How Much Energy Do You Truly Transmit To MovieForums?


How Much Energy Do You Truly Transmit To MovieForums?
7 votes
A Lot
15 votes
9 votes
A Little
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These days, very little. Not only do I have less free time than I have had in the past, it seems that I have unfortunately grew away from the forums, and even movies a little. I hope that this can change in the future when things become a little more stable in my life.

My last few posts on here may be the dumbest posts I've ever posted.
I say this every few posts I make.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Are you friends with Guap? He's from Brazil too.
Yep he knows everybody in this 200 million people country.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yes, got it from the DVD cover of his Night of the Ghouls (1959).
I seen that one, it was on the Ed Wood collection...some good stuff there.

The second question catches me slightly befuddled, estimate all manifestations count, yet I sincerely hadn't thought of suggesting that kind of distinction!
yeah my mind words in mysterious ways
Are you friends with Guap? He's from Brazil too.
That's what I was gonna say.

I don't post nearly as much as I want and my posts generally aren't long or well thought out, but relative to the time and energy I have, I put a lot into it. Rarely do I just sit down and look at the forum. Most of my posts are while I'm waiting in line, on the crapper, or something like that.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
It highly depends. My posts range from short and jokey to more elaborate. I think I put the most work into my reviews, since I want to say what I thought of the movie in a way that's engaging, not just give a few lines and then slap on the rating (which I only did for The Cure For Wellness, when I was finding my way). I'm not happy with all the reviews I've written (the one for Grease is one of the worse in a while), but dammit I try hard. The only thing that matters is that people like reading them. And it seems to work so far.

Still feel bad for my Maggie review going under the radar, but oh well.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It highly depends. My posts range from short and jokey to more elaborate. I think I put the most work into my reviews, since I want to say what I thought of the movie in a way that's engaging, not just give a few lines and then slap on the rating (which I only did for The Cure For Wellness, when I was finding my way). I'm not happy with all the reviews I've written (the one for Grease is one of the worse in a while), but dammit I try hard. The only thing that matters is that people like reading them. And it seems to work so far.

Still feel bad for my Maggie review going under the radar, but oh well.
I just seen Grease. I don't even remember if I reviewed it or not, I haven't had much MoFo time these days. I'll go read your review right now

Trouble with a capital "T"

Your Grease review was a fun and interesting read! I'd be happy if I wrote that. I liked the way you wove the theme of the movie through out your review, and especially the opening paragraph told me what I needed to know about the film and also left an intriguing question as to would they get tighter again or not?

Lucky you that you seen it at the big screen! Have you seen Grease II? It often doesn't get great reviews, but I loved it.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Your Grease review was a fun and interesting read! I'd be happy if I wrote that. I liked the way you wove the theme of the movie through out your review, and especially the opening paragraph told me what I needed to know about the film and also left an intriguing question as to would they get tighter again or not?

Lucky you that you seen it at the big screen! Have you seen Grease II? It often doesn't get great reviews, but I loved it.
I was in slight disbelief you liked my Grease review, so I went back and read it It actually wasn't as bad as I remembered. I was just disappointed I experienced so many emotions during the movie, yet my review ended up a bit short.

No, I haven't seen Grease II. I've seen many sequels in my life, but ones to musicals is the exception.

Not as much as I used to. More than Camo Sean or Swan
I'm running a Countdown, son. Equal with me right now at best Yeah but after that you'll transmit more neutrons or whatever.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I'm running a Countdown, son. Equal with me right now at best Yeah but after that you'll transmit more neutrons or whatever.
Nah, I'm on the downswing.

My letterboxd activity is rising though! Another list for you to check out.

Not as much as I used to. More than Camo Sean or Swan, less than SC and Cricket.
More than me? Ha!

I'll ask this in here so I won't have to make another thread:

What are the SECRETS to transmitting less energy here?

What brain tricks do you use to not post much? Or even look at the forum much?

I just don't think that's possible. Once a MoFo always a MoFo. The only way out is in a box, holmes.

Does anyone here have a big box?

I don't like that. What's going on, X-rated? I'm not seeing as much glitter on the forum lately. Frankly, I'm worried.