terry Hayes, Charles Williams
Cast: Nicole Kidman, Sam Neill, Billy Zane

Had a great time with this first re-watch since '89, lots of nostalgia. Nicole Kidman never looked better than in this definitive sea-faring psycho Thriller. Perfect late night entertainment.

THIRTEEN LIVES 2022 Ron Howard
+ 74/100

2h 27m | Action | Adventure | Biography | Drama | Thriller
Writer: William Nicholson, Don MacPherson
Cast: Viggo Mortensen, Colin Farrell, Joel Edgerton, Tom Bateman, Paul Gleeson, Teeradon Supapunpinyo

An almost impossible international rescue operation of a young Thai soccer team trapped in a cave due to a massive flood. Based on a true story. Excellent job by Howard recreating the tension, and the extremely claustrophobic situations.

No clue why I bailed out of this the first time round. It’s an excellent movie. (Surely has the most “f bombs” of any movie ever made.)
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Decision to Leave (2022, Park Chan-wook)

In short, excellent film, technically impressive, intelligent, funny, but to me it falls short of a 5/5.

I think my favorite aspect of it is how deftly Park Chan-wook uses visuals, pace and rhythm to build such a dense and intricate narrative structure — look at how much is going on in just the opening thirty minutes or so (the film is over 2 hours long in total). You can just tell the film is shot by a seasoned filmmaker who's seen it all and knows everything about his craft — the cinematic language is so fluid and nuanced. I still feel like something is missing though....perhaps after a while it gets a bit too smart and convoluted for its own good? I dunno, I probably need to see it again, there's definitely a lot of detail in this film that's hard to soak in on first viewing.

'The Menu' (2022)

Directed by Mark Mylod

This film made me laugh alot. A group of wealthy people go to an island for an extortionate meal cooked by a leading chef (Ralph Fiennes). It's co written and directed by the team behind 'Succession', and some of that brutal comedy is on show here.

It is a ridiculous satire on the pretentiousness of fine dining but also alot more than that, it scrutinises the wealthy, those with power and those who have risen to an upper class, in which they don't really belong. Fiennes, Nicholas Hoult and Anya Taylor-Joy are fine, and the captions describing the food get funnier and funnier.

This is an example of an ensemble cast comedy that is written well. It's an absurd plot that knows it's an absurd plot and doesn't try to be too clever. Whereas something like 'Knives Out' wasn't as funny, wasn't as clever, wasn't as intriguing, was more of a pastiche and didn't land (in my humble opinion). The Menu is a tasty treat if you're looking for a light hearted, fun experience.

I enjoyed it too. I bailed out of the 2nd Knives Out. Kept falling asleep & literally losing the plot.

I agree with what you’ve written & don’t need to write further myself.

No clue why I bailed out of this the first time round. It’s an excellent movie. (Surely has the most “f bombs” of any movie ever made.)
It’s intense. Feels like each viewing should come with a Xanax.

Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers (2022)

This was recommended to me, and I wanted to blow it off since it just seemed like another vanilla animated movie on the surface. But it actually is outstanding, to the point where you almost need to be an adult to appreciate what they are going for here. Great for kids though too, as my daughter loved it!

DEAD CALM 1989 Phillip Noyce (re-watch)
- 75/100

1h 36m | Horror | Thriller
Writer: Terry Hayes, Charles Williams
Cast: Nicole Kidman, Sam Neill, Billy Zane

Nicole Kidman never looked better than in this definitive sea-faring psycho Thriller. Perfect late night entertainment.

Hey, that's back when Nicole was a kid, man.

22 is not a kid, not even a teen, get yo facts straight, what the.. are you even implying, or trying to accomplish.. smh.. maybe on the poster it looks that way but that differs from the way she looks in the movie.

I was just looking for a play on words with her last name, "Kidman." And she was Kidman, man!

DEAD CALM 1989 Phillip Noyce (re-watch)
- 75/100

1h 36m | Horror | Thriller
Writer: Terry Hayes, Charles Williams
Cast: Nicole Kidman, Sam Neill, Billy Zane

Had a great time with this first re-watch since '89, lots of nostalgia. Nicole Kidman never looked better than in this definitive sea-faring psycho Thriller. Perfect late night entertainment.

THIRTEEN LIVES 2022 Ron Howard
+ 74/100

2h 27m | Action | Adventure | Biography | Drama | Thriller
Writer: William Nicholson, Don MacPherson
Cast: Viggo Mortensen, Colin Farrell, Joel Edgerton, Tom Bateman, Paul Gleeson, Teeradon Supapunpinyo

An almost impossible international rescue operation of a young Thai soccer team trapped in a cave due to a massive flood. Based on a true story. Excellent job by Howard recreating the tension, and the extremely claustrophobic situations.
So glad someone else watched Thirteen Lives...thought I was the only one. I agree Ron Howard did an incredible job.

Jack Be Nimble (1993)

New Zealand film that's a weird combination of a dreary drama and a creepy supernatural horror. I thought it was a little uneven and inconsistent to actually call it good, but it's also strangely different in a good way. Worth a watch.

'Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession' (1973)
Directed by Leonid Gaidai

Completely bonkers early 1970s Soviet comedy. A man invents a time machine and inadvertently sends his next door neighbour back to sixteenth century Moscow - where he discovers he looks like Tsar Ivan the terrible. He and a friend have to disguise themselves and act like they know what they're doing in order to avoid being beheaded.

Meanwhile the real Ivan the terrible has switched places and is running around an apartment block with a poleaxe in modern day Moscow.

It's slapstick, has musical numbers, is very basic comedy but for some reason I kept going. It has touches of Monty Pythonesque surrealism and is actually laugh out loud funny in places, even if some of the Soviet jokes were lost on me.

Only 88 minutes long, so worked a treat for when you need something light hearted that didn't take itself at all seriously.