MoFo Memoriam: Remembering MoFos we lost in 2018


What is this thread, therapy?! They should take this thread and all the goodbye threads and just flush them down the toilet. ITS A MOVIE FORUM! it's not A.A., not the armed forces, not school, not a job, but a forum where people can chit-chat, play games, and learn about cinema. I miss all those that have left as much as they miss me. Most of the time there should be more important things on my mind as should be more important things on theirs and I wish them nothing but health and happiness. The reality is that real life prevails and that's how it should be. If they've left it must be for a good reason, maybe even temporary, but in no way is it something to mourn or contrive a negative aura about it. If someone's in dire health or has died then that's different, but anyone still moaning about the "good old days" or saying this sites a ghost town need to realize their whining is the only cancer around here. Appreciate what you have or leave, I'm just completely over the chronic negativity that's completely undeserved. This site rocks


Registered User
What is this thread, therapy?! They should take this thread and all the goodbye threads and just flush them down the toilet. ITS A MOVIE FORUM! it's not A.A., not the armed forces, not school, not a job, but a forum where people can chit-chat, play games, and learn about cinema.
What makes Movie Forums different/better than other places (at least, I tried to see it this way) is that... yes. This is therapy. This is A.A. This is a support group. This is the Dr. Phil show.

Are we not playing “Survivor” games for therapeutic reasons? Or writing movie reviews as therapy? Are we not watching films as some kind of therapy?

If this place offered very little, it would have closed years ago. And frankly, if it doesn’t keep offering something, doors will be closing. And sometimes they close when people choose to go away. There can be a variety of reasons why that happens.

But anyway, yes, using the forum is a form of therapy. So is playing sports and gardening.

Sometimes the therapy goes COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL. But... maybe you’re just getting somewhere new. It happens. It happened to me. That’s why they call me “Jase.”

Registered User
Well! I just realized I’m now on TONGO’s ignore list again.

Trouble with a capital "T"
What is this thread, therapy?!
I don't know what the intentions of the other posters were, but my intention in creating this thread was to honor our friends who are no longer here. If you have a problem with that, well then, that's just odd.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Well! I just realized I’m now on TONGO’s ignore list again.
The two of you are infamous for that. Get married already.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Mr Minio (if he won't change his mind).
Wait, what the hell did I miss here? It wasn't even long since he posted!
I still want to know what happened.
He said "good bye" and gone.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Man, that fu-cking sucks. Just more and more people keep leaving. This is getting awfully depressing.

Please everyone, stop leaving. You are what makes MovieForums special. It's not just talking about movies that makes me come back. It's YOU. Everyone who makes interesting or entertaining posts and are great to talk to. YOU. Never forget that.

Take a break whenever you want to, but unless there's an extremely good reason (such as getting harrassed for example), I don't think there's a need to carve it into stone.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Man, that fu-cking sucks. Just more and more people keep leaving. This is getting awfully depressing.

Please everyone, stop leaving. You are what makes MovieForums special. It's not just talking about movies that makes me come back. It's YOU. Everyone who makes interesting or entertaining posts and are great to talk to. YOU. Never forget that.

Take a break whenever you want to, but unless there's an extremely good reason (such as getting harrassed for example), I don't think there's a need to carve it into stone.

Welcome to the human race...
Whatever, I've been thinking of this place as a halfway-house that I need to leave at some point for the past few years now. The sunk cost fallacy is a right motherf*cker and if a person makes the conscious decision to ditch this place and sticks to that decision, I say good for them. Meanwhile, I'm not sure what's keeping me here. Most of the other regulars annoy me to various extents and even participating in stuff like the MoFo Film Awards or Jabs' little challenge feels like I'm just finding excuses to stick around in a place that is maybe not that good to be.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Sexy Celebrity came back though.

And if he left again...well, he'll be back again.
lmao he's like The Undertaker
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Patrick Bateman
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28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Most of the other regulars annoy me to various extents and even participating in stuff like the MoFo Film Awards or Jabs' little challenge feels like I'm just finding excuses to stick around in a place that is maybe not that good to be.
I'm honoured I might be one of the reasons you're sticking around.

Whatever, I've been thinking of this place as a halfway-house that I need to leave at some point for the past few years now. The sunk cost fallacy is a right motherf*cker and if a person makes the conscious decision to ditch this place and sticks to that decision, I say good for them. Meanwhile, I'm not sure what's keeping me here. Most of the other regulars annoy me to various extents and even participating in stuff like the MoFo Film Awards or Jabs' little challenge feels like I'm just finding excuses to stick around in a place that is maybe not that good to be.
I mean, that'd be better than just saying something vaguely disparaging like this every week or two. But I'm not sure what you imagine the alternative to be, except "a film community that doesn't remind me that other ideologies exist and aren't necessarily evil or stupid." In which case, at least you'll have company, because that kind of insularity seems to be a lot more popular these days.

To my mind, there are really only two kinds of communities:

1) Communities where people say stuff that bugs you sometimes.
2) Communities where everyone thinks the same and nobody makes you question yourself.

Yeah, "vaguely" disparaging.
The vague part is the precise nature of your complaint and what you want to do about it, not whether you're being disparaging. That part is pretty clear.

But seriously, maybe I don't imagine an alternative at all.
I'm not sure why these responses are always phrased as hypotheticals or possibilities (with lots of "maybe"s and "not necessarily"s), rather than things you would presumably have the answer to. But okay, sure: if you're considering the idea of simply not engaging with online communities at all, that might make sense. It's not for everyone. Godspeed.

It doesn't make a lot of sense, however, to critique an online community for the things about it that are intrinsic to all online communities. I'll happily accept constructive criticism about ways in which this can be a better version of what it is, but so far the criticism seems to amount to "hey there are other people on this message board saying stuff."