Slasher Hall of Fame Part II


A system of cells interlinked
April Fool's Day

I simply hated this one. At least the premise of Black Christmas is good, but even before the reveal this entire movie is stupid. I'm not going to "spoil" the plot twist at the end, even though it's a dumb one, but I'll just say the plot twist ruins the entire movie. I get that it's trying to be funny and fooling and smart. But it's just stupid! The plot is stupid, the script is stupid, the music is stupid. The cinematography is so bland and boring, we get no cool shots like Black Christmas. And the acting! Oh, the acting, how atrocious. I can't find a lot of good things to say about this one, just really unlikable characters, bad premise, and an overall horrible film with a deserving 33% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Don't you blaspheme in here! April Fool's Day is awesome in all its goofy, over-the-top glory. I would even say it was the first meta slasher flick, way before Scream was even a glimmer of an idea...

A toast to April Fool's Day!

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Don't you blaspheme in here! April Fool's Day is awesome in all its goofy, over-the-top glory. I would even say it was the first meta slasher flick, way before Scream was even a glimmer of an idea...

A toast to April Fool's Day!

Lists and Projects

@Destiny and @MrAntlers are both on the verge disqualifications


Friday the 13th
Alice Sweet Alice
April Fools Day

Are all on the verge of DQ and I am pissed off about this

If someone would like to do a IPaddress check on MrAntlers I would really appreciate it

@Destiny and @MrAntlers are both on the verge disqualifications


Friday the 13th
Alice Sweet Alice
April Fools Day

Are all on the verge of DQ and I am pissed off about this

If someone would like to do a IPaddress check on MrAntlers I would really appreciate it
Aw come on I better not have watched April Fool's Day for nothing

Psycho II

Honestly quite a surprise. It's easily the best film I've seen in this Hall of Fame so far. It's definitely no masterpiece, but I'd watch it again. So this film has the unfortunate thing that... well... it's the follow up to possibly the greatest horror movie ever made. First, let me make this clear - in no way, shape, or form is Psycho II anywhere near the original Psycho. The storyline isn't as intricate and fascinating, the acting isn't quite as good (although Anthony Perkins is still damn good in both), and the overall vibe just isn't there.

But Psycho II knows it's not going to be Psycho, and it doesn't need to be in order for it to be an entertaining film. And I was entertained. I liked Norman's ongoing struggle about his mother (and the final reveal of who she is). I wish they would have spent more time on the villain rather than all that fuss with Marion's niece and sister.

And it was nearly two hours... it dragged in a lot of scenes. I found myself constantly checking the clock until the final killings when it ramped up in intensity. Well, anyways, it will likely rank high on my ballot for this Hall of Fame. I wouldn't say I loved it, or even really liked it. But it was worth a watch, and certainly not deserving of it's rotten score on Rotten Tomatoes.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Glad to see someone like Psycho II. Joel reviewed it and gave it a 4.5 so I watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it. I reviewed it and gave it 4. I thought it was neat in that it gives us much more insight into one of the most likeable psychos around, Norman Bates.

Peeping Tom

1960 was a good year for psychological horror. Not only was Psycho released but so was this masterpiece, perhaps even more disturbing and introspective (although not as good). Peeping Tom's plot revolves around a serial killer named Mark who really is quite a nice guy. He's shy, often awkward, but can always be kind and courteous. That is, until he gets behind the camera. Some instinctual thing arises from his childhood, and he acts as a true "Peeping Tom," murdering his victims while he films them. He's one of the most sympathetic serial killers in all of film, really. Karl Boehm does a great job playing a troubled soul, and I realized "Wallace and Grommit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit" must have been giving a slight nod (with a wink of course) to Helen with their red-headed and innocent character Lady Tottington. If you haven't seen Were-Rabbit, check it out and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Anyways, I just love this film, it's one of my favorite psychological horrors and probably should have been higher on my list for the countdown. Oh well. It still placed, although I think it should have been in the 10s or 20s rather than the 40s. It's a masterpiece in my opinion.

@Siddon is Destiny DQed? I was going to watch Alice, Sweet, Alice next.


Holy bloodbath. Yeah, this movie loves its blood. Blood spurts, blood oozes, blood flows, blood dries... Jesus, they must have used a crap ton of red food coloring for Inside. So this film basically revolves around poor Sarah, who got into an accident with - as we learn at the end - the villain of the movie. The slasher woman is pissed because the crash killed her baby, so she decided why not kill Sarah and take her baby? Make it clean and quick. Nope. This movies spends 80 minutes mutilating literally every character in the film. All but one person dies (and that one person is, of course, the slasher). Sarah gets stabbed, beaten, and absolutely messed up before the filmmakers decided that wasn't enough and they needed to tear out her intestines as well... Anyways, even though the plot is very weak and we get no character depth, I still appreciate this film for the creativity of the layout (most of it follows people running up and down the stairs in a small house), and the camera work. It won't be a favorite, but it's not a bad slasher (although a gruesome one).

I Know What You Did Last Summer

Teen slashers are beginning to get on my nerve more and more, and this one was no exception. The acting was pretty bad and the storyline was incredibly bland. It's your typical slasher movie, but it was still a blast to watch actually. The final scene of the boat was pretty good... actually, it got better as it went on. I hated the set-up and opening, it was so fake. The people that wrote it obviously have never been high schoolers. It won't rank at the top of my ballot, but it sure as cuss won't rank at the bottom, it was much better than films like April Fool's Day and Slaughter High (Aughh!! Slaughter High *Chills*). I'm trying to think of something to say to make this review longer and more detailed... but I don't really have anything. This movie is kind of a blank slate, nothing good or bad. I'm already forgetting the plot, honestly.


Yet another "meh" one. What I really liked about Terrifier (as TUS touched on in his review) was the clown. The clown was creepy, sometimes kind of funny, and overall gave off a great vibe. But other than that... not too great. I didn't like the acting, it felt really fake. Especially the opening two girls. Oh, and the dialogue (when there even was any) was pretty bad. Some of the kills were fun to watch, and I liked the setting. Most of it was set inside that creepy building, which was great. It gave us a feeling of constantly being closed in and we were never sure who was going to get out alive. I also liked that the protagonists changed throughout. But still, I'm overall getting a very "forgettable" feeling from this movie.


Scream probably inspired a whole lot of awful teen slashers, so we can blame it for that. But, damn, is it a good movie by itself. We get some of the wittiest dialogue in a horror movie, laugh-out-loud scenes, and actually decent acting for a teen slasher. Scream checks all the right boxes for what makes both a comedy and a slasher great. It's hilarious, it's scary, and it always is such good fun. I feel that I can actually connect to the characters, and everyone in this movie is relatable. I loved the obnoxious reporter woman who turns out to save the day (and get the last laugh). Of course, all the horror movie references are just too good. My gosh, the director of this must LOVE horror movies as much as the killer he created. Psycho quotes, Silence of the Lambs references, Friday the 13th parodies. It's all so great, and I think Scream solidly places as one of my favorite horror movies of all time.

I feel like this is my own personal review thread , no one else has really started I guess?

I feel like this is my own personal review thread , no one else has really started I guess?

Yeah well been pulled in a couple different directions on this forum, but this hall really comes down to @cat_sidhe and @jiraffejustin.

Cat said they were going to post reviews this weekend and that they've seen the films it's just the reviews are the issues.

I feel like this is my own personal review thread , no one else has really started I guess?

Yeah well been pulled in a couple different directions on this forum, but this hall really comes down to @cat_sidhe and @jiraffejustin.

Cat said they were going to post reviews this weekend and that they've seen the films it's just the reviews are the issues.
I said I'd post a couple of sentences on A movie, which I didn't have time for. I've seen all the movies bit do NOT have time for reviews. I have a VERY heavy workload and intense stress so I cannot add more pressure. It's probably best to just remove me from the HoF.

Also, I'm also not receiving mentions. Please just use @ and my usename or the tag won't work.

Friday the 13th

Great movie, one of my all time favourites. Love the atmosphere, which is maintains throughout. My only gripe is that the killer reveal is a bit silly and from then till the end it's not as great.

I'll save my ratings till yhe end.