MoFo Top 100 Horror Movies: The List

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Haven't seen any of the films that have made the cut yet. I had intended to do a lot more watching/rewatching for this but procrastination, forgetfulness, and life got in the way. I doubt many of the films I voted for will make the cut.

From my limited experience with Fulci (at this moment I've only seen seven of his films, my favorite being the extremely nihilistic spaghetti western, Four of the Apocalypse), I find his work to be beautifully ugly.
I totally forgot that Four of the Apocalypse was Fulci's film. It's one of the better non-Leone spaghetti westerns and I really liked its nihilistic tone. Most likely in my top-5 Fulcis

Haven't seen any of the films that have made the cut yet. I had intended to do a lot more watching/rewatching for this but procrastination, forgetfulness, and life got in the way. I doubt many of the films I voted for will make the cut.
I rewatched a lot and still didn't get to it all.

Let the night air cool you off
I didn't vote for Last House, but I feel like if I'd have seen it more recently, I probably would have. Good film and very deserving of a top 100 spot.

I had seen part of The Last House On The Left when I was definitely too young to be watching it, and kind of forgot all about it afterwards. Then maybe 6 years or so ago, a number of reviewers I followed online covered that film around the same time, and it looked incredibly familiar. I decided to check it out myself, and sure enough it was that same film. I haven't revisited it since, and didn't consider rewatching it for the Countdown since it's not my type of horror.

I know of The Devil's Backbone, but I haven't seen it. I've watched a few video reviews of it, and heard other people talking about it so often, that it almost feels as though I have seen it myself haha. I should probably watch it for real at some point.

Seen: 9/12
My List: 0

25. The Void (2016) - DNP/1 Pointers List

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The Last House on the Left was not on my list, but it's okay I guess.

Haven't seen Devil's Backbone, but would love to.

Seen: 8/12
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

It's now on the second post of the thread.

“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
You're not really a horror fan, if I read right? I can understand people who aren't into horror chasing down all this stuff...

No, I'm definitely NOT a horror fan. I don't like horror movies because most of them are too violent and they have too much blood and gore. I wasn't happy about having a horror countdown, but there are so many horror fans on MoFo that I knew it was coming eventually.

I try to participate in site activities whenever I can, so I tried to watch as many "light" horror movies as I could. I also tried to watch some of the best known "classic" horror movies, like Friday the 13th, Scream, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Shining, Rosemary's Baby, The Omen, etc.

I probably watched over 100 horror movies for this countdown, but I also tried to avoid the movies that I was pretty sure that they were so violent and/or gory that they had no chance to make my list anyway.

I think in the end, I came up with a pretty respectable list for my top 25 horror movies.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Head off to Higgens Haven with a new cast of teenagers driving their van to the lake for a weekend trip. Meet the unique quirks and distinctive character features Chillie and Chuck, the beard-bong hippie guy, Debbie and Andy the hammock-darlings, a fat prankster boy named Shelly, a superhot brunette named Vera, and the final girl- Chrissie. Along for the show is a motorcycle-driving biker gang, and the freshly hockey-masked Crystal Lake killer. That's the setup for my favorite sequel of the series, Friday The 13th Part III. There've gotta be people rolling their eyes, yet getting a Friday The 13th on a MoFo list feels like a landmark achievement. *grins* Had it on my list at #13.

25 Favorite Horror Movies by Nostromo87

13. Friday The 13th Part III (1982)

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Re-Animator (1985)
Runtime: 1 Hour 26 Mins
Production Company: Re-Animator Productions
Distributed by Empire International Pictures
Director: Stuart Gordon
Production Budget: $900,000
Box Office: $2,000,000
Six Votes (24, 10, 8, 4, 3, 3)
52 Points
High Voter: @CosmicRunaway

Herbert West is at the top of his class in medical school. He's brilliant, but a little weird. His experiments have always been unorthodox, but lately, they're getting out of hand. Based on the classic tale of horror by American pulp magazine author H.P. Lovecraft.
Click image for larger version

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Cannibal Holocaust (1980)
Runtime: 1 Hour 36 Mins
Production Company: F.D. Cinematografica
Distributed by United Artists Europa
Director: Ruggero Deodato
Production Budget: $100,000
Box Office: $2,000,000
Five Votes (25, 9, 8, 6, 5)
53 Points
High Voter: @Captain Spaulding

Soundtrack by Riz Ortolani
Click image for larger version

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Cannibal Holocaust (1980)
Runtime: 1 Hour 36 Mins
Production Company: F.D. Cinematografica
Distributed by United Artists Europa
Director: Ruggero Deodato
Production Budget: $100,000
Box Office: $2,000,000
Five Votes (25, 9, 8, 6, 5)
53 Points
High Voter: @Captain Spaulding

Soundtrack by Riz Ortolani
My number 17.

like I said Cannibal Holocaust is good but not near to make my list

is pretty good but didn't make my list either

Keep 'Em coming I love this countdown
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Last House

The Orphanage

Cannibal Holocaust


Glad to see all these made it. Re-Animator, I own it and watch it at least once a year. It should be on my list. No idea how I missed that one other than to say I screwed up.

Re-Animator is an amazing movie! One of the rare Lovecraft adaptations to be any good.

As for Cannibal Holocaust, I didn't vote for it, probably because I did not think to. When I was a young adult, I used to watch it a lot with my roommate. If I recall correctly, we would even watch it while eating lunch (we were so edgy).

My list so far :
6 Grave (Didn't place)
21 El espinazo del diablo (#89)
23 Re-Animator (#87)
Seen : 5/13
In my own land, I’m in a far domain
Welcomed gladly, and spurned by everyone