ahwell's Top 100 Movies - 2020

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Ahwell's Top 100 Movies


I had thought about doing this for a while, but didn't feel like I had seen enough movies. But now I think I've finally reached 100 movies that I can wholeheartedly endorse and say I love - and will never stop loving. This is a ranked list, but everything on here has personally affected me to varying levels.

If I already wrote something about a film on the list, I'll paste it here. If not, I'll just write a couple words describing what I like so much about the movie. Hope you all enjoy the list

The List:

100. Blazing Saddles
99. Elmer Gantry
98. Kind Hearts and Coronets
97. Rebecca
96. Eyes Wide Shut
95. Eraserhead
94. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
93. M
92. La Haine
91. McCabe and Mrs. Miller
90. Stand by Me
89. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
88. The Long Goodbye
87. Late Spring
86. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
85. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
84. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
83. Your Name
82. Toy Story 3
81. American Beauty
80. Platoon
79. The Sound of Music
78. Groundhog Day
77. The Princess Bride
76. Harakiri
75. The King of Comedy
74. Rear Window
73. Peeping Tom
72. Star Wars
71. Little Women
70. The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
69. Persona
68. Unforgiven
67. The Irishman
66. Trainspotting
65. Lady Bird
64. The Last Picture Show
63. Marriage Story
62. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
61. The Empire Strikes Back
60. Up
59. Mirror
58.The Third Man
57. Once Upon a Time in the West
56. Inside Out
55. The Seventh Seal
54. Modern Times
53. Aliens
52. North by Northwest
51. Double Indemnity
50. Frances Ha
49. Fargo
48. City of God
47. The Shawshank Redemption
46. A Clockwork Orange
45. Alien
44. Whiplash
43. The Tree of Life
42. Raiders of the Lost Ark
41. Mary and Max
40. The 400 Blows
39. Back to the Future
38. Princess Mononoke
37. Do the Right Thing
36. The Incredibles
35. Inglourious Basterds
34. Taxi Driver
33. Toy Story
32. Stalker
31. No Country for Old Men
30. The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring
29. Fantastic Mr. Fox
28. Casablanca
27. Parasite
26. Psycho
25. The Godfather Part II
24. The Shining
Lists and Projects

I’m here and impatiently waiting...
Oh yeah, and I’m going to be a sporadic poster

Will try to get #100 up today.

100. Blazing Saddles (1974)

I think it's a masterpiece. It's actually the only Mel Brooks I've seen (looking forward to Young Frankenstein), other than his short film The Critic. First of all, Blazing Saddles could never ever be made today, in a world with Political Correctness and SJWs. This movie would be shredded by those types of people... but they don't understand that the movie is actually making fun of white people and racism through it's hundreds of horrible jokes about "n*****s" and rapes and overall the bad aspects of American culture. All the white people in this movie (with the exception of the Waco Kid) are absolute idiots who have no idea what they're doing, so when this movie is criticized for being insensitive I just have to laugh. Besides its political importance, Blazing Saddles is just a good time. It's so creative, and every scene is a delight. Of course the plot is in the background, as with most spoofs. Its a parody of a Western, so its the classic "innocent people of the village vs. Cowboy murderers" type of thing. And Mel Brooks plays it out perfectly. There are legitimately catchy songs, great jokes, fun characters, and much more in this film, one of the greatest comedies of all time in my opinion.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm not a fan of Blazing Saddles But nicely done presentation! And please do watch Young Frankenstein, it's a favorite of mine. Looking forward to the rest of this list.

I've not seen Blazing Saddles in quite a long time, but the only Mel Brooks movie I'm fond of is Robin Hood: Men in Tights. (I also liked Spaceballs when I was a kid, but I doubt I'd still like it if I were to watch it now.)

I'm not a fan of Blazing Saddles But nicely done presentation! And please do watch Young Frankenstein, it's a favorite of mine. Looking forward to the rest of this list.
I watched both of those for the Golden Age Comedy HoF, as a matter of fact, I remember you bashing Blazing Saddles

Young Frankenstein would have made a top 150 but I like the humor of Blazing Saddles just a tad more.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I watched both of those for the Golden Age Comedy HoF, as a matter of fact, I remember you bashing Blazing Saddles

Young Frankenstein would have made a top 150 but I like the humor of Blazing Saddles just a tad more.
That's right Young Frankenstein was one of the noms, I think it might have been mine. But why did you say this?

It's actually the only Mel Brooks I've seen (looking forward to Young Frankenstein)

That's right Young Frankenstein was one of the noms, I think it might have been mine. But why did you say this?
Oh, oops, I should proof read these before posting. This write up was taking directly from the Hall of Fame it was in, before I had seen Young Frankenstein.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Oh, oops, I should proof read these before posting. This write up was taking directly from the Hall of Fame it was in, before I had seen Young Frankenstein.
...I do that too.

So you've seen to Mel Brooks films so far? I kinda liked Space Balls, if you're familiar with the original Star Wars you might like it.

...I do that too.

So you've seen to Mel Brooks films so far? I kinda liked Space Balls, if you're familiar with the original Star Wars you might like it.
I think I saw Space Balls but don’t remember anything of it. So yeah I think those two are the only ones right now, looking forward to the Producers especially!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I think I saw Space Balls but don’t remember anything of it. So yeah I think those two are the only ones right now, looking forward to the Producers especially!
I've not seen The Producers, but I just read about it and it sounds pretty good and the reviews it's got here are pretty high too. It's hard to go wrong with Gene Wilder in a film, the man had some serious comic timing.

The trick is not minding
Like many here, I’ve seen Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Spaceballs and Robin Hood.
Saddles and Frankenstein are great, Spaceballs is actually still pretty funny, Robin Hood is pretty bad.
I still need to see The Producers, The 12 Chairs, Silent Movie, High Anxiety, History of the World Part 1 and Life Stinks.