What Non-English Languages Do You Watch The Most Movies From?


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If you don't want to indicate the country you are from, maybe you can tell us your "mother" language. I think it would be cool to have context.

Besides English, I'll rank them as following:


Aside from English these are my most seen languages for movies:

1. French (57)
2. German (35)
2. Japanese (35)
4. Spanish (34)
4. Italian (34)
Lists and Projects

The trick is not minding
It all depends on for me. Years ago, I went though a French, Italian and Japanese phase. A few years ago went through German films. Lately it’s been China and South Korean with other languages mixed in. Spain, Mexico, Italy, And any other Language I come across Mixed in as I see fit

Interesting question!

I am a native English speaker. I speak pretty good Spanish and something like beginner German (though boy has this faded from being almost intermediate because I never get to use it in my day-to-day life!). I do quite enjoy watching Spanish films because I like translating what I think they're saying and then checking myself with the subtitles.

From what I can glean from IMDb:

French -- 76
Japanese -- 57
Spanish -- 45
Korean -- 26
German --22
Swedish -- 20 (yes, like 9 of them are Bergman films)
Russian -- 14
Mandarin -- 11
Hindi -- 7
Persian -- 5
Czech -- 4

Interesting OP. I’m British so obviously I speak English. Definitely do not have a “thing” for foreign movies like I used to have. French movies, e.g., have become so tiresome. Were they always so “talky”.

I enjoyed my visits to Spain & I still enjoy Almodóvar.

Love the Gomorrah tv series from Italy. It’s so brilliant.

I think I mostly watch American stuff these days. But always with subtitles.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I am Indian, and my mother tongue is Marathi. I do speak Hindi, and understand a fair bit of Gujarati, Punjabi and Bengali. I also speak Sanskrit but there aren't any Sanskrit movies, considering it's an ancient language.

Of the non English languages, I watch a ton of Hindi (Bollywood) and Marathi movies. I rate Marathi movies substantially higher than Bollywood.

I have watched movies in Bengali, Punjabi, Malayalam and recently Assamese.

Of the foreign non English languages, I love the South Korean movies and rate their industry very highly.

I am sucker for Studio Ghibli movies so that's Japanese.

I have a watched a fair bit of French, Brazilian (Portuguese), Spanish (Spain, Mexico, Argentina), German and couple of Russian movies.

I have even watched Indonesian action movies.

I consider American-English a foreign language, so that would be my winner. Sneakers? Fanny pack? Bangs?... I rest my case.
Don’t forget hood & trunk.

You people need to watch more non-English language films.

The number is probably understated as it's from a website that doesn't have all films I've seen in its database. but I'm pretty sure the winner is:

1. Japan (1250)

Unless France decides otherwise, but I'm too lazy to count.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

My native language is Finnish, but I think @MovieGal watches more Finnish films than I do

This is pretty much a guess as I only have a fraction of my watched movies rated or listed somewhere. The winner is probably Japan, Germany or Italy. Very hard to make it more accurate. It's also within the realms of possibility that Finnish is actually the correct answer because 45 years under the influence of Finnish television could do that.

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Aside from English these are my most seen languages for movies:

1. French (57)
2. German (35)
2. Japanese (35)
4. Spanish (34)
4. Italian (34)
Great breakdown. Out of curiosity, you're not using the IMDB Advanced Search, are you? I used it before, and I notice if there are two words in Spanish being spoken, it will come up as a "Spanish" movie.

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
Japanese, easily. I watch a lot, and I mean a lot of anime.
Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.

Great breakdown. Out of curiosity, you're not using the IMDB Advanced Search, are you? I used it before, and I notice if there are two words in Spanish being spoken, it will come up as a "Spanish" movie.
I'm using my letterboxd filters, but those might have the same issues :/


I don't think you can check Letterboxd by language so I have no clue. I just watch what I like..

I think it japan for sure. I guess it almost 500 for movies alone.

100 days!
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

With the exception of emerging cinemas like parts of Africa, (which I've seen mainly the works of Ousmane Sembene), I'd say it's pretty even for me. Don't have a preference other than I enjoy foreign films more than I do (most) contemporary American. Spielberg and Lucas really set a dreadful stage in the mid-to-late 70's that has lead to the most horrid crap, "The Blockbuster Age" makes me want to vomit...
Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

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With the exception of emerging cinemas like parts of Africa, (which I've seen mainly the works of Ousmane Sembene), I'd say it's pretty even for me. Don't have a preference other than I enjoy foreign films more than I do (most) contemporary American. Spielberg and Lucas really set a dreadful stage in the mid-to-late 70's that has lead to the most horrid crap, "The Blockbuster Age" makes me want to vomit...
I completely agree with your last sentence..

I also would like to see some African movies. The only one I can remember watching was "Tsotsi"