

You ready? You look ready.
Fauci is ten times more stupid than the seasonal idiot.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

This whole thing is media panic mongering.

Reported in Britain as "The" Coronavirus... harking about deaths caused etc.

THE Coronavirus as it's reported, THE Coronavirus (even though there's actually 6 or 7 types), THE Coronavirus, in 6 months, has killed... 4000.
8000 a year average.
Regular flu and colds kill over a million a year.
Since January 1st, 10 weeks, flu and common cold has killed 160,000.

The major thing I'm pissed at, is that in the UK, the media panic mongers aren't saying exactly who has died.
If you do some digging though, ALL deaths, are people in their 70s and 80s, who already had underlying illnesses like cancer and heart disease or have compromised immune systems.
It takes a LOT of digging to find the facts, because the media don't report it. They just love to panic monger for click bait and to sell papers.

Looting, panic buying, stockpiling, shutting schools and public events cancelled... over what is essentially a virus that is 40 times weaker than the common cold... because people believe what they're fed.

Rant over.
Mic Drop.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
They closed all schools and unis for two weeks in my country
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Trouble with a capital "T"
“A bad flu season is 80,000 dead, we’ve got about 18,000 dead from influenza this year, we have a hundred from corona,” Dr. Drew said in an interview with CBS.

“Which should you be worried about, influenza or Corona? A hundred versus 18,000? It’s not a trick question,” Drew noted.
Dr Drew Slams Media For ‘Hurting People’ With Coronavirus Panic

That's the same Dr. Drew with right wing leanings, that constantly warns of a homeless plaque disease outbreak. Sounds hypocritical to me as he ties homeless to a potential disease plaque, while saying stupidly the coronavirus is nothing worse than the common flu. I'm sure Italy didn't lock down part of their country over the common flu.

Dr. Drew Warns Of Plague Outbreak: How The Homeless Crisis Puts Los Angeles At Risk of Norovirus, Typhus, and Rickettsial Infections

And this is the same Dr. Drew who's CNN TV show Dr. Drew on Call was cancelled after he made false claims on a radio talk show that Hillary Clinton was gravely ill during the last presidential election.

With that in mind I personally believe he's parroting the Trump administrations Cornonavirus policy: aka 'don't worry be happy'.

Simple death toll comparisons are really weird, and don't really make sense, because you're comparing something after it's fully spread to something that's just now spreading. Of course the latter will be lower. That's why you need to factor in the lethality rate among people who are already infected. And by that metric, Coronavirus is a lot worse than the seasonal flu.

Does that mean it will kill as many? Nope! Especially if the "panic" causes people to actually behave more carefully. That's the catch-22 of warnings about disease: you can say it's overblown, but how would you know the difference between "overblown because it was never a big deal" and "overblown because the worry actually got people to take it seriously, so it didn't spread as much"?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Simple death toll comparisons are really weird, and don't really make sense, because you're comparing something after it's fully spread to something that's just now spreading. Of course the latter will be lower. That's why you need to factor in the lethality rate among people who are already infected. And by that metric, Coronavirus is a lot worse than the seasonal flu.

Does that mean it will kill as many? Nope! Especially if the "panic" causes people to actually behave more carefully. That's the catch-22 of warnings about disease: you can say it's overblown, but how would you know the difference between "overblown because it was never a big deal" and "overblown because the worry actually got people to take it seriously, so it didn't spread as much"?
...and agreed. That sums it up nicely.

You ready? You look ready.
This virus is an exercise in stamping out stupidity, so I am all for it.

WARNING: Don't cough on people because you will get them sick.

But but...that's counter to everything I was ever told in school. I thought we were SUPPOSED to cough on each other. Damn, I been doing it wrong all these years.

Did ya'll see the couple that is suing the cruise line for $1mil because they said they exposed them? Hello, ya'll were stupid enough to set foot on a petri dish.

People are indeed taking this lightly because of the death rate.
But they are ignoring the quickness with which this is spreading. This virus has already mutated couple of times already. Who knows, it might mutate again and turn into a more lethal form.

The biggest issue is the rate. With a high rate, you are looking at a large number of patients and that puts an incredible amount of strain on the hospitals.

I am already reading horrifying stories from Italy where because of the unmanageable workload doctors and nurses are being forced to make a choice between patients. They are simply letting anyone above 85-90 years die, because younger lot have a better chance of surviving. I am not blaming the doctors cause they have been put in an unwinnable situation, but look at this and take the thing seriously. Cause if we don't, then things will get worse from here.

This thing hasn't even exploded in heavily populated developing countries like India or Brazil, like it has in Italy and Iran. If that happens, then God help us.

And this is not me trying to scaremonger. But it will help if everyone starts taking serious precautions.

Yeah, fear about this stuff isn't averaged out. If some people are overreacting, you don't fix that by taking the opposite position and implying it's no big deal. Just take the correct position. And it seems pretty clear the correct position is "this could be pretty dangerous, it's spreading fast and kills more than the flu, but it's not the end of the world, so let's be smart and keep the toll minimal."

Trouble with a capital "T"
People are indeed taking this lightly because of the death rate.
But they are ignoring the quickness with which this is spreading.
It's called denial. I see some people reacting to the threat of coronavirus with a lot of anger driven denial, that most likely is coming from a deep fear of a pandemic. It's a normal human response to initially deny and attack bad news, like the coronavirus, even to the point of believing contradictory facts. It's a defense mechanism.

I am already reading horrifying stories from Italy where because of the unmanageable workload doctors and nurses are being forced to make a choice between patients. They are simply letting anyone above 85-90 years die, because younger lot have a better chance of surviving. I am not blaming the doctors cause they have been put in an unwinnable situation, but look at this and take the thing seriously. Cause if we don't, then things will get worse from here.

This thing hasn't even exploded in heavy populated developing countries like India or Brazil, like it has in Italy and Iran. If that happens, then God help us.

And this is not me trying to scaremonger. But it will help if everyone starts taking serious precautions.
I take the threat seriously in large part due to the unprecedented reaction by governments and cities. When public officials take such extreme precautions as closing schools and quarantines, one needs to take the coronovirus seriously...but no one should panic, it's not the end of the world. Just a big speed bump.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Consider the possibility that reacting strongly and seriously to previous pandemics is why they didn't end up causing as much death and misery as they could have.

That people may have perverse incentives to spread panic can be true without in any way minimizing the actual risk, or downplaying it in some dangerous attempt to counterbalance them. Embrace the "and."
Very true. I've had an April conference postponed till October and a board meeting this month probably going to Skype. I've gotten emails about change in policy from Carnival and Amtrak. Colleges are switching to online classes. Nobody's *panicking* -- they are simply doing these prudent things in order to keep this thing from being bigger than it would be otherwise.

Big difference between prudence and panic.

Some of the media really don't help in keeping people balanced over issues such as this. The wife's default TV channel when there's nothing of interest on is BBC News 24 and just like Brexit they are making as much coverage out of Covid-19 as they can from what I've had to see. If I didn't need the telly to watch my movies on I'd quite happily put a brick through it tbh

To add to what I have said above, we aren't even discussing the secondary effects of this outbreak, and that is the financial cost. Of course we shouldn't at this point now, cause our primary concern should be health.

But I saw my two years worth of earnings in stock market wiped out clean on Friday. Now I am privileged enough to have a primary job and this was just my secondary pay.
But imagine pensioners who invested there.

I am also lucky enough to be in a profession, where I can work from home, if my company tells me to. Imagine what the daily labourers would go through when the business will start shutting down. I am not speaking of the temporary breaks if and when the governments everywhere would put in for a short time. I am speaking about loss of jobs because certain businesses will go bust after this.

The thing is the longer we let status quo continue, the severe the impact will be. Hence, the cry for taking more measures now. If needed take harsher measures. The quicker we halt this, the lesser the damage we will incur. And the quicker we will come out of that as well.

As I type this, I see WHO has declared this a pandemic.

103 years old. Contracted the virus... a week later, recovered.

UK news won't report it though... because it's not panic mongering.

As I said... older people with underlying conditions are at risk.

Fit, and ANY age?
Healthy and ANY age?
Stop looting and rioting. Simple.

Mic Drop.


You ready? You look ready.
Financial wise I don't have much sympathy for anyone who is retired/about to retire having their accounts hit hard by this virus. They should know better than to have the bulk of their retirement wealth in a volatile investment like the stock market. This is why we have bonds and mutual funds.