22nd Hall of Fame


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

Here we are again my friends! Time for our 22nd Hall of Fame! Time to add another great winner to our Hall of Fame entrants! I hope we get a nice interesting mix again, seems like we always do. Happy watching!

Rules will remain what they have been. Here they are as a brief reminder:
Movie Nominations: Any movie under 240 minutes can be nominated, except for previous HoF winners.

PM me your nominations and include: film title & year of release. Keep your nomination a secret until the reveal of the films.

Open Door Policy: For one week after the reveal of the movie nominations, I will be taking new members.

Length of HoF: There will be approximately one week of viewing time per movie, so if there are 10 movie nominations the HoF will be about 10 weeks long. The deadline to finish will be posted after the HoF starts.

During the HoF: Everyone watches the nominated movies and will discuss them in this thread. You need to write at least a few sentences about your thoughts on each movie, after you watch it. Part of the process is discussion of the movies as a group.

Note: If you've seen a movie recently or have seen it many times you can skip watching it, otherwise you have to watch all nominated movies.

Requesting help to locate movies: If you have trouble locating a movie make a post and ask for help. When responding with a movie link send it by private message, don't post links or embed films in this thread.

Dropouts: Members who don't finish will be disqualified and their movie nomination removed from the HoF. Please make sure you have the time to complete this, it helps to start watching the films right away so you don't have a bunch of movies to watch at the end.If for any reason you do need to drop out, absolutely let me know you can't finish.

New HoF Members: New HoF members will need to post their movie write ups on a regular basis. 1 write up in the first 2 weeks, and 3 in the first month and so on. That way we know your keeping up. If you're going to be absent from watching movies for a period PM me and let me know, otherwise I might think you've dropped out.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Ahwell- Nomination Received
Siddon- Nomination Received
Neiba- Nomination Received
Citizen Rules- Nomination Received
Rauldc14- Nomination Received
Edarsenal- Nomination Received
Miss Vicky- nomination received
CosmicRunaway- nomination received
Thursday Next- Nomination Received
MovieMeditation- Nomination Received

Mildred Pierce (1945, Directed by Michael Curtiz)
Nominated by Citizen Rules

The Last Picture Show (1971, Directed by Peter Bogdanovich)
Nominated by Rauldc14

State of Siege (1972, Directed by Costa-Gavras)
Nominated by Siddon

Waco: The Rules of Engagement (1997)
Nominated by Wyldesyde19

Shine (1996, Directed by Scott Hicks)
Nominated by Edarsenal

The Matrix (1999, Directed by the Wachowskis)
Nominated by Thursday Next

Inglorious Basterds (2009, Directed by Quentin Tarantino)
Nominated by Ahwell

Blue Ruin (2014, Directed by Jeremy Saulnier)
Nominated by Cosmic Runaway

I, Daniel Blake (2016, Directed by Ken Loach)
Nominated by Neiba

Dronningen (2019, Directed by May El-Toukhy)
Nominated by MovieMeditation

Joker (2019, Directed by Todd Phillips)
Nominated by Miss Vicky

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

Cosmic Runaway 11/11 LIST RECEIVED
Blue Ruin
Mildred Pierce
The Matrix
The Last Picture Show
State of Siege
Inglorious Basterds
Waco: The Rules of Engagement
I, Daniel Blake

Neiba 10/11
I, Daniel Blake
Inglorious Basterds
The Matrix
Mildred Pierce
The Last Picture Show
Blue Ruin
Waco: The Rules of Engagement
State of Siege

Ahwell 11/11 LIST RECEIVED
Inglorious Basterds
The Matrix
Waco: The Rules of Engagement
State of Siege
I, Daniel Blake
Blue Ruin
The Last Picture Show
Mildred Pierce

Rauldc14 11/11 LIST RECEIVED
The Matrix
Blue Ruin
The Last Picture Show
Waco: The Rules of Engagement
State of Siege
Mildred Pierce
Inglorious Basterds
I, Daniel Blake

MovieMeditation 11/11 LIST RECEIVED
I, Daniel Blake
Inglorious Basterds
The Last Picture Show
Blue Ruin
Waco: The Rules of Engagement
Mildred Pierce
The Matrix
State of Siege

Edarsenal 8/11
The Matrix
Inglorious Basterds
Mildred Pierce
Blue Ruin
I, Daniel Blake
State of Siege
Waco: The Rules of Engagement

Miss Vicky 11/11 LIST RECEIVED
The Matrix
Blue Ruin
The Last Picture Show
Waco: The Rules of Engagement
State of Siege
Mildred Pierce
I, Daniel Blake
Inglorious Basterds

Citizen Rules 11/11 LIST RECEIVED
The Matrix
Waco: The Rules of Engagement
Blue Ruin
I, Daniel Blake
The Last Picture Show
Mildred Pierce
State of Siege
Inglorious Basterds

Thursday Next 11/11
State of Siege
The Matrix
Blue Ruin
The Last Picture Show
Inglorious Basterds
I, Daniel Blake
Waco: The Rules of Engagement
Mildred Pierce

Wyldesyde19 7/11
The Matrix
Inglorious Basterds
The Last Picture Show
Blue Ruin
I, Daniel Blake

Siddon 11/11 LIST RECEIVED
I, Daniel Blake
The Matrix
Inglorious Basterds
Mildred Pierce
The Last Picture Show
Waco: The Rules of Engagement
Blue Ruin
State of Siege

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Gonna finish the western HoF in the next 3/4 days, and the Personal Recomendations in the week or 2 after, so this will be alright! In!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Gonna finish the western HoF in the next 3/4 days, and the Personal Recomendations in the week or 2 after, so this will be alright! In!
Hope you haven't forgotten about the Noir Hof, the deadline is June 1st. So far you haven't reviewed any of the nominations.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Hope you haven't forgotten about the Noir Hof, the deadline is June 1st. So far you haven't reviewed any of the nominations.
I know! That's under control as well! Will review my first one tomorrow!

The trick is not minding
Taking a wait and see approach here. I’m still working a lot at work, but that may be coming to an end soon.
I’ve just been too exhausted to watch movies lately. Which sucks 😫

Trying to avoid repeat viewings, so I'll wait for the reveal as well.
you (and in fact everyone) have seen my nom but LB shows that you gave it a 4.5 so at least it would be a fun watch

which brings up the question why I'm even nominating something everyone has watched... well I looked through and I don't think I could nominate something no one has seen yet, most of my options are very very well known at the moment and I love this movie to death so I just picked it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
you (and in fact everyone) have seen my nom but LB shows that you gave it a 4.5 so at least it would be a fun watch

which brings up the question why I'm even nominating something everyone has watched... well I looked through and I don't think I could nominate something no one has seen yet, most of my options are very very well known at the moment and I love this movie to death so I just picked it.
That's been a long time debate in HoFs. Some prefer nominations to be unique & underseen. Others think an HoF should be about nominating the best of the best.

To me what's cool about a general HoF is the diversity, as we get a good mixture. This time I picked a well known, but underseen classic film. So far no one has seen it, that's posted on the thread.