MoFo Memoriam: Remembering MoFos we lost in 2018


Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah, and MM Almost everyone I was closer to, and talked to on a regular basis is gone! :/
I hear yeah. The thing to do is to get to know new people and make them feel at home here at MoFo. We get new members but they seldomly stick around. But if we made an effort to engage them, some might just hang out here. I hate to see MoFo dwindle down to just a handful of people.

Yeah, so it goes. The latest generational shift has been bigger than usual, but it's fundamentally the same kind of thing that's always happened. It'll obviously never feel that way to someone who "came of age" here with a certain group, though, because it's on a multi-year horizon that's only really visible if you've visited that site every day for a decade or two.

I do like a lot of the new people quite a bit, though, and it's fun to see them become more active and share new ideas. That part never gets old, at least for me.

The trick is not minding
I hear yeah. The thing to do is to get to know new people and make them feel at home here at MoFo. We get new members but they seldomly stick around. But if we made an effort to engage them, some might just hang out here. I hate to see MoFo dwindle down to just a handful of people.

This is the key. When I first joined there were a few people who actively contacted me and for me more involved. Citizen Rules was the first. Since then I’ve become more welcomed by the community here and have met some great people who I regularly interact with such as Citizen, Ahwell, Ed, GBGoodies, Cosmicrunaway, Neiba, Siddon, Miss Vicky, Yoda and a few others.
I come to talk about movies, I stay because of the people.

lenslady completely disappeared. One day she was here. Next day, poof, gonzo.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

This is the key. When I first joined there were a few people who actively contacted me and for me more involved. Citizen Rules was the first. Since then I’ve become more welcomed by the community here and have met some great people who I regularly interact with such as Citizen, Ahwell, Ed, GBGoodies, Cosmicrunaway, Neiba, Siddon, Miss Vicky, Yoda and a few others.
I come to talk about movies, I stay because of the people.
Agreed. I’m relatively new myself (been here little over a year) and I love this place because a) the great new movies I get to explore and b) the wonderful people on the site!

lenslady was online 20 minutes ago but hasn't posted in awhile.
Someone pm’d me that she lurks here quite often.

I probably ought to be more actively welcoming to new people but after all that happened with the influx of people from IMDb, I’ve kind of shied away from it. I do like some of the new guys though, especially the ones that participate in the hall of fame.

That Aussie guy spooky disappeared. He was always bitching & moaning about one darn thing or another.

I probably ought to be more actively welcoming to new people but after all that happened with the influx of people from IMDb, I’ve kind of shied away from it. I do like some of the new guys though, especially the ones that participate in the hall of fame.

Yeah that was a weird time.
A lot of the regulars (me included I'm just as guilty), got quite defensive of MoFo when the IMDb trolls thought they could simply move to a new forum and carry on spewing hatred.
Shame really, as there was a few that were decent but with the behaviour of the 1%, they got tarred with that same brush.

MoFo's always been solid though for keeping trolls out... MV is right though, we need to forget that slight wobble and welcome the new MoFos with open arms.

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The truth is in here
I was just about to bump this thread to mention @lenslady. She's one of the nicest users here, and always so supportive when I write my reviews. I didn't realize until now after checking when she last posted how much I miss her.

MoFo's always been solid though for keeping trolls out... MV is right though, we need to forget that slight wobble and welcome the new MoFos with open arms.
I came from IMDb 3 years ago & I never got a welcome hug.

I was just about to bump this thread to mention @lenslady. She's one of the nicest users here, and always so supportive when I write my reviews. I didn't realize until now after checking when she last posted how much I miss her.
She was discussed recently & I think it was Yoda who said she checks in quite often, but doesn’t post.

Speaking of IMDb, I was just remembering the one woman (who turned out to be a man) who would start a thread & then suddenly start deleting their posts. It drove us nuts because then there were huge gaps in the thread. Turns out they wanted “to save bandwidth” so would constantly cull their threads.