The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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Time to decide the next hint!

The world doesn't revolve around you, DC.
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Now to the awards received by Before Sunset...

  • Empire Award for Best Actress (Julie Delpy)
  • International Cinephile Society Award for Best Picture
  • National Board of Review Special Recognition for excellence in filmmaking
  • New York Film Critics Online Award for Top Films of the Year
  • Online Film & Television Association Award for Best Cinematic Moment (Final Scene)

As for The Lives of Others, it won...

  • Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film (Germany)
  • BAFTA Award for Best Foreign Language Film
  • ACCEC Award for Best Foreign Film
  • Adelaide Film Festival Audience Award for Best Feature
  • Bambi Award for Best Actor (Sebastian Koch)
  • Chlotrudis Award for Best Original Screenplay (Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck)


Before Sunset

Did you know that...
  • Linklater's original idea for the film had a bigger budget and would be filmed in four locations? When they didn't secure the funding, they scaled back the concept.
  • the longest take lasts about 11 minutes?
  • the movie was filmed in 15 days, shooting mostly on afternoons?
  • Julie Delpy wrote three of the songs she performs on the film?


The Lives of Others

Did you know that...
  • actor Ulrich Mühe found out after German reunification that he himself had been spied on by fellow actors, colleagues, and allegedly his then wife? When they asked how he prepared for his role, he replied "I remembered".
  • all the equipment that Wiesler uses to spy is actual Stasi equipment loaned from museums and collectors?
  • actor Sebastian Koch practiced piano for 4 hours a day for 6 weeks so his character could play "Sonata for a Good Man"?

Seen The Lives of Others once. Good movie and lead performance for sure, but it never really grabbed me. Definitely a movie I'd be willing to try again.

I've seen Before Sunrise unfortunately. I thought maybe I've seen Before Sunset but then I'm sure I'd remember the 12 hours it took for me to clean up my vomit. If a movie comes which has those characters meeting a violent end, someone please let me know and I will quit my job to watch it as fast as I can.

Hint, hint...

WARNING: spoilers below

You know his name
Who he was, who he is
Raise a glass for him
As he finds his peace

Are you having fun?
Bottles, cups, a crown
Maybe some murder
Is that a thumbs down?

Maybe we can do this
Teach it or write
So others remember
That you can fight

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Yeah, thinkin' Gladiator too. Not the sequel tho. As to the other, all I can hear now is Chris Cornell belting out, "YOU KNOW MY NAME!!!" in the title track to Casino Royale. Thanks for that random association.

I forgot the opening line.
42. Before Sunset : This looks great, and has one of my favourite actors - Ethan Hawke - in it. Somehow, I've never heard of it before. I'll be getting onto it (and the others in this trilogy) in haste.

41. The Lives of Others : I watched this only a week ago as part of my ongoing quest to see all the films that were on the Foreign Language Countdown. I was completely blown away by it, and gave it a 10/10 rating. Haven't seen many films that delve into the life of Germans stuck in the East after the Second World War, under the thumb of the Stasi and living in fear. Yet, despite the potentially depressing setting, this is one of the more life-affirming films I've seen, giving me a renewed sense of hope in the potential for individuals to change when they come into the sphere of other good people. Ulrich Mühe I'd never heard of or seen before, but he gives a tremendous performance as a cruel true believer dedicated to a dark cause. It's a film that never takes a wrong step, right up to a perfect ending that had me feeling just about every positive and negative emotion there is to feel. I watched it too late for it to make my list - and it would definitely have been a candidate, in exchange for a film on a lower rung that I'd have to admit isn't as good as The Lives of Others.

Seen 48/60
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Let the night air cool you off
To finish up that list of the ones that *almost* made it to our Top 100, here are the next 5...

106. The Aviator (63 points)
107. Millennium Actress (62 points)
108. Gran Torino (61 points)
109. Michael Clayton (59 points)
110. Everything Will Be OK (59 points)

There you go!
Can we get these also-rans on the first page somewhere? It'd be nice to easily find them if I wanted to see what could have been.

Let the night air cool you off
I voted for both Adaptation. and Everything Will Be OK. My list is looking like this so far:

3. Everything Will Be OK
5. Synecdoche, New York
9. American Psycho
14. Adaptation.
15. Punch-Drunk Love
25. Jason X

I wonder if Kingdom of Heaven beat Gladiator?
I think if Kingdom of Heaven had made the countdown it would've shown by now. I don't think it's all that popular on the forum, though of course I could be wrong about that.

Lives of Others is the highest on my watch list for films that have made it, looks spectacular
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

I've seen Before Sunset and the first one also but it's been awhile. I remember the last scene in BS and it has always stuck with me, that happy, uplifting scene. I'm kind of afraid to watch the final film in the trilogy for fear that things will not be as happy. I've also got a bad habit of not finishing films in a series lately. So maybe I can get this trilogy finished soon. Not on my list.

The Lives of Others is one I've barely heard of. The most I've heard is here on this countdown but it doesn't sound like one that I'd like. But who knows? Not on my list.

#5. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 63
#8. Unbreakable 62
#10. Million Dollar Baby 57
#22. Fantastic Mr. Fox 70
#20. Iron Man 83
#21 Finding Nemo 44
#23. The Descent 80
#25. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 76
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Haven't seen many films that delve into the life of Germans stuck in the East after the Second World War, under the thumb of the Stasi and living in fear.
If you want to see more films along that line, I recommend Petzold's Barbara (2012).