Yoda! are we all going to die????!!!


I keep trying to log into my safe place and it keeps sending me to a different site speaking of hacks and breaching of private info, tell me this is a bad nightmare and we mofo's are safe

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I keep trying to log into my safe place and it keeps sending me to a different site speaking of hacks and breaching of private info, tell me this is a bad nightmare and we mofo's are safe
Even if this is just a ruse, I'd still recommend the following:

If you shared the password to MoFo on any other site, change your password on these sites immediately (yes, even if you used a different username and even if you used a different email address there).

Sounds like a sane security precaution (though, this should've been done before, but oh well, better late than never, amirite?)
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

I keep trying to log into my safe place and it keeps sending me to a different site speaking of hacks and breaching of private info, tell me this is a bad nightmare and we mofo's are safe
Had that too this morning.

Hold firm mofos. Battle has only just commenced.

Hopefully this doesn't mean the end to this site, @Yoda - it's time to take out the lightsaber and go into battle

The Mofo army will join yea as well

Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies
https://www.movieforums.com/communit...?t=67103<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies

No issues on my Chromebook accessing the site, but couldn’t directly access it on my iPhone in safari or Chrome. I was able to get here on my phone using a link in my email.

Hi guys. Sorry for any drama/concern. Just got up, looking into things, will update you all when possible.

One thing I can say to reassure you right away, however, is that all passwords are encrypted. Even someone with full database access cannot see them.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I wouldn't consider this such a joke. Notice Yoda didn't say it was a hoax, he said he was looking into it. Sure let's hope for the best but websites get hacked all the time, you all know that.

Many people use the same email and passwords for banking, PayPal, Amazon etc. With someone's email and password a malicious person can make online purchases or payments with your account.

Take Minio's advice:
Even if this is just a ruse, I'd still recommend the following:

If you shared the password to MoFo on any other site, change your password on these sites immediately (yes, even if you used a different username and even if you used a different email address there).

Sounds like a sane security precaution (though, this should've been done before, but oh well, better late than never, amirite?)

I want to reiterate that the passwords are encrypted. But yes, if you happen to use them for anything else/anything important, obviously "better safe than sorry" is a good policy.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I want to reiterate that the passwords are encrypted
Don't want to engage in fearmongering but supposing hackers got a list of password hashes from whatever site, can't they run it against a dictionary of commonly used passwords or just brute-force and see what sticks? Hence password best practices recommend your password is at least 8 characters long, contains special characters, etc., so that brute-forcing is long enough it becomes unprofitable to hackers.

I think better safe than sorry is always a good thing.

And if you don’t have 2FA turned on the accounts that offer it…do it.
Yeah, especially your email account since it's a centerpiece of your identity on the internet (password resets on many sites are sent to your email address).

Don't want to engage in fearmongering but supposing hackers got a list of password hashes from whatever site, can't they run it against a dictionary of commonly used passwords or just brute-force and see what sticks? Hence password best practices recommend your password is at least 8 characters long, contains special characters, etc., so that brute-forcing is long enough it becomes unprofitable to hackers.

I think better safe than sorry is always a good thing.
Absolutely, it's good advice and everyone should follow it. Just want to reassure people in case any one is particularly worried.

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
I wonder, why it is taking so long to bring the site (forums) back...
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.