The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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Oh there coming , the newbies that didn't make the 2010 list are taking ova lol
Oh, don't look at me I can assure you I didn't have any MCU film on my list.

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Two great movies. I sound like a broken record although it’s to be expected with the scope of this list, but I really need to watch again. I watched a lot of Fellini’s major films early on in my film watching days.

Butch Cassidy is a film I enjoyed when I first saw it but didn’t absolutely love. My brother watched it last year and loved it, he couldn’t believe that I had never really sounded enthusiastic about it or recommended it to him before. So I watched it again with him to see if I would enjoy it more. I thought it was superb, such a great script with lots of humour and enjoyable moments. Then I found it it was one of my step-dad’s favourite films and watched it again a few weeks later! I don’t think I included it on my list but it was in strong consideration.

20/20 seen.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Here's a question I was thinking about looking at my list. How many of your 25 have you only seen once? I have 3. I love to rewatch movies but there is so much left out there to see that many times I skip a rewatch for something new. I really value that initial watch too. Maybe more than I should considering my memory. Thoughts?

My Summary:
Seen: 15/20
My list: 0/25

Random list stats:
New films: 14/20
Films from the old list that dropped: 6/6
Films from the old list that jumped: 0/6

Decade breakdown (so far)
1920s: 0
1930s: 0
1940s: 0
1950s: 2
1960s: 5
1970s: 4
1980s: 3
1990s: 4
2000s: 1
2010s: 1

Director's with multiple films on the list (so far)
Spielberg: 2

Interesting and solid list, so far.

Here's a question I was thinking about looking at my list. How many of your 25 have you only seen once? I have 3. I love to rewatch movies but there is so much left out there to see that many times I skip a rewatch for something new. I really value that initial watch too. Maybe more than I should considering my memory. Thoughts?
Interesting question. I only have two I've seen once on my Top 25. Like you, I've been favoring new watches lately more than before, but I value rewatchability a lot. I think it's one of my main criteria in terms of ranking favorites.

Of course both of these films placed on the MoFo '60s List: was #16 while Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was #21. Not surprisingly Newman & Redford also placed very well on the MoFo Westerns List, finishing at #4.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

How many of your 25 have you only seen once?
Zero. Every entry on my ballot is a bona fide seen-it-more-times-than-I-can-count favorite.

I watched Butch Cassity several years back and thought it was pretty good. It probably made my ballot for the 60's countdown, but was never in consideration for this one and didn't make my Westerns ballot either. I don't think I've seen any movies from Fellini.

My Ballot:
5. Her (#94)
9. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (#92)
25. Clay Pigeons (One-Pointers)

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I love a few movies by Fellini (La Strada) but despite a second viewing, I don't like 8 1/2

I saw Butch Cassidy years ago, and was indifferent. Very unmemorable. Have no interest to ever see it.

Here's a question I was thinking about looking at my list. How many of your 25 have you only seen once?
There is one movie on my 25 list I watched only twice, the rest I've watched uncountable times.

No Top 100 entries from my list yet. I wonder if any will show up at all.

It's actually kinda exciting to think about it tbh.
The most influential movie franchise of not only our time, but probably in history... even though they're mainly non-threatening mainstream fluff...

... but might not make the MoFo Top 100... and if it does, it's made it into a higher placement than stuff like Enter The Dragon, and Butch Cassidy.

"Influential" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this post.
Well, considering since the MCU kicked off... every single large budget movie released has been a set up for Universes.
There's not been, I think, a single big budget movie released to be a singular movie on its own merit.
Everything has to be a franchise now and it's all because of the MCU.

It wouldn't hurt my feelings if the MCU was left out of the rest of this list, and this coming from a guy who generally likes the MCU.

I believe the leader in the clubhouse has only named three films from their list.I

What's MCU?
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies

The Apartment - have it at
That's actually pretty good for a Wilder flick because I either dislike his movies so much that I remember them or love them so much that I remember them.

Saving Private Ryan is one of them movies that blow you away the first time you see it but loses a little oomph with every viewing after. I still think it's a great movie but I rarely watch it start to finish anymore. Obviously the D-Day invasion is amazing filmmaking, all the battle scenes are. When it comes to war movies/battle scenes and how they're filmed, there's before SPR and after SPR.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - Saw it a long time ago and didn't really like it, at all. Revisited it a couple years ago and loved it. What changed? I don't know. Maybe it's because I got a little backstory after watching the Oscar nominated Butch and Sundance: The Early Days

None of these cracked my top 25.

Haven't seen 8 1/2. Kind of surprising but I haven't seen anything from Fellini. Probably my biggest blindspot. I thought I had seen Satyricon but there's no proof of it actually happening. From what I've heard 8 1/2 is not the Fellini pic to start off with. Criterion is currently streaming nine of his movies so maybe I'll get one knocked off soon.

Master of My Domain
8 1/2 is one of my favorite films of all-time, possibly top ten. Where do I even begin? This film is a nightmare, hallucination, and blissful dream all at once. It's a film about filmmaking, yes, but it's also about a man making sense of the unapologetic world around him –– one where a 'writer's block' is an excuse, not a genuine issue. The surrealistic imagery is what many recall. But I also want to credit Fellini's storytelling, which infuses a sense of focus with a clear goal and stakes: The main character, Guido, must complete a science fiction movie in time. As someone who's both struggles with mild anxiety and loves being creative (often failing), a lot of this film speaks to me. Fellini made it so I don't have to.

I'm also a huge fan of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid! It's a movie you can turn to enjoy and relax without having to feel guilty afterwards. Hilarious banter, awesome action –– even by today's standards –– and two iconic performances. Easy Top 100 material.
Letterboxd Profile:

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I think 4 times is the lowest amount I have rewatched something on my list. A lot over 10+ and some over 20+
I cannot conceive seeing something that much. I, maybe, have a couple movies that approach 10. Only one of those made my list, and almost didn't. Fatigue sets in watching something that much for me. I feel like I start to see the warts more than the stuff I love. More on that when they show. Don't want to to talk about stuff I know is coming.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - Saw it a long time ago and didn't really like it, at all. Revisited it a couple years ago and loved it. What changed? I don't know. Maybe it's because I got a little backstory after watching the Oscar nominated Butch and Sundance: The Early Days

You really appreciate those Oscar-nominated costumes, huh? That is the lone Academy Award nod Butch & Sundance: The Early Days received, losing to Bob Fosse's All That Jazz. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was nominated for seven Oscars including Best Picture and Best Director winning for William Goldman's still influential Best Original Screenplay, Connie Hall's Best Cinematography, and for Burt Bacharach's Best Original Song and Best Original Score.

Haven't seen Butch Cassidy. 8 1/2 more or less flew over my head when I watched it a few years ago. However, I need to rewatch it someday. Some of the dream-like scenes were fascinating and it has one of my favorite openings of all time.

My ratings so far:

HM: The Seventh Seal -

100. Brazil - Unseen
99. Suspiria -

98. Cabaret - Unseen
97. Enter the Dragon -

96. The Searchers - Unseen
95. Ikiru - Unseen
94. Her - Unseen
93. Braveheart -

92. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Rewatch due
91. Rosemary's Baby -

90. Harold and Maude -

89. E.T. the Extraterrestrial -

88. Akira -

87. Toy Story -

86. Dazed and Confused - Rewatch due
85. To Kill a Mockingbird -

84. The Apartment -

83. Saving Private Ryan -

82. 8 1/2 - Rewatch due
81. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid -