

The Adventure Starts Here!
The cruising industry is going to be devastated financial, and I was thinking of taking another cruise too. Well maybe later, much later!
We're scheduled to take a cruise in early May, including a flight to the port and then a train ride home after the cruise.

Carnival sent us information yesterday on options for cancelling/taking credit for money already paid. We'll be discussing this option, especially since Southwest Airlines is good about changes/cancellations, and even Amtrak has put a policy in place for no fees for changes/cancellations right now. No reason to risk it, IMHO. But... must have this discussion with hubby, who will have to change his vacation days now to something later in the year.

All of Italy now closed down.

Never heard or seen anything like this in my life before. And the world has dealt with worse diseases like Ebola or here in India we had the Nipah virus.
It is the biggest pandemic in a 100 years, since the Spanish flu of 1918-1919 and it is going to kill something like 50 million people. We should call it "The Italian flu".

Trouble with a capital "T"
We're scheduled to take a cruise in early May, including a flight to the port and then a train ride home after the cruise.

Carnival sent us information yesterday on options for cancelling/taking credit for money already paid. We'll be discussing this option, especially since Southwest Airlines is good about changes/cancellations, and even Amtrak has put a policy in place for no fees for changes/cancellations right now. No reason to risk it, IMHO. But... must have this discussion with hubby, who will have to change his vacation days now to something later in the year.
Early May isn't that far away...If your cruise was like a year from now, this coronavirus should have run it's course. So tough decision, but it's cool that Carnival is giving you an option to cancel and take another cruise at a later date. I had heard about that new policy and it's very recent, I'm thinking it was implemented in the last few days or so.

I've been on 12 cruises and my wife is wanting to take another. Should be some good prices in the near future. Though being locked down under quarantine doesn't sound fun!

Did anyone know that over 60,000 people have died from the flu in 2019 but no one in the news talked about that happening. They just seem to cover the new thing. And another thing why does it seem like the viruses start in same area over seas. In som asian country the Swine, Bird Blue and now this virus has started.

It is the biggest pandemic in a 100 years, since the Spanish flu of 1918-1919 and it is going to kill something like 50 million people. We should call it "The Italian flu".
wonder if anyone has the death toll numbers what the Black Plague caused back in the day.

wonder if anyone has the death toll numbers what the Black Plague caused back in the day.
Roughly it is estimated it killed 1 in 4 people worldwide, with substantially higher mortality in some parts of Europe. Basically it was like killing 2 billion people today.

Did anyone know that over 60,000 people have died from the flu in 2019 but no one in the news talked about that happening. They just seem to cover the new thing. And another thing why does it seem like the viruses start in same area over seas. In som asian country the Swine, Bird Blue and now this virus has started.
Every year about 50 to 60 million people die.

Coronavirus is different because it is a new disease that could theoretically be contained but was not. Also, it kills about 2% of infected people, so it spreads to the whole world it could kill upwards to 150 million people.

Did anyone know that over 60,000 people have died from the flu in 2019 but no one in the news talked about that happening. They just seem to cover the new thing.
That's because we have a flu vaccine as well as greater knowledge of how that disease affects people and how to provide care for the infected. There are people working on a coronavirus vaccine but it'll be a long while before that is ready and available and we're still learning about how this virus spreads, incubation periods, etc.

Also I've seen plenty of reports/videos that compare mortality rates of COVID-19 with that of the flu so it's not all just fear mongering.


We're scheduled to take a cruise in early May, including a flight to the port and then a train ride home after the cruise.
Nothing right now would make me take a cruise.

and it is going to kill something like 50 million people. We should call it "The Italian flu".
As it originated in China, that would make no sense. How did you come up with this figure?

Gonna sit down now & re-watch Contagion. Didn’t even know I own this & can’t remember a single scene (which does not bode well).
Wow, prescient, much? Terrific movie that did not resonate with me at all 9 years ago.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

You ready? You look ready.
They ain’t ****ing around either. Said they will bring criminal charges against anyone that violates it.

Smart move, tho. Italy is full of old people.

You ready? You look ready.
and it is going to kill something like 50 million people. We should call it "The Italian flu".
As it originated in China, that would make no sense. How did you come up with this figure?
You do know the Spanish flu of 1918 didn’t originate in Spain? That’s just where the news of it broke. Where it starts don’t mean nothing.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It is the biggest pandemic in a 100 years, since the Spanish flu of 1918-1919 and it is going to kill something like 50 million people. We should call it "The Italian flu".
Where did you get that 50 million number from?

...Coronavirus is different because it is a new disease that could theoretically be contained but was not. Also, it kills about 2% of infected people, so it spreads to the whole world it could kill upwards to 150 million people.
And where did you get the even higher 150 million from?

The fact is we don't know how bad the coronavirus will be. 2% mortality rate is probably accurate and that makes it about 20 times more deadly than the common flu, which kills around 50,000 a year. 20 times 50,000 would be a number of 1 million deaths...However, all sorts of steps are being taken to isolate infected people and to keep large groups of people from getting together, so the actual death toll could be no more than the standard flu.

Did anyone know that over 60,000 people have died from the flu in 2019 but no one in the news talked about that happening. They just seem to cover the new thing. And another thing why does it seem like the viruses start in same area over seas. In some asian country the Swine, Bird Blue and now this virus has started.
New super flu strains often start in China because in rural areas it's common for pigs, ducks and people to be in close proximity to each other, which allows an existing avian flu to transmit to pigs and pigs are enough like human physiological that we then can catch the bird flu from them. Then there's such a high density of people that it spreads rapidly from there.

Trouble with a capital "T"
You do know the Spanish flu of 1918 didn’t originate in Spain? That’s just where the news of it broke. Where it starts don’t mean nothing.
That's true. Most of the countries prohibited mentioning the flu of 1918. But not Spain, they talked about in the newspapers so that it then got associated with them. But that wasn't the origin point.

You ready? You look ready.
When it comes to deadly viruses the more contagious the better. You want something that burns hard and fast. That’s why the Spanish flu ended as quick as it did.

It is worrisome that this virus continues to ramp up as the weather gets warmer, contrary to the common flu virus behavior. Could make an interesting next month or two...

Also I hear countries over seas sometimes eat things god didnt create us to eat. Some tribal people in jungles eat bats monkeys and so on.Strange thing with me is I dont get flu's or colds. I have similar allergy symptoms like coughs and sneezing now and then.

But I dont get fevers and chest congestion colds and I never get a flu shot. Im From West Virginia and maybe its because we have no large airports or shipping yards for boats . Sure lots people here die of cancer do to coal mining. We raise Pigs and Chickens. But no generated death virus.

Im thinking these strands of killer virus just might be started as a weapon against lots of people. I watch the show Last Ship long before Swine Flu and this came into being. I think worst thing is for people to watch the news. Cause news seem to want to promote death or war.

I think now the time if for people to clean more and Im talking about Buisnesses like Walmart and things. I was to a movie theater and the smell of pee and poop knock you over. And I have been in many stores where the floors look unmopped for days.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I had heard about that new policy and it's very recent, I'm thinking it was implemented in the last few days or so.
Yup, just yesterday. I had checked their website for information the day before that and none of this was there. This was an email to us as upcoming passengers so I'm not sure how public the information is. There were also onboard credits available if we choose to go on the cruise anyway, though not enough to impress me that much ($200 total for our stateroom).

Yeah, I wouldn't extrapolate current rates to the entire world population. That's not how it works. We understand it better each day, and there's no way we could get to a fraction of that total without awareness spreading as well, which would help combat it.

I'll take the way, way under on even the smaller of those two big scary numbers.

well i choose not to panic with these kind of things. If it how you die its just how it is. People die by drunk drivers and cancer and guns then this thing. So i say remain positive as long as your healthy.My sister yesterday had surgery to have to have her colon put in a bag for 6 months. All things went fine in surgery but point is she couldnt wait to see if this virus was over . They had to fix her from a fistula. That was putting pus and poo where she peed. I did my preyors and she lived and is doing well so maybe preying isnt a bad thing in these times.