How do we be good people?


Trouble with a capital "T"
I like you Zotis, because you never have intentionally tried to wrong me.

I judge people by how they treat me, not by their viewpoints. I'm self assured in my own viewpoints so another person's viewpoints are interesting to hear, but they don't upset me if it's different than my own.

I think most people's problems on the internet stem from insecurity and they get defensive when others have viewpoints that conflict with their own ideas. If everyone kept that in mind when interacting, the internet would be a better place.

I'm not sure why you thought it'd be a good response to "can we ditch the blithe generalizations?" by listing half a dozen more. I'm skeptical of the value of responding to them at all, but I'll reply to a couple:

Might be harsh, but OP himself said he wants the harsh truth instead of sweet talk. I maintain my point. It's not about faith per se, but about religion. And (almost?) all religions offer such sweet lies (or at the very least non-proved made-up explanations) to make the believers feel better. For example you can believe in Heaven, but you can't be sure how it is really -- and the perspective of just nothing, the end is scary, so people came up with the idea of Heaven to minimize their fear of death.
How nice to be able to dismiss the foundational beliefs of 95% of humanity with one pat, condescending generalization about the fear of mortality.

Watch how cheap and easy it is to do this in reverse: maybe the thought of being judged for their actions is scary, so people rejected the idea of God to minimize their guilt of misbehavior. Or maybe the thought of being at the mercy of something so powerful is scary, so people rejected the idea of God so they could think of themselves as the most powerful and intelligent creatures. If you think people form their beliefs out of emotion, that can rationalize their skepticism just as easily as their belief.

Oh, and note that this dismissal is pretty much totally odds with (usually co-existent!) complaints about religion's oppressiveness and the burdens it places on its adherents. If people were just trying to make themselves feel better, there's a lot of easier, more hippie-ish conceptions of the supernatural they could go with. The fact that they don't proves that the explanation above is false at worst and comically reductive at best.

You know, religion will exist as long as it has believers. In order to make new believers arrive it's best to tempt them by sweet promotion (today you get redemption absolutely for free!). And in order to make current believers stay, you threaten them with eternal damnation.

You can destroy and erase from people's memory all science and knowledge, but sooner or later it will return in exactly same form and shape. However, if you destroy and erase all religions, those will never return in the same form and shape.
Yes, I've seen this canard floating around the Internet for years. Doesn't really hold up if you think about it for more than a moment, since basically every society in human history has had some form of religion. And since, from your perspective, religion grew naturally out of human thought and development to begin with.

The only accurate version of this would be to say no highly specific conception of religion would be reproduced, which might be true but is completely irrelevant as to its truth or falsity. Not only does this not conflict with Christianity, for example, but the idea of "revealed" truth is a huge part of Christian thought, for example. It's something people have been talking about for millennia, if you care to go looking for it.

As shocking as it may seem, people have actually put a lot of thought into this belief system that, ya' know, spread across the entire world over thousands of years. They didn't just all go "DUR DEATH SCARY" and make up a happy rainbow land.

I always post these at work when bored. When I get back home I have other things to do.
So, you only have time for the facile stuff, and not to have a real discussion? I'm skeptical, as that smilie face suggests. But if this is indeed true, that's a good argument not to engage in these philosophical drive-bys in the first place.

Don't understand.
Yeah, that's kinda the point. You've obviously done the first-pass skepticism stuff. Now maybe poke around and see what some of the smartest people in the history of the world have said in response, yeah? Believe it or not, most of them actually thought of all this stuff, and even (!) formulated intelligent answers to it. I don't know how many of those answers exist in pat meme form or get passed around subreddits, but they're there.

Laplace's demon is a hypothetical creature that has all the knowledge about the position and momentum of elementary particles, so according to quantum physics using such knowledge you theoretically can (with sufficiently large computing resources) deduce everything there is to know about world.
Correct, except I'm pretty sure the word "quantum" doesn't belong there. I think boring old physics demonstrates the principle just as well. In fact, when I've advanced this argument in other discussions, materialists often use quantum mechanics as a sort of escape hatch to avoid accepting determinism (which doesn't work, but requires a different response).

From what I understand it's simply impossible for such being to exist due to the law of conservation of energy. This is because the world works in a way experiments that led to Heisenberg's principle show. To fulfill this law the world needs to have all the definitions in it at the same time. So in order to create knowledge (the definition of momentum and position) you need to sacrifice energy, and energy is not limitless.
I'm not quite sure if this is accurate, but whether it is or not, it's still just describing physical realities. It does not touch any consideration of whether things exist outside the physical.

Of course God is beyond all this, he has superpowers, we are too stupid to understand him etc. I'm just a puny human being, so I'm basing everything on knowledge, and God is beyond knowledge etc. Fine, maybe that's true, but the thing is you can't prove God exists
"You can't prove God exists" is a totally different statement than "physics says an omnipotent being can't exist." There is/was no basis for that claim, and it's pretty much a non-sequitur, since it implies a link between the physical and the non-physical that is definitionally impossible.

Anyway, there are no proofs for God, and no proofs for magic. Therefore, following this way of thinking, magic might exist too. And dragons. And Cthulhu. And what nots.
Yeah, the old "I don't believe in God for the same reason I don't believe in unicorns" silliness. It's busted logic for more reasons than I have time to enumerate, but the most obvious (and relevant to the quotes above) is that if dragons and unicorns are real, then they're physical creatures for which we would reasonably expect physical evidence to form the basis for belief. That simply has no relationship to how you consider the question of whether things exist outside of physical reality.

The biggest and most significant data point we have in all this is the mere existence of the universe. And I'd kinda like to hear you describe how that went down, because I'm pretty sure if you do it's gonna sound suspiciously like "magic" at some point.

PS: Feel free to point any fallacies in my thinking or misunderstandings (I'm physics layman). I'm still learning. Meanwhile... I took time off work, so I will probably spend more than a week watching films instead of MoFoing, so don't be surprised if I don't reply.
PS2: Make it a new thread if you want. Even if I give up this discussion maybe other people will join in.
Well, you just said you might not even reply, so I'll start a new thread if and when you do.

Because we are typing on a forum, body language and eye contact is not feasible, that's why words lose their context of sincerity. Body language plays an important role in communication. That's when you show true feelings of forgiveness on both parts, the giving and accepting.

When typing to each other, words can be misconstrued. That creates another set of dialog, either words thrown in anger or trying to understand what the original words really meant.

Good luck to all involved. Hopefully it will turn out to be positive.

I judge people by how they treat me, not by their viewpoints. I'm self assured in my own viewpoints so another person's viewpoints are interesting to hear, but they don't upset me if it's different than my own.
You must really not like me.....

But it does not obligate you to voice any criticism in any context.
Well, that is precisely what I'm grappling with, and I find it extremely difficult. I think that a lot of people, not just here but everywhere in my life, are acting like I should be able to completely reverse behaviour patterns I've had for decades instantaniously with zero effort. Okay, that is an exaggeration to illustrate point. I believe that's close to true, but I know it's not exactly true. I'm so infinitely frustrated that I can't even describe it with words. I'm so hopelessly lost, and I don't even know why I don't just cry out to God and obey him in everything. But I don't believe in free will, and I understand that life is a process. In all my mistakes God is teaching me and leading me gradually closer to him. So, I am trying to submit to the process, to surrender my will to God.

I did appreciate the post comment you sent me. I don't know what to do. My goal was to apologize and that's all. Why do I know suddenly have to defend my apology? I am done. If Vicky doesn't want to accept it, and wants to say she does nothing wrong despite priding herself in being the resident bitch, that's fine too. I don't mind. The beauty of forgiving people is they don't have to do anything to deserve it or feel they need it. Yes I believe she is a liar. I asked if she was a post modernist because I was going to try and prove that she is a liar, but she didn't answer me, yet she's demanding I prove it. So no, I won't defend myself anymore as if I'm on trial. I will be judged by God alone, and when we all die then we'll all know who was right and who was wrong. And if, as some people assume, we cease to exist altogether, then it doesn't matter anyway.

Minio can read C. S. Lewis or watch Kent Hovind if he wants to know the responses to his arguments that I side with. I don't feel like doing the googling for him.

So by calling you a liar, I'm still berating you, therefore my apology isn't genuine? But you're also calling me a liar and saying you haven't done anything wrong. So if I call you a liar it's wrong, but if you call me one it's okay?

What have I done wrong?
Why ask that? If you answered my questions we could work towards it. Your making demands of me while simultaneously thwarting my attempts to meet those demands.

Anway it doesn't matter. I unblocked you and Iro. I feel better now and I don't feel like blocking you anymore, but I also don't think you have the authority to judge me, so I don't have to defend or explain myself to you. As far as I'm concerned we've both stated our oppinions and we disagree. We don't have to agree. I am just tired of the battle. I want peace.

If Miss Vicky won't accept your apology, forget her, honey.

You tried. She doesn't believe you. She can't believe you (or chooses not to believe you) for reasons that have to do with her alone.

I suggest buying her a rat. She likes rats. Or pay for chemotherapy for one of her rats when it gets cancer. Either of those things will get you on Miss Vicky's good side.

Why ask that? If you answered my questions we could work towards it. Your making demands of me while simultaneously thwarting my attempts to meet those demands.
Because you are making accusations that you refuse to support while bitching about feeling like you're the one on trial. You do like to paint yourself as a victim though, don't you?

As to your questions, what questions? The one about postmodernism? I didn't answer that because I don't know what postmodernism means (and the definitions I found required looking up too many other definitions and frankly you're not worth that kind of effort).

I hate postmodernism. I much prefer most Potterisms, like "muggle" and "expelliarmus".

These quotes tend to help me through many things. They teach me that I am responsible for my own actions and thoughts. Perhaps they can help here too.

"When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surly. They are like this because they can't tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own - not of the same blood and birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me. No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him. We were born to work together like feet, hands and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower. To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are unnatural."

I don't feel responsible for my thoughts and because of that, I don't really feel responsible for my actions. I've realized that my thoughts just come to me and often I'm doing things I wish I wasn't doing -- like posting on this damn forum, for example.

I am nothing but a computer program playing out in a human body. I'm often quite unhappy with this program and even this body. But I cannot escape from either of these things, unfortunately. I have to accept what I have, what I am and hope my program keeps playing out well. Some people's programs are terrible. Some are fantastic.
I think this is b/s and you do feel responsible for your actions or you would have never apologized to me.

I think this is b/s and you do feel responsible for your actions or you would have never apologized to me.
I do feel responsible for making you upset. I apologized because I actually do care about you and want you to feel okay.

I do feel responsible for making you upset. I apologized because I actually do care about you and want you to feel okay.
Awww you lub me.

Because you are making accusations that you refuse to support while bitching about feeling like you're the one on trial. You do like to paint yourself as a victim though, don't you?

As to your questions, what questions? The one about postmodernism? I didn't answer that because I don't know what postmodernism means (and the definitions I found required looking up too many other definitions and frankly you're not worth that kind of effort).
I'm not refusing to support them period. But I don't have to prove anything to you. You seem to want me to do it your way. I'm going to do it my way. If you don't have the patience for it then I'm fine with dropping it altogether. We can agree to disagree or we can look for common ground, but you can't force me to do anything. You say, "Prove it." But I think if I tried to you'd just say, "Prove it," again. I can't prove anything to you that you don't want to believe. Honestly saying you've done nothing wrong shows a great lack of self-awareness. You know you're not perfect, no one is. We alldo things that are wrong. I've wronged you, and I am sorry for it, but you won't acknowledge the same. It's okay though, you don't have to. I'm not bitching. I've let go of all my resentment towards you. And I don't require you to believe me.

I really had the impression you were a self professing postmodernist. You certainly sound like one when you say things like, "Quality is subjective." Basically postmodernism is the idea that there is no absolute truth, and all truth is relative.

The other question I wanted you to answer in supporting what I said was the following:

So if I call you a liar it's wrong, but if you call me one it's okay?

"It's too bad she won't live...But then again, who does?" - Gaff

Can't you guys just stop calling each other liars and start saying nice things to each other?

That's the first step.

~ Dr. Phil
No...Dr. Celebrity

What happened to your therapy thread?

I should start another one. I could probably be a damn good therapist now.
I'm happy with Meditations...not medication.

These quotes tend to help me through many things. They teach me that I am responsible for my own actions and thoughts. Perhaps they can help here too.

"When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surly. They are like this because they can't tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own - not of the same blood and birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me. No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him. We were born to work together like feet, hands and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower. To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are unnatural."
That was a really interesting quote. Putting someone on ignore does feel to me like turning my back on them.