21st Hall of Fame


The trick is not minding
I'm in no hurry to start. Still have to finish the Japanese HOF
Same, I’m just curious what the nominees are
I'm pretty sure I'm the worst of the bunch - I only have 3 reviews completed.
I’m in the same boat with the western HOF. Only reviews 1 of the 8 but I should be able to start hitting a few more in the next few weeks
Almost done with the comedy HOF

After rewatching my (then potential) nomination I decided to join. @Citizen Rules knows what film I went with but for others, I'll just say that it's kind of a back to the roots choice
Haha, actually my nom is also inspired by Citizen Rules, although I'm not sure he knows what it is. We discussed it earlier this year.
Lists and Projects

Trouble with a capital "T"
Haha, actually my nom is also inspired by Citizen Rules, although I'm not sure he knows what it is. We discussed it earlier this year.
My memory is so short that I don't have a clue to what is. I guess I'll wait and see.

Glad! to hear we've got 10 members so far

Nominations are up on the second post guys!

Deadline is Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Sorry for the huge range of image size

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Seen 6/10 and liked most of them. I believe 3 are repeat noms, will be interesting to see how they do.

Really look forward to Tree of Life.

The trick is not minding
Looking forward to this! and I really hope everyone likes my nom this time around
I do like your pick! However, I may not like it as much as other films here. 😏
Moonstruck and Quills are pretty stiff competition and Dark City is a personal favorite of mine.

The trick is not minding
I own a few of these and Moonstruck is available on Amazon video last I checked. Will double check later on.
Going to get a head start tonight on this

I've seen 6 out of 10 of these and have 4 of those 6 on DVD.

Being There - I haven't seen this one and I'm not sure I've ever even heard of it.
The Breakfast Club - Seen it numerous times. It's an all-time favorite.
Dark City - Seen it, own it. Very good movie, but not a favorite.
Jagten - Seen it for a previous HOF, IIRC. Good movie.
Moonstruck - Have seen it multiple times, but not since I was a kid. I vaguely remember liking it.
Pretty Baby - Never seen it.
Pride - Don't think I've even heard of this one.
Quills- My favorite movie. I nominated it in a previous HOF, but I think raul was the only person who participated in that one that is also participating in this one. I'm interested to see what the rest think. Doubt it'll do well, though.
The Tree of Life - Never seen it.
Wedding Crashers - Not a favorite, but it's a rare comedy that I like. Plus I've got a soft spot for Vince Vaughn.

Trouble with a capital "T"
As usual my thoughts on the noms

Pretty Baby (1978) pahaK...Good choice! I've heard about this movie since I was a kid but never seen it, so glad to have a chance to watch it. I do have a quality link if anyone needs it.

Being There (1979) Siddon...I thought for sure when Siddon said he went with an Oscar winner from 1979 it would be The Deerhunter. This looks cool and like something I might like.

The Breakfast Club (1985) Citizen Rules...Which one are you? And which one am I? Take a guess if you can, but I bet you'll guess me wrong.

Moonstruck (1987) edarsenal...I might have seen this, but don't remember it so glad to have it nominated.

Dark City (1998) wyldesyde19...Interested in watching this again.

Quills (2000) Miss Vicky...I knew you'd nominate this! I do like Kate Winslet and Phoenix is a great actor, but you already knew that! I don't know if this will be something I like, so we'll see.

Wedding Crashers (2005) rauldc14...This sounds fun and I might have seen it. I don't log films so who knows.

The Tree of Life (2011)
ahwell...You say we talked about this? I don't remember what I said, but this is one of the very few films that I shut off at the beginning and wished I had seen the whole thing. Now I will!

The Hunt (Jagten) (2012) neiba...Wait a minute, didn't you nominate this before in the 13th HoF and then dropped out. Does that mean you're planning a repeat

Pride (2014) The Usual Suspect....Never heard of this so this will be a blind watch.

The trick is not minding
Being There (1979) Siddon...I thought for sure when Siddon said he went with an Oscar winner from 1979 it would be The Deerhunter. This looks cool and like something I might like.
The Deer Hunter won the previous year (1978).
I actually thought he might have been nominating Apocalypse Now, which was one of my choices. It was either that, Norma Rae, or Kramer vs Kramer.

The trick is not minding
I’ve seen 5 of the films and have heard of all but two. A quick search on Wikipedia reveals they were both nominated for major awards previously.
The Hunt (best foreign film Oscar nominee I see)
Pride (best comedy or musical golden globe nominee)
Both look interesting.

Quills just may be the front runner in my opinion, as that’s an amazing movie that I can’t wait to rewatch. (Thanks Miss Vicky!)

Obviously I’ll wait and see the others I haven’t seen yet before I make my decision. (particularly Being There and The Tree of Life).

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Deer Hunter won the previous year (1978).
I actually thought he might have been nominating Apocalypse Now, which was one of my choices. It was either that, Norma Rae, or Kramer vs Kramer.
Of course that makes since, I hadn't thought about that. BTW all of those films are good!

The trick is not minding
The Deer Hunter won the previous year (1978).
I actually thought he might have been nominating Apocalypse Now, which was one of my choices. It was either that, Norma Rae, or Kramer vs Kramer.
Of course that makes since, I hadn't thought about that. BTW all of those films are good!

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Citizen Rules

Here's the link to the thread where we talked about Tree of Life.
Ah, thanks...I did say the same thing, how about that. I guess I'm consistent, either that or repetitive

Tree of Life
When I first got into films I tried watching it and I shut it off...BUT...I always thought that it was a film that was worth watching and I've been meaning to get back to it again. So it's interesting to hear you loved it on the second try. I think if I knew what style of film it was I might have been able to hang in there and finish it. As it was I only seen the first 10 minutes or so. Well one of these days I'll hopefully get to check it out again.

The trick is not minding
Wedding Crashers

You know what? Shout out to rauldc14 for this nomination. This is one the few comedies that still holds up over a decade after its first release.

Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn play 2 friends who crash weddings. It plays off of hijinks like you would expect, but you know what? They are tied together very well. And there’s also some heart to this story.

Vaughn in particular is hilarious in this, as he takes the hits, both literal and figuratively, throughout the film. Wilson plays his part as the rake who secretly wants to settle down. If he could only find the right woman.
Enter Rachel McAdams. The scenes between them are funny, and somewhat relatable as they both long for each other both are prevented from coming out and saying so for their own reasons.
If there is one issue with this film, it’s that it’s too long. They could have easily trimmed about 20 mins. I would have started with Will Ferrells scenes myself. He’s completely pointless in this, and he hams it up in what few scenes he’s in. Not a fan.

Seriously, this is a good comedy, and entertaining to boot.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I think I was around when Quills was nominated before, I dug it.

I've also nominated Dark City before, love that film.

I'm really glad people have not seen my nomination, some people haven't even heard of it. So it'll be interesting to see people's reaction to it going in blind.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The trick is not minding
I'm really glad people have not seen my nomination, some people haven't even heard of it. So it'll be interesting to see people's reaction to it going in blind.
That’s a large reason why I’ve joined this. So many films out there’s it’s impossible to know them all. Sometimes, there’s that person who has seen a film I’m not familiar with that’ll get my attention.

Pretty Baby (1978) pahaK: Like I said, back to the roots: a young girl and kinda controversial film Really interested in what people think of it.

Being There (1979) Siddon: Despite being an Oscar winner I don't think I've even heard of it before.

The Breakfast Club (1985) Citizen Rules: I'm almost certain that I've seen this but don't remember anything. It just sounds vaguely familiar.

Moonstruck (1987) edarsenal: Familiar name but I've never been too interested to see it. I guess that'll have to change.

Dark City (1998) wyldesyde19: Saw this when it was new. I think I mostly liked it but there might have been some issues that prevented me from adoring it. Been meaning to rewatch it anyway so now I will.

Quills (2000) Miss Vicky: Seen this one when it was released as well. Again, don't remember much but I think the experience was mostly positive.

Wedding Crashers (2005) rauldc14: Pretty sure I've never seen this. So many comedies this time around

The Tree of Life (2011) ahwell: Haven't seen this. Not too fond of Malick usually so we'll see...

The Hunt (Jagten) (2012) neiba: This one has been on my watchlist for quite a while.

Pride (2014) The Usual Suspect: Haven't seen this one either. And my god, another comedy

I had The Hunt ranked first on my list in the 13th HoF before it was disqualified, so it's nice to see it get another chance.

Plus I've got a soft spot for Vince Vaughn.
When I was home last week there a couple different Vince Vaughn films on tv. Dodgeball, Old School...and something else I don't remember now. Maybe it was actually Wedding Crashers. It was weird to see them in between all the Die Hard, Rocky, and Home Alone marathons that were on most channels haha.