Game of Thrones: Season 8, The Final Season (spoilers)


If Jon has Targ Blood and Drogon is recarnation of Belion The Dread he served Aegon the First and Jon is Aegon as well. Drogon might not attack jon or his own brother

We've gone on holiday by mistake
BEWARE SPOILERS for episode 2 all over twitter apparently.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Episode 2: LOVED IT. Will say more tomorrow once a few more of you have had a chance to watch it. A few scenes had me tearing up, and Tormund was hilariously awesome throughout the episode.

Great setup for what's coming...

The Adventure Starts Here!
When you've seen the episode, here's an article that ticks off all the major scenes from episode 2. It's easy to guess which ones I cried at. They don't mention Tormund, though, which is disappointing.

I thought last week's episode was a bit disappointing, but I really liked tonight's.

Absolutely thrilled to have Jaime and Brienne together - the only couple on the show I care about (I have other favorite characters, but not couples). Really enjoyed the scenes of everyone sitting by the fire. Am kind of dreading next week's episode - not only because I expect to see a few big names fall, but because I watch this show for the human interactions/relationships. I'm not a fan of the zombies and dragons. I'm a fan of a fantasy show but I really hate fantasy.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I thought last week's episode was a bit disappointing, but I really liked tonight's.

Absolutely thrilled to have Jaime and Brienne together - the only couple on the show I care about (I have other favorite characters, but not couples). Really enjoyed the scenes of everyone sitting by the fire. Am kind of dreading next week's episode - not only because I expect to see a few big names fall, but because I watch this show for the human interactions/relationships. I'm not a fan of the zombies and dragons. I'm a fan of a fantasy show but I really hate fantasy.
Same here! Not a fan of the battle scenes, but definitely a fan of the characters and their arcs and interactions. I could watch Tormund ogle Brienne for hours and never get tired of laughing at him. The looks Brienne gives him are priceless.

Arya and Gendry is another couple besides Jaime and Brienne that makes me smile. And, of course, the knighting scene was the one that had me in tears. So perfectly done.

Will need to rewatch this episode a few more times this week... if only to shore up my emotions for next week. Yes, I think we'll lose some beloved characters next week. That episode, BTW, is apparently 90 minutes long.

Week 3 Deaths I have Sir Jorah, Grey Worm, Edd. Beric, Podrick, Bran and Tormund. Think poor Tormund was fated to die so Brienne will live. See him dying for her

We've gone on holiday by mistake
"You have a daughter I have a son, lets join our houses" - Right you are Robert.

Great Episode.

Really loved Emilia Clarkes acting here, what a gut punch for her and she pulled it off to perfection. Already one of my favourite scenes of the series. The solution has already been put forward in ep1 , a King and Queen ruling together, equals. I believe Tyrion will propose this.

Loved the Brienne scene, "Arise Ser Brienne".

2 great set up episodes and now we're into the big stuff, hopefully 5 legendary hours of TV to come (last 4 episodes all 80 minutes).

Ep 3 prediction,

WARNING: "ep 3 prediction" spoilers below
The Night King isn't going to be at Winterfell. The NK is mobile and will be elsewhere, why risk all at WF when you can get a 10x larger army at Kings Landing, or take over towns and cities along the way whilst his toughest enemies are stuck for the time being at WF, he will hope his army prevails I believe but its really just a ruse.

There's got to be some deaths next week, probably several secondary characters, little bit too early for the major players to fall I would guess. I'll go for Theon, Edd and Beric.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Same here! Not a fan of the battle scenes, but definitely a fan of the characters and their arcs and interactions. I could watch Tormund ogle Brienne for hours and never get tired of laughing at him. The looks Brienne gives him are priceless.

Arya and Gendry is another couple besides Jaime and Brienne that makes me smile. And, of course, the knighting scene was the one that had me in tears. So perfectly done.

Will need to rewatch this episode a few more times this week... if only to shore up my emotions for next week. Yes, I think we'll lose some beloved characters next week. That episode, BTW, is apparently 90 minutes long.
The character interactions are really what makes this show and any show in fact, but you cant dismiss the great battle scenes this show has produced. Nights Watch protecting Wall from Wildlings, Battle of the Bastards, Hardholme, Mountain vs Viper, Field of Fire, all truly fantastic moments.

Its a ruse that the crypts are not safe. I wonder if Dany might hope Sam and Bran die. Its no spoiler just my theory that the Wights with couple Walkers will come through the crypts and the clue this could happen was in the teaser trailer

I was quite uncomfortable watching the Arya-Gendry scene. I still think of her as a child, whom I have cheered all along, but to me she is still that child. The fact that she hasn't physically shot up in length doesn't help either. Maybe I am in the minority here. But I simply fast forwarded the scene when she dropped her clothes.

Loved the knighthood scene. If anyone deserves that it's Brienne. Overall I loved the episode.

On a sidenote, I like your theory @gandalf26 about the Night King.

The Night King thing is good for a very specific reason: it allows there to be another major conflict after this battle. I'm kinda stoked that this battle is happening now, earlier in the season, because the existential threat, even though the stakes are higher, is less interesting than the scheming and machinations among the living characters, so I like the idea that all those conflicts will come to the fore after (as opposed to fading away while they just fight zombies in the finale). The Night King surviving fits this theory because it allows them to sort of have both: get this battle out of the way, focus on the stuff we've been following this whole time, but keep the existential threat alive for the end.

Basically a "yeah we won, but as long as the Night King is out there this will happen again, so it's our obligation to vanquish him once and for all so our ancestors don't have to do the same thing."

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I was quite uncomfortable watching the Arya-Gendry scene. I still think of her as a child, whom I have cheered all along, but to me she is still that child. The fact that she hasn't physically shot up in length doesn't help either. Maybe I am in the minority here. But I simply fast forwarded the scene when she dropped her clothes.

Loved the knighthood scene. If anyone deserves that it's Brienne. Overall I loved the episode.

On a sidenote, I like your theory @gandalf26 about the Night King.
Yeah, I'm kind of with you on Arya's scene. I did not expect their interaction to come so soon in the season, but I guess it makes sense given the threat.

WARNING: "survivor guessing" spoilers below
I have been betting those two survive it all, now I'm not so sure. Is he really necessary, now? With a big assumption of course, only she needs to survive at this point to carry the lines forward. If that plays out, then it throws a wrench into my gears.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

The Adventure Starts Here!
I was quite uncomfortable watching the Arya-Gendry scene. I still think of her as a child, whom I have cheered all along, but to me she is still that child. The fact that she hasn't physically shot up in length doesn't help either. Maybe I am in the minority here. But I simply fast forwarded the scene when she dropped her clothes
I know what you mean, but she's 22 now. (She was 14 when the show started in 2011.) Unlike Sophie Turner, though, Maisie Williams is still petite so she looks much younger. They allowed Williams to choose how that scene was handled, and although I sat here worried we'd see more than I would be comfortable with (a la GoT style of exploitation), we didn't really see anything that made me TOO uncomfortable. It was handled well and modestly.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I'm rewatching now, and Tormund just keeps killin' me. His first great line in this episode: "Is the big woman still here?"

Best line of the episode was toward the end: "I hope we win."

WARNING: spoilers below

I still go back to Daenery's dream of ice throne. I reckon she dies, and Jon the lonely man, lives and rules.

Now how she dies, I think she will sacrifice herself. A proper queen who gives her life for the seven kingdoms.

Also Jorah getting that sword and nice moment with Daenerys and Sam, definitely means he is dead in the next episode.

No love for Ghost, eh? And you call yourself fans Pretty lame how all of a sudden he's here and we aren't spose' to act like we haven't seem him in 2 years. Then again, his name is...

I was really surprised that Jon dropped that bomb on Dany in the crypt. Crashed her reality and the past __ years of her life and all she has struggled for. Then again, maybe one of them doesn't survive the ensuing battle. With all the effort that has gone into Jon's story, I can see him surviving and having to deal with the aftermath. As we were watching, we were discussing the lack of merit in telling her before battle.

Podrick ah'hem... Gendry and Arya, didn't Big Rob say something about uniting the houses?

I can't think of a television event where I really have no clue how it is gonna go. The battle, the crypts, the dragons. I mean, from a defensive strategy it seems better to keep them away in order to avoid another Whi'serion dilemma. Really seems like the last 2 episodes are being set up as an epilogue, dealing with Cersei type thing. So obviously Jaime lives