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there's a frog in my snake oil
Oh balls, no cross-play :/

EDIT: I was thinking VR & non-VR crossplay before. PD2 is one of the few that does it, and does it well. Annoying that that doesn't extend to the PC / PS4 crossplay :/
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

It'll also be on the Windows store (and consoles, natch), but that's one place I don't want to go unless there is no other option. Unless things have changed fundamentally, their download speed consistency, patch weirdness and inability to mod games make it a no-no.

Yeah, the Windows Store is out for me. I'll play the waiting game for a bit and see where it goes.

Hard to imagine how happy I am now.

A sequel to one of the greatest RPGs ever made will be tough. Maybe start with quality control?

So far the details I've read have me pretty stoked. Add to that the fact that the original writer is involved, I think we're in for a real treat.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Picked up Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice today.

Bought it as well.

As someone who loves the Souls games but never quite got with Bloodbourne's combat, I was a bit wary. Turns out it's significantly more difficult than all of them.

Dark Souls in medieval Japan, this is not. It's an unofficial Tenchu remake and, at the moment, I'm pretty ok with that. Slowly coming to terms with the combat - It's extremely timing-focussed.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Bought it as well.

As someone who loves the Souls games but never quite got with Bloodbourne's combat, I was a bit wary. Turns out it's significantly more difficult than all of them.

Dark Souls in medieval Japan, this is not. It's an unofficial Tenchu remake and, at the moment, I'm pretty ok with that. Slowly coming to terms with the combat - It's extremely timing-focussed.
Timing is everything, mine is still in the plastic, have to go out today, but 'Tenchu remake' sounds great to me, can't wait to unwrap!

The People's Republic of Clogher
Was randomly wondering what Cara Ellison was up to the other day, then someone pointed me at this -

She's on the writing team of VTM Bloodlines 2. Neat. That the writer of the first game is also involved is also great - I'd been initially a bit disappointed that none of the old Troika team seemed to be involved, although as they're mainly at Obsidian and InExile, that'd be difficult.

Brian Mitsoda also looks like a VTM npc, which is apt.

Twenty Ten years from now, this is gonna be every gamer in their living room. I swears

^^click for vid with added coo-ing and swearing and such ^^

(Other favourite bits included making a giant eagle and preferring whales to narrators)

Welcome to the human race...
This weekend I've been playing the story mode for the 2011 Mortal Kombat on Xbox 360 as a means of prepping myself for 11 (which will also mean playing X at some point) and I'm finding it pretty fun for the most part. The story is schlocky in the only way that MK can truly provide but I'm liking having to learn different move sets and all that. The thing is that this final fight against Shao Kahn is really testing me.

The real question is whether I keep playing the other challenges once I'm done with the story.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Yeah, all my friends raved about Baba Is You and I loved the trailer a long time ago (obviously a great concept), so I bought it immediately. Haven't gotten to start yet, but hopefully in the next week or two.

Golden Age of puzzle games.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Yeah, all my friends raved about Baba Is You and I loved the trailer a long time ago (obviously a great concept), so I bought it immediately. Haven't gotten to start yet, but hopefully in the next week or two.

Golden Age of puzzle games.
I'm notoriously impatient with puzzle games, and if I can't figure something out reasonably quickly, I'll drop it and move on.

Baba is You was completely different. Just staring at the screen for 10 minutes trying to work things out was no chore at all for me here.

there's a frog in my snake oil

Hand controls? Internal views for the vehicles? I get to jump-pack around in that day-glo world of cute mutants and cross-play for free?


[Sorry, VR incursion ends ]

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
It's weird that I created an account here, in a movie forum, yet I find that I'm spending most of my posting efforts in a gaming sub-forum. I watch movies more than I play games, but for whatever reason I only have the excitement to comment here lately. Oh well. It will sort itself sooner or later.

In the meantime, another update on MH:W.
I'm still enjoying it. I pop in an average 30-minute run each day. This has replaced Diablo III as my default end-of-day unwinding tool. Now that I have a handle on things I can just start a quick expedition run, cull a few small creatures and hunt one or maybe two larger monsters before logging for the night. No quest requirements hold me back. I can just do what I want, when I want, and that's cool. Default controls are awkward, so I had to learn how to remove auto-sheathing weapons from the Left Stick control as with the slightest added pressure dodging fireballs, I would accidentally put away my bow. That took a while (and a few deaths) to realize just what was happening.

I've learned to lure larger beasts into the vicinity of other larger beasts to watch them then have at each other. That's fun. It does blow up in my face from time to time in that they sometimes decide to both turn on me. That may have to do with my Palico (a bipedal cat sidekick that acts as an aggro tank and healer during all battles. get it? pal-ico? yeah. this game is ripe with awkward cat humor), as he is constantly in the mix whether I want him there or not. Still fun though.

I've opened only 2 zones on the map, but I'm good just running around knocking out these side quests for armor spheres used to update gear. Minor challenge, pretty quick stuff, and it keeps me exploring the maps. Beasts that would knock me on my ass now only take a few minutes to kill with only one or maybe two escape runs (theirs, not mine) that I have to hunt down again, but for the most part I feel considerable improvement in my game control and character/equipment leveling. Initial learning curve was a beast (ha, pun stuff), but things have leveled well enough.

If anyone has experience with recording PS4 content, drop a line or two. I'm not crazy on the idea, but I am curious as MH:W has provided a few instances that would have been really fun to share.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

there's a frog in my snake oil
3.5 is nearly upon Star Citizen, and the spice is flowing. I'm totally gonna do a write up of events at some point. In the meantime have this

The People's Republic of Clogher
Sekiro looks like it'll be the first From Software game where I go "Y'know what? **** it, I'm out"

It's more brutal than ever, and not in a fun way where you feel like you've accomplished something.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Sekiro looks like it'll be the first From Software game where I go "Y'know what? **** it, I'm out"

It's more brutal than ever, and not in a fun way where you feel like you've accomplished something.
Brutal like difficult? Controls? I hear Dark Souls tossed out in reviews for this one. That was too much for me in pace and fights. Well, not too much I guess just I could never really get my timing right.

The game looks great though and I was tempted to try it. Maybe not then?