Is Movie Forums DYING?


And for God's sake, ENOUGH with the countdowns!

And while I'm at it, ENOUGH with the Hall of Fames!

More Song Tournaments! MORE! It's spellbinding to listen to music.
Send an Albums list, that thread has been really fun you'd love it in there!

What about your "I'm GORE-geous" one?

See, I remember you.
I no longer have that one.. its on a dead pc... plus you know I'm not really goregous... I just have a nice voice in a Patty Bouvier way.. (Margie Simpson's sister).

The sheer fact this thread got 8 pages of replies in just 2 hours is the proof MoFo is not dying!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

The sheer fact this thread got 8 pages of replies in just 2 hours is the proof MoFo is not dying!
*slaps my ex-guy*

Welcome to the human race...
It's not that the thread would get worse, it's that it would get lost in the shuffle.

I guess I can nutshell it as: I think your standard for which views are unconscionable (rather than just mistaken or bad) is awfully low, given that you apparently find so many people here to be totally irredeemable in a group that looks, to me, like a relatively normal cross-section.
This does not speak well of your perception of "normal".

I hope you'll understand why I'm skeptical of a diagnosis that boils down to "not enough people here agree with me about politics."
I hope you understand how exhausting it is to have to deal with so many other people being like this with little in the way of backup - for every ideologically similar user on here there are like half a dozen who aren't and have no problem arguing with me at length.

But I think you're still in the right general area: I don't think people are willing or able to compartmentalize disagreements any more, and I don't think they have any sense of degree or perspective. I think, when I started this place, there were views someone liked, and views they disagreed with but kind of understood, and views they disliked but didn't despise...and now there's pretty much just "what I believe" and "ideas I despise." And if you despise someone, even for just one belief, it makes it unpleasant to interact with or around them at all.

The solution is simply having the empathy required to figure out how intelligent and well-meaning people might reasonably come to different conclusions.
Yeah, well, a lot can happen in eighteen years, especially when it comes to online discourse and how it's gone well beyond milquetoast agree-to-disagree conversation that exists at a remove from any sort of real-world ramifications that can't really be applied as much now that the discourse has "evolved" and the Internet itself has its own real-world ramifications. There are obviously degrees of disagreeability at work and everyone seems to have their own idea of where to draw the line between acceptable and unacceptable, but if we're going to talk perspective then I think part of that is recognising the flaws in thinking that the "compartmentalised" disagreements are automatically better for favouring ineffectual both-sides-are-valid compromises over blatant zero-sum games that are at least prepared to acknowledge that some ideological differences (not all of them or perhaps most of them, but at the very least some of them) are irreconcilable.

As for empathy, I question how much that actually matters when it comes to understanding where people are coming from on a particular issue and how much you can extend to people who aren't particularly interested in returning the favour. The Scarlett Johansson thread was full of users who just wanted to rant about "outrage mobs" or whatever rather than extend much empathy to people who might be affected by any actual consequences of the whole scenario - no prizes for guessing who did most of the arguing with those particular users either.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I can't speak for anybody else - and we all have our secrets - but I don't think I put up much of a facade here. My MoFo persona is me.

Welcome to the human race...
I swear, life gets easier if you stop caring about a person's political beliefs, and instead focus on whether he/she is a good or bad person.
What if I said that a person's political beliefs can be used as a means of determining how good or bad a person they are?

The Adventure Starts Here!
I can't speak for anybody else - and we all have our secrets - but I don't think I put up much of a facade here. My MoFo persona is me.
Same here. I've been online since 1987 (hard to believe -- 31 years now!), and I've never really hidden behind any sort of fake persona. Just never felt the need and never saw any good reason to do that.

Unless I'm lying and I'm really a serial killer stalking you all. That's also a distinct possibility because I'd totally act and sound like Yoda's mom if I were trying to hide here.

Master of My Domain
What if I said that a person's political beliefs can be used as a means of determining how good or bad a person they are?
Well, my grandmother is pretty far-right, but she's one of the most sweetest, caring people I've ever met.

Yeah, it's a personal example, but it's one that I choose to believe in.
Letterboxd Profile:

The Adventure Starts Here!
This is so creepy to me now!!! These kind of possibilities really freak me out. It's all the fault of @TheUsualSuspect, I think.

I'm going to have trouble sleeping now. The internet gives me nightmares.
Aww, I'm sorry. I'm really me. Check out my Amazon page. It'd be quite tough to keep up that fake persona across six books and an Amazon author page. I'm really a boring, 57-year-old wife, mom, and GRANDMOM who writes and enjoys Weird Al Yankovic.

If I was going to make something up about myself, I'd make me FAR more interesting than that.

I hope you understand how exhausting it is to have to deal with so many other people being like this with little in the way of backup - for every ideologically similar user on here there are like half a dozen who aren't and have no problem arguing with me at length.
I'm sure it is exhausting to take stances that morally require you to litigate so many things, and litigate each of them as if they were of crucial importance and perfectly obvious to any reasonable person. But there are other ways to approach the inherent unpleasantness of, well, other people.

And I think you've been around long enough to know that I understand quite well how exhausting that can be. And you may recall that I somehow managed to argue for what I believed without thinking the fact that I had to do so was some kind of horrible commentary on humanity, or a good reason to question basic civility, or whatever other special pleading you care to use to imply that your discomfort with other viewpoints is somehow worse or more valid than everyone else's.

Yeah, well, a lot can happen in eighteen years, especially when it comes to online discourse and how it's gone well beyond milquetoast agree-to-disagree conversation that exists at a remove from any sort of real-world ramifications that can't really be applied as much now that the discourse has "evolved" and the Internet itself has its own real-world ramifications. There are obviously degrees of disagreeability at work and everyone seems to have their own idea of where to draw the line between acceptable and unacceptable, but if we're going to talk perspective then I think part of that is recognising the flaws in thinking that the "compartmentalised" disagreements are automatically better for favouring ineffectual both-sides-are-valid compromises over blatant zero-sum games that are at least prepared to acknowledge that some ideological differences (not all of them or perhaps most of them, but at the very least some of them) are irreconcilable.
Whether a difference is irreconcilable is a separate question from whether it's unconscionable, or whether it needs to be fought continually.

As for empathy, I question how much that actually matters when it comes to understanding where people are coming from on a particular issue
Seeing as how "understanding where people are coming from" is almost the literal definition of empathy, I'm not sure how you'd go about questioning that.

and how much you can extend to people who aren't particularly interested in returning the favour.
Nobody's asking anyone to be nice to someone who's being crappy to them, if that's what you mean. Though even if someone is being crappy, the context of just what you're insinuating about them probably plays a role. If people hear it suggested that belief X is bigoted or even just ridiculous, yeah, you might get some snippiness from the people who don't think it is. That kinda stuff poisons the well pretty quick.

The Scarlett Johansson thread was full of users who just wanted to rant about "outrage mobs" or whatever rather than extend much empathy to people who might be affected by any actual consequences of the whole scenario
I don't know how you can say something like this right after defending the idea of taking a "zero sum" posture. You don't see the connection there, or how it demonstrates exactly what I'm saying about degrees of disagreeableness?

You are the one who dumped me for 3 other girls here.
You leave, you lose.
Unless I'm lying and I'm really a serial killer stalking you all. That's also a distinct possibility because I'd totally act and sound like Yoda's mom if I were trying to hide here.
Well, you can be both Yoda's mum and a serial killer!

Is Movie Forums DYING?

It's because I didn't have a controversial thread for a while. So that's why forum doesn't stir up. Because what else is there to do than to rate movies you watched random grades from 6 to 8 and give some generic opinions on then?

I remember that when I started posting here back in the distant year of 2012 the forum was more laid back, I think the forum hit peak activity was in 2014-2015-2016 and it's not likely to return to that level.

Maybe if you begin posting 100 times a day like you used to the forum might return to normal.

Well, I've been online since 1996, and at that time, I had no real persona in the real world. I was the student in school "who never talked" as they all said about me. I grew up online. I became the person that I am today because of my online self. Frankly, I've lived more online than I have offline. And I still don't know what to really say about myself. What you get from me is what you get. Do I hide behind a persona? I think I just AM a persona. I don't know. I really don't. I'm a walking and talking meme.

Sexy Celebrity would be top material for an anime show protagonist.

I strongly disagree. I don't know why you even feel that way. Outrageous and sensitive is EXACTLY how I see myself, whether you or anyone else notices it or not. So whatever philosophy book you got "you can't be outrageous and sensitive" from.... it doesn't come from my own books.
I agree that you can be both outrageous and sensitive. My mum definitely is. I suspect I may be, too.