

Just to be that guy. You all know that even with masks, you have two wide open wet virus magnets on your face right? Seriously. Without a sealed goggle, the best you can hope is to not be around it. I just don't want anyone getting a false sense of security and making any trips they really don't need.
Just to be that girl, you all know that unless you're wearing an N95 mask (which you shouldn't be unless you're medical personnel) that mask you're wearing isn't meant to protect you from the virus, it's meant to slow the speed and shorten the trajectory of your respiratory droplets, right? You're wearing a mask to protect other people. Not you. Even surgical masks won't protect you.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I just don't want anyone getting a false sense of security and making any trips they really don't need.

I occasionally make trips to the bathroom and they're always necessary.

Trouble with a capital "T"
What kind of eye protection?
My wife just bought full face shields, which I haven't used. What I have been using in safety glasses, like the top used for wood working or weed eating. They wrap around and come close to the face.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
My wife just bought full face shields, which I haven't used. What I have been using in safety glasses, like the top used for wood working or weed eating. They wrap around and come close to the face.

It pays to be safe.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It pays to be safe.

Let me ask you a question, do you think it's silly to take precautions such as face mask, gloves and eye protection when out in public due to covid-19 dangers?

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
NIH clinical trial shows Remdesivir accelerates recovery from advanced COVID-19

Hospitalized patients with advanced COVID-19 and lung involvement who received remdesivir recovered faster than similar patients who received placebo, according to a preliminary data analysis from a randomized, controlled trial involving 1063 patients, which began on February 21. The trial (known as the Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment Trial, or ACTT), sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, is the first clinical trial launched in the United States to evaluate an experimental treatment for COVID-19.

This corona lockdown makes you do all kind of things...

I just bought me a bunch of coffee stuff so imma make loads of coffee in a thousand different ways. And I also bought a skateboard at the age of 25. Don’t know what the hell Im doing here. Send help. I’m afraid of what my next buy will be. Some ballet shoes or something who the f knows...

I would bet anybody's paycheck, the only way to be safe in public is in a sealed suit with a self-contained breathing apparatus. 😇

Sadly lost two of the five greens in the past cpl of days
Saint Lucia has 2 new cases and Yemen reported another 5 with 2 of those sadly passing

Going back to work on Monday. Might be sporadic, mixed in with working from home, but I think the time is right. It's a small team, none of us have had any symptoms (or know anyone who has), and we've all been very very careful, so we're going to give it a go.

There's a similarly tentative re-opening around here, with a few open air activities like golf courses opening back up starting tomorrow. Here's hoping.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
This corona lockdown makes you do all kind of things...

I just bought me a bunch of coffee stuff so imma make loads of coffee in a thousand different ways. And I also bought a skateboard at the age of 25. Don’t know what the hell Im doing here. Send help. I’m afraid of what my next buy will be. Some ballet shoes or something who the f knows...
"Tippy tippy toe, tippy tippy twirl!"
Do it. You might just have to save the world one day.

"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Experimental coronavirus drug Remdesivir expected to get emergency FDA approval

Early findings from an NIH study show that the median recovery time for patients who took Remdesivir was 11 days, compared to 15 for those who took the placebo. The results are preliminary, the FDA says, but are generating excitement among health care workers.

Experimental coronavirus drug Remdesivir expected to get emergency FDA approval

Early findings from an NIH study show that the median recovery time for patients who took Remdesivir was 11 days, compared to 15 for those who took the placebo. The results are preliminary, the FDA says, but are generating excitement among health care workers.
So... why is the Left now in love with Remdesivir while they went completely nuts over Hydroxychloroquine (calling it "deadly" and saying Trump had "blood on his hands!")?

(Like all drugs, both have potential adverse side-effects and contraindications. When used in the wrong patients with existing ailments both can cause heart problems or organ failures. Remdesivir can actually bring about respiratory failure in some Covid19 patients just as Hydroxychloroquine has shown to be relatively ineffective in patients in advanced stages of the virus.)

Oh... because Trump mentioned the one first - that the Left went nuts over - and not the other.

Personally, I'm "in love" with any drug or treatment that shows promise in treating Covid19... I don't care who "mentioned" it!

Trouble with a capital "T"
So... why is the Left now in love with Remdesivir while they went completely nuts over Hydroxychloroquine (calling it "deadly" and saying Trump had "blood on his hands!")?

(Like all drugs, both have potential adverse side-effects and contraindications. When used in the wrong patients with existing ailments both can cause heart problems or organ failures. Remdesivir can actually bring about respiratory failure in some Covid19 patients just as Hydroxychloroquine has shown to be relatively ineffective in patients in advanced stages of the virus.)

Oh... because Trump mentioned the one first - that the Left went nuts over - and not the other.
The reason is spelled out in this headline: Experimental coronavirus drug Remdesivir expected to get emergency FDA approval (key word: expected FDA approval).

With Hydroxychloroquine Trump touted it as a magic cure without much empirical data to back that up. Much like his suggestion of using UV light inside the body and using aerosol disinfectants to clean out infected lungs. In other words he was grabbing at straws. So it has nothing to do with politics, but does have to do with sound medical testing.

The reason is spelled out in this headline: Experimental coronavirus drug Remdesivir expected to get emergency FDA approval (key word: expected FDA approval).

With Hydroxychloroquine Trump touted it as a magic cure without much empirical data to back that up. Much like his suggestion of using UV light inside the body and using aerosol disinfectants to clean out infected lungs. In other words he was grabbing at straws. So it has nothing to do with politics, but does have to do with sound medical testing.
I did get that part. However, both drugs when used on certain patients (those with certain underlying conditions or in late stages of Covid19) pose similar risks - one is no "deadlier" than the other depending on who and how they're used - yet that was the headline used to accuse Trump of having blood on his hands simply for mentioning it and the various reports of doctors having success with it and patients attributing their recoveries to it.

Meanwhile, the same news outlets that equated Trump's championing of Hydro-c to murder are now singing praises to Remdesivir as a potential miracle treatment (as to the latter, I hope they're right!)

I don't know this for a fact, but it seems that Hydro-c might have gotten similar approval but for politics (I mean, why wouldn't it as it's an established drug that's been prescribed for Lupus and Rhumetoid Arthritis since 1953 with a reputation for being "safe" as far as drugs go?) - and as it has had a tremendous success rate in treating Covid19 patients in early & middle stages and serving as a prophylactic for the advancement of the virus as reported by many doctors who prescribed it.

I'm not saying I know which drugs work and which ones don't (maybe they are all duds!) - or which ones are safe or not (no drugs are "safe," but are determined to be worth the risks by doctors). I'm just saying, based on the news coverage, there's been a lot of politics involved in the reporting on these two drugs which seem to have both similar risks and rewards in treating SOME cases of Covid19, where one side is determining their condemnation and bad press simply on their hatred for Trump.

New green, Falkland Islands - 13 cases, all recovered
Seems like living on an island with decent air quality might be beneficial when it comes Covid-19.