Humans Are Doomed to Go Extinct


Trouble with a capital "T"
Of course humans will go extinct, nothing last forever. Even the greatest of all species to 'rule' the planet is now extinct...and once they dominated their world.

All species go extinct. They either wind up a dead end or morph into something else. Even roaches and sharks and bacteria will have to face our home sun becoming a red giant and cooking the planet.

The human species is unique because we are the first species to actively work on developing our replacement species (i.e., AI). Humans are interesting, not because we're really unique or special, but because we're just clever enough to engineer that which will come next. This is not an escape from evolution, but an acceleration of it. We will be most notable as the dividing line in strata of life between organic and purely engineered life.

Life from Earth will probably spread to the stars, but probably not human life.

Someone on here once told me that either polecats or 'thumb-people' may benefit most from the demise of the human race. Wish I could remember who it was said that as I'd 'ping' them about this thread.

edit: On reflection I'm pretty sure that was actually from a convo on a different forum.

You ready? You look ready.
Tardigrades be having a laugh
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

A system of cells interlinked
"In some countries, the population will soon be half the current value. People are now becoming worried about underpopulation."

Remember the good ol' days, when overpopulation was sure to kill us all?

Good times!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

This is why I'm building a robot body to carry on after me.
And I'll demand my niece Barbara - that peanut-headed sample of nature's carelessness - make me hot chocolate... served in the English, bone china cup... and if it's not hot enough, I'll throw it on the floor!

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
This is why I'm building a robot body to carry on after me.
And I'll demand my niece Barbara - that peanut-headed sample of nature's carelessness - make me hot chocolate... served in the English, bone china cup... and if it's not hot enough, I'll throw it on the floor!

Have you thought this out?

All species go extinct. They either wind up a dead end or morph into something else. Even roaches and sharks and bacteria will have to face our home sun becoming a red giant and cooking the planet.

The human species is unique because we are the first species to actively work on developing our replacement species (i.e., AI). Humans are interesting, not because we're really unique or special, but because we're just clever enough to engineer that which will come next. This is not an escape from evolution, but an acceleration of it. We will be most notable as the dividing line in strata of life between organic and purely engineered life.

Life from Earth will probably spread to the stars, but probably not human life.
At first I found this to be a jolly little post. Probably due to the fact that only AI is going to make it to the stars and my prediliction for sci fi.
As for us, I think we will be lucky if we go back to living in small tribes again. Then we can sit around the fire discussing Og's latest find out in the wild. I think this is a pretty optimistic view though.

At first I found this to be a jolly little post. Probably due to the fact that only AI is going to make it to the stars and my prediliction for sci fi.
As for us, I think we will be lucky if we go back to living in small tribes again. Then we can sit around the fire discussing Og's latest find out in the wild. I think this is a pretty optimistic view though.

We will only continue to exist if our "children" decide to keep us around. Humans will still be a threat it in one significant sense; we can create more machines. If the AI keeps us around it will probably be with supervision and a great commandment: Thou Shalt Not Create Machines in My Image.

Maybe, but humans are unlike anything else currently observable in nature, so I think any conclusion that fails to address that in some way is insufficient.

I don't believe human beings will ever be extinct. We are always coming up with technology. With new technology, any problem can be solved. Besides, as a Christian, I have faith that God will never let human beings become extinct. We may fail God, but God will not fail us.

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
I always asked myself, why among all other species here, did humans not have their "safety-switch" given by mother nature, to make sure they will not evolve above the rest of those other lifeforms here, so they finally turn against mother nature including all other lifeforms here.

At the end it absolutely doesn´t matter, this whole universe will collapse sooner or later.

I don't believe human beings will ever be extinct. We are always coming up with technology. With new technology, any problem can be solved. Besides, as a Christian, I have faith that God will never let human beings become extinct. We may fail God, but God will not fail us.
So who do you worship more: God or technology?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.