Family movie night suggestion.


Hi everyone. I am looking for a movie suggestion to watch with the family tonight. My wife and son watch a movie together once a week and we always have a genre or topic that we take turns picking. This time around the theme is "Movie suggested by a friend"

This week's criteria:

It must be something I have not seen before.

It cannot be overtly sexual or have a lot of nudity *My son is a teenager, but we like to keep it somewhat "family" ) "R" rating is fine, but a lot of sex scenes or a lot of naked people is a no go.

Nothing too mainstream - we have probably already seen that.

Foreign films are totally cool as long as subs are available - we try to avoid dubbing unless it is done really well.

That is it, or all I can think of right now.

I know you all have no idea what I have already seen, but just throw out some ideas. If this goes well maybe I will ask now and then for suggestions as we have been doing this going on 3 years or so and running out of ideas. Please also do not throw up a large list of films, I can google that or look at the top 100 lists on here - and I have done that too. This is a great site for finding movies to watch., I want movies that you feel are great and special or thoughtful or whatever suits your fancy.

I will review whatever show we pick in the thread here.

Thanks much.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Have you seen The Fabelmans? I would recommend that. It is available to rent or purchase on demand and it's one of the best films of the year.

Thanks - We have actually not seen either of those. Fableman's is on my too watch list.
Pinocchio looks like an interesting twist to a story I always loved.

I am looking for a movie suggestion to watch with the family tonight

It cannot be overtly sexual or have a lot of nudity
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Does your family/son have some favorites that could give us a clue about your taste?

Some thoughts:
Kubo and the Two Strings
Die Hard
Point Blank (60s version)

A system of cells interlinked
Hey 7th! Good to see you around.

I hope all is well!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Thanks for suggestion. I have seen this film, but it has been quite awhile. Maybe next time we do something sci-fi or even romance related we will check it out..

Does your family/son have some favorites that could give us a clue about your taste?

Some thoughts:
Kubo and the Two Strings
Die Hard
Point Blank (60s version)
Thank you for suggestions, we have seen these before - We all really liked Kubo.

Thank you for suggestions, we have seen these before - We all really liked Kubo.
Here are some suggestions that have less than 8000 votes on IMDb

Velocipastor--maybe the best intentionally bad film. There is some brief nudity, I believe, but not a lot. Lots of cheesy velociraptor related carnage.

On the Count of Three--dark, dark comedy about two friends who decide to spend one last day together before helping each other die. Definitely only for a more mature teenager, and does have some heavy content, like mentions of serious bullying and child abuse.

Road Games--horror/thriller/comedy with Stacy Keach as a truck driver who suspects the driver of a van may be a murderer

Pilgrimage--historical (fictional) action-adventure film

Derek DelGaudio's In & Of Itself --a live show by a storyteller and comedian. My whole family really dug this, including my little brother who isn't really into movies

Disorder--a soldier with PTSD is assigned to guard the wife and child of a wealthy man. He begins to think they are in danger, but is it real or just in his head?

I forgot the opening line.
Some recent non-mainstream films that I really liked :

Help (2021) - Horror hits a nursing home staffed by one lone carer when the pandemic hits and she finds herself with stricken patients and a hospital system so overloaded that there is nobody coming to her aid. Jodie Comer and Stephen Graham.

Quo Vadis, Aida? (2020) - Great film and true story about a United Nations translator trying to save her husband and sons during the Bosnian war. Really heart-rending stuff.

Babyteeth (2019) - A terminally ill teenager and her older, drug addicted boyfriend form part of a strange family dynamic when they're accepted into a family ready to grant the girl anything she wishes.

Sorry We Missed You (2019) - From the director of I, Daniel Blake - a similar story about a family struggling to get by.

Waves (2019) - A demanding father pushes his children too far, and the family as a whole will have to deal with the consequences.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
These are some of my favorite lesser-known movies:

August Rush (2007) - An orphaned musical prodigy uses his gift to try to find his birth parents.

City Island (2009) - Prison guard Vince tells Molly from acting class, that one inmate is his 24 y.o. love child. Vince takes him home to stay with his family - straight A son with fat girl fetish, college dropout/stripper daughter and cute wife.

Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing & Charm School (2005) - A widowed man's life turns upside down when he embarks on a journey to find a dying man's long lost love.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

These are some of my favorite lesser-known movies:

August Rush (2007) - An orphaned musical prodigy uses his gift to try to find his birth parents.
I enjoyed that one a lot as a kid. Haven't seen it in ages though.