20th Hall of Fame


My film is actually getting a theatrical re-release this month
My guess is Alien?
Lists and Projects

bad guess, Alien isn't eligible for Hall of Fames it won the sci-fi horror
Haha oops.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Reveal today right?
looking on the first page, it looks like CR is waiting for raul's nom. So. . .

Pretty cool, BTW, that we hit the 10 Mark for participants. A good, solid number of films, that.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
looking on the first page, it looks like CR is waiting for raul's nom. So. . .

Pretty cool, BTW, that we hit the 10 Mark for participants. A good, solid number of films, that.
Raul sent his nom a couple days ago, I just hadn't updated the first post

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Miss Vicky @edarsenal @Siddon @ahwell @john connor @Hey Fredrick @Frightened Inmate No. 2; @rauldc14 @cricket

The noms are up on the second post! Have a look-see.
We've have 10 fine film nominations for the 20th HoF. I'm liking these movies I see the lovely Grace Kelly makes two appearances this HoF as does the equally lovely Shirley Jones. We have some heavy hitters, some beloved classics, some cool under scene films, an indie comedy, a Pixar and a musical who in the hell nominated that

Nice mix of films I've seen before and first time watches.


Blood Diamond One of my favorites. I hope it does well.
Cool Hand Luke I've seen this a couple of times before, but I honestly can't recall what I thought of it.
Rear Window My favorite Hitchcock
Ghostbusters A fun movie, but not a favorite.
Monsters, Inc Love this movie, though I'd probably rank it somewhere in the middle of Pixar's films.

First Time:

The Music Man I'm going to hate this. No doubt about it.
High Noon I have a rocky relationship with Westerns and I suspect I'm not going to like it.
The Squid and The Whale I have no idea what I'm going to think of this.
Blood Simple As much as I love The Big Lebowski and enjoy Burn After Reading, my history with Coen films is pretty spotty. I suspect I'll either dislike it or be indifferent to it.
Elmer Gantry No idea what I'm going to think of this one.
Phantom Thread I don't like Paul Thomas Anderson so I'm probably not going to like this.

* * *
For My Reference:

Blood Diamond
(Edward Zwick, 2006) IMDb
2 hours, 23 minutes / Source: My DVD
Nominated by Me
Rewatch? Yes.
Review: October 26, 2019 /

Blood Simple
(Joel and Ethan Coen, 1984) IMDb
1 hour, 39 minutes / Source: Library
Nominated by Hey Fredrick
Rewatch? No.
Review: October 19, 2019 /

Cool Hand Luke
(Stuart Rosenberg, 1967) IMDb
2 hours, 7 minutes / Source: Library
Nominated by edarsenal
Rewatch? Yes.
Review: October 21, 2019 /

Elmer Gantry
(Richard Brooks, 1960) IMDb
2 hours, 26 minutes / Source: Amazon Prime
Nominated by cricket
Rewatch? No.
Review: October 23, 2019 /

(Ivan Reitman, 1984) IMDb
1 hour, 45 minutes / Source: My DVD
Nominated by Siddon
Rewatch? Yes.
Review: October 9, 2019 /

HIgh Noon
(Fred Zinneman, 1952) IMDb
1 hour, 25 minutes / Source: Amazon Prime
Nominated by rauldc14
Rewatch? No.
Review: October 7, 2019 /

Monsters, Inc.
(Pete Docter, David Silverman, Lee Unrich, 2001) IMDb
1 hour, 32 minutes / Source: My Blu-Ray
Nominated by ahwell
Rewatch? Yes.
Review: October 12, 2019 /

The Music Man
(Morton DaCosta, 1962) IMDb
2 hours, 31 minutes / Source: Library
Nominated by Citizen Rules
Rewatch? No.
Review: October 16, 2019 /

Phantom Thread
(Paul Thomas Anderson, 2017) IMDb
2 hours, 10 minutes / Source: Library
Nominated by neiba
Rewatch? No.
Review: October 19, 2019 /

Rear Window
(Alfred Hitchcock, 1954) IMDb
1 hour, 52 minutes / Source: My DVD
Nominated by John-Conner
Rewatch? Yes.
Review: October 13, 2019 /

The Squid and the Whale
(Noah Baumbach, 2005) IMDb
1 hour, 21 minutes / Source: Amazon Prime
Nominated by Frightened Inmate No. 2
Rewatch? No.
Review: October 7, 2019 /

The only two I haven't seen are The Music Man, which actually sounds pretty good, and The Squid and the Whale, which I've always wanted to see. Out of the rest, there's nothing I'm dreading watching again and that is unusual.

Trouble with a capital "T"
My thoughts as the nominations came in were, 'yes! these are really good noms!'.

The Music Man
(1962) this is my nom...Robert Preston makes the movie as the likable con man who comes to a quaint small town in 1912. He's there to dupe the people into buying goods they don't need, but he's a suave salesman and flim flams the townsfolk into buying a dream. In that way The Music Man is like Elmer Gantry. Yes this is a musical but it's not like the typical light farce musical. Here the songs are endemic to furthering the narrative and emphasizing the emotions of the scene.

Cool Hand Luke
(1967) Nobody does defiantly cool like Paul Newman! I've only seen this once and loved it.

Blood Diamond
(2006) I believe I watched this years ago when it first came to DVD, all I remember is that I liked it.

(1984) I seen this back in 1984 at the movie theater, along time ago. I can hardly remember the movie but now I have the Ghostbusters song stuck in my head. Good choice for October.

Monsters, Inc (2001) I've enjoyed or at least appreciated all the Pixars I've seen. I haven't seen this one, so am glad I now have a chance.

Rear Window (1954) Hitch, James Stewart, Thelma Ritter and the lovely Grace Kelly....what more do you need! This is a movie I can rewatch and each time appreciate it more.

High Noon (1952) One of my all time favorite westerns and I've seen a LOT of westerns.

Elmer Gantry (1960) This is a great film as I always like films that explore the complexities of con men, only this film is so refined that we're never sure if Elmer Gantry is a con man or is he just extremely motivated.

I've not seen these two, so I'm glad they were nominated!

Blood Simple (1984) Cool to have a Coen Bros film, the cast looks good and I'm looking forward to this.

The Squid and The Whale
(2005) I love indie films, they often can go where mainstream films don't. It looks intriguing and glad to be watching it.

Three I haven't seen, not one I don't like/love.
High Noon is top 3 Western of all time for me.
Blood Simple very recently re-watched, high level Neo-Noir!
Looking forward to all the re-watches and first time viewings, getting started right away.
Watching Elmer Gantry tonight!

Trouble with a capital "T"
So I was thinking of ways to get the conversation back into the HoFs. Back in the day we had some really good convo about the noms, lately not as much. So I had this idea:

Each week there will be a Movie of the Week and if anyone is interested they would watch that movie and discuss it. This would be totally optionally, so anyone can watch the movies in any order they want.

But for me I'd be willing to try (when possible) to sync up viewing of the noms so that at least a couple of us could talk more about the movies and maybe have more fun. Any thoughts? Any one interested?

The Squid and the Whale (Noah Baumbach, 2005)

Date Watched: 10/07/19
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: 20th MoFo Hall of Fame, nominated by Frightened Inmate No. 2
Rewatch: No.

I chose to kick off the 20th Hall of Fame with The Squid and the Whale because I hadn't seen it before and it was short. Unfortunately, it didn't feel short. It dragged on endlessly and I was utterly bored and annoyed by it. With the possible exception of Laura Linney's character - who was just really bland and forgettable - I ****ing hated everybody in this movie. The kids were horrible. The dad was horrible. The tennis coach/mom's boyrfriend was irritating. The student shacking up with the dad was equally so. They also all felt very one dimensional and incomplete (which is no surprise considering Baumbach co-wrote Wes Anderson's The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and Fantastic Mr. Fox). By the time any of them started to redeem themselves (which was nearly at the end of the film), I was too disengaged to care.

Making matters worse was that the film's attempt at humor fell flat for me - in much the same way that Wes Anderson's films do. And as I'm sitting here typing this, I'm trying to find a single aspect of the film that I found praiseworthy - and I'm failing. There is absolutely nothing that stood out to me here, at least not in a positive way. Not the performances. Not the screenplay. Not the cinematography. Not the music. Nothing.

The closest I can get to praise is that I've seen a lot of movies that I hated more than this one.


So I was thinking of ways to get the conversation back into the HoFs. Back in the day we had some really good convo about the noms, lately not as much. So I had this idea:

Each week there will be a Movie of the Week and if anyone is interested they would watch that movie and discuss it. This would be totally optionally, so anyone can watch the movies in any order they want.

But for me I'd be willing to try (when possible) to sync up viewing of the noms so that at least a couple of us could talk more about the movies and maybe have more fun. Any thoughts? Any one interested?
That sounds like a really cool idea. I'd do it. I don't know if I could guarantee that I'd watch the Movie of the Week, but the times that I do I'll chip in.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
So I was thinking of ways to get the conversation back into the HoFs. Back in the day we had some really good convo about the noms, lately not as much. So I had this idea:

Each week there will be a Movie of the Week and if anyone is interested they would watch that movie and discuss it. This would be totally optionally, so anyone can watch the movies in any order they want.

But for me I'd be willing to try (when possible) to sync up viewing of the noms so that at least a couple of us could talk more about the movies and maybe have more fun. Any thoughts? Any one interested?
great idea!
Will you be pulling random out of the proverbial hat?

Side funny, when I saw this, the gif for Miss Vicky's review was showing as well on my screen and at first I thought the "Suck my d!ck, @ss man" was Vicky's response lol