The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Seen both, neither on my list.
Cabaret was very recently in the Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame;


Brian Roberts: How's the, uh, gigolo campaign going?
Fritz Wendel: Terrible. This week, already I'm giving up three dinner invitations to spend thirty-two marks on her.
Brian Roberts: That's quite a sacrifice.
Fritz Wendel: And here's the craziness: I like it. God damn it!
Brian Roberts: What?
Fritz Wendel: I think I'm falling in love with her.
Brian Roberts: Oh, I'm so sorry.
Fritz Wendel: So am I.

Life is a cabaret old chum
so come to the cabaret

Watching the first episode of the mini-series Fosse/Verdon last night it featured some behind-the-scenes situations regarding this nomination so I just had to watch it today.

A sublime, melancholy film whose inner pain is given a kind of mercurial haven within the colorfully raunchy stage productions of the local Kit Kat Klub.
Reviving a Broadway production that was inspired by the true stories written by Christopher Isherwood about him and close friend, Jean Ross, during the 30's in Germany, Bob Fosse did an excellent vision of a truly dark lit, burlesque club and balanced it with two newly met friends (Liza Minnelli and Michael York) and their own tragic excursions with love. Giving the finale song, Cabaret a more ardent depth and meaning, it is no wonder that anyone of a theatrical nature attempting to pull themselves out from beneath one of life's emotional brutalities will sadly chuckle these words like a hymn.

An antithesis to the normal musical, there is no bright lights, or bright colors with every detail lit up for all to see. The numbers are of a garish nature befitting a small night club and that, I feel, brings even more life to them. Fosse with the un-credited assistance of his wife, Gwen Verdon brings forth a prolific musical that doesn't sugarcoat the tragic while giving the broken heart a song it yearns to sing and a spotlight to hide in. albeit with a show must go on, smile.


While it has been a decade or more since I last watched it, Bruce Lee was and remains The Man when it came to Kung Fu cinema, and Enter the Dragon was THE film of his that everyone remarks on when talking about him.
Technically, he was very much a Master and introduced a new style of fighting in his time.
Very, VERY glad to see him included in this Countdown.

Movies Watched 3 out of 4 (75%)
25. Cyrano de Bergerac (1950) One Pointer
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Ahh, I must have missed reading that, not surprising as this thread moves really fast! I'm almost always confused (but seldom angry)

I'm never sharp! but I'm glad someone thinks I am on occasion
The next movie should be Citizen Kane to make you more confused and angry lol

Somebody taking the reigns of Sexy Celebrity in this countdown. I like it!
I miss Sexy and he would be fun during this countdown.. with all of his sharp-witted comments..

Can't help thinking of the parady of this scene in " A Fistful of Yen" (Kentucky Fried Movie).

You have my gratitude.

Welcome to the human race...
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Aaaand new signature.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Searching for a meaning gotta be some sort of a life lesson movie or a very confusing plot which involves alot of explanation, I'm going all out and saying Inception (confusing plot) and Breakfast Club (life lesson) watch I'm way off lol

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Speaking of tomorrow's films...tomorrow's clue:

Exactly how many movies about killer vibrators can we expect on this list

Depends on the number of Mr. minio alt accounts.
Perhaps Jace has many additional accounts that we dont know about or Yoda... he could be a newer member... just think of the vibrator jokes he would/could make.

I take back what I said about agreeing with Minio. He sucks.
Aaah, a man who watched every single film ever made only to fill his top 10 with perfectible sunday afternoon watch flicks. Still love you tho
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Off topic question - how do I link something on my posts when I post something like how Mark F has a link to his IMDB page on his posts, just curious, I never knew how to do it

Off topic question - how do I link something on my posts when I post something like how Mark F has a link to his IMDB page on his posts, just curious, I never knew how to do it
On PC: User CP, under Your Profile, click Edit Signature

@MovieFan1988, either when editing your signature, like @John-Connor said, or when writing any post, you can use the "Link" button to, well, link to any website ()

Not sure if that's what you were asking, or just the path to "Edit the signature".
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

On PC: User CP, under Your Profile, click Edit Signature
I did but everytime I copied and paste the link, it seems to not show up on the posts

edit: it seemed to work, I guess I just needed to make a new post lol, was gonna do a link for my 100 favorite movies but I'll wait until the countdown list is done

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I saw "The Last Dragon" when I was a kid, and don't really consider it "watched". I do remember Kareem Abdul-Jabbar being in it (or one of those movies) because my only interest in my single aged years was basketball and drawing.

I never saw "Cabaret" as I have a complete aversion to Musicals.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Speaking of tomorrow's films...tomorrow's clue:

To quote a movie Mark F loves, "We're gonna need a bigger clue"

Searching for meaning on a Greatest Movies list could be a majority of the nominations.