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I highly recommend this movie. The lead actor, Joe Alwyn, plays a Texan soldier. Amazed to find out he’s British. Really good actor. Mildly satirical movie & very entertaining.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Another powerful film from Ramsey. I would probably go as far to say that it's one of the most haunting films I've ever seen. Samantha Morton plays the lead role with so much emotion and intensity, its a wonder how she hasn't gone on to much bigger things.
She's always been good. Check out The Daisy Chain as well – she's brilliant in that.

I grew up thinking the stuntman in the scene where the soldier was tossed about was real. Nightmare inducing, just the sound fx. Wow! But yeah there was a rumor the stuntman was killed. That's incorrect. I think I read he died on set many years later (could also just be tinsel town rumor mongering) which really took a load off. Awesome movie and a complete crowd pleaser in three, maybe 4 gen erations in my beautiful family.
It is a belter . We had a TV movie version here about 10 years ago that was apparently pretty awful, and so is the recent film I understand.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

Pitch Black (2000)

Absolutely dreadful.

Picture is from Chronicles of Riddick
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Things we lost in the fire (2007)
liked the low key performances.


This film will resonate with my American MoFo friends. In fact it should resonate with all freedom loving people. It depicts the story of two NY Port Authority police officers trapped underneath the rubble of the collapsed World Trade Centre twin towers on that fateful September day in 2001. Pretty much the day that changed the world. The officers John McLaughlin (Nicholas Cage) and Will Jimeno (Michael Pena) take us the viewer thru a roller coaster ride as they struggle for survival. We follow their agonising journey..their lives ebbing away with every hour they are without rescue. This film may lack the action of other disaster films, nevertheless, it maintains an empowering grip on the viewer.

Circa1968, Michael (Robert De Niro), Nick (Christopher Walken) and Steven (John Savage), lifelong friends from a working-class Pennsylvania steel town, prepare to ship out to Vietnam following Steven's wedding and one final group hunting trip.

This, obviously, is the synopsis for one of the finest slices of realism on a cinema screen in the 70s.. the very impresssive Deer Hunter (1978)

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)

I honestly can't believe how badly rated this film is and it actually took my expectations down, maybe that's why I liked it more than I thought I would, but I did not think this film was terrible by any means. Much better than JP3 and JW imo and the direction they go in this film is where the series should of gone AFTER JP1.

I just wanna point out that some of the criticisms that people have with this film (and essentially all the other sequels), are also problems JP 1 has as well.

WARNING: "JW:FK Spoilers" spoilers below
Little girl being used to serve the plot. Maisie and releasing the dinosaurs - Lex and her hacking skill
One note cartoony villain who's only motivation is money. Mills - Nedry
T-Rex makes a huge noise on the boat and nobody notices - Dilo just teleport into Nedry's vehicle without him hearing it

So I won't be putting those down as reasons to criticize this film as it would make me a hypocrite.

My main problem with the film is taking moments (moments, I am not referring to plot points. Plot points are reused in many films some which aren't even related to one another. Moments on the other hand give films character and they really should of came up with new ones here instead of rehashes to give this film its own feel) from the first movie and it reused them (this is a criticism I had with JW as well), like blatantly and without style.I liked what the film was trying to go for and how it ends. It sets up a lot of possibilities which I actually am excited to see where they go with these ideas. Other than that it's main plot points are discount The Lost World which is what I feared. On the other hand the messages and what eventually happens in this film is what should of happened in TLW. It's this weird situation where a sequel before this did almost everything here better, but on the other hand it didn't go in the direction that this film does in the end. In other words this films existence makes me resent TLW which really hurts because I do actually quite enjoy TLW, but this film's ending is miles better than TLWs and it actually sets up a sequel nicely and gives a great premise for said sequel unlike TLW.

Also I just wanna laugh at the fact that this film has an after credits scene like they think this franchise has the same dedicated following as the MCU. They may always have my money for eternity, but that is not the case for everybody. Also this post credit scene is completely unnecessary because the message it gets across is one we already got in the main ending of the movie.

WARNING: "JW:FK Spoilers & JW 3 Speculation" spoilers below
Maybe now that the dinosaurs are back on the main land maybe they'll get their heads out of their asses and bring back Dr. Grant finally for christ sakes he's the one thing that made JP3 bearable for me. Hell have dinosaurs show up at a dig site of his or something. It gives a actual reason for him to be around Dinosaurs again that makes sense.

Also sue me I teared up at a certain scene with a brachiosaurus in it....easily the best scene in the film and was the one scene taken from JP1 with a nice tragic spin put on it.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Please Stand By (2017)

I really enjoyed this, and you don't have to be a Star Trek fan to get it either. Though it's a must see for fans of the original ST show.

Dakota Fanning is Wendy an autistic young woman who lives in a care center. She hears on TV that Paramount Studios is having a Star Trek scrip writing contest and so she writes her script. Then she only has a couple of days left to get it to the studio...and there's a holiday, so the mail won't work. She's been told not to leave the city block that she lives on, but she hops on a bus from San Francisco to L.A. Which triggers a search for her, by big sister and her care provider played by Toni Collette.

As a Star Trek fan I dug the occasional references that she would make, but this is not about Star Trek...It's about an autistic woman trying to find her way in the busy, noisy world. And that can be scary to anyone.

The road trip part was most of the movie and I enjoyed her adventures on the road and the way she dealt with problems of no money and no place to stay.


Welcome to the human race...
Wolf Creek -

so glad the Babadook has overtaken Mick Taylor as Australia's premier horror icon
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Wolf Creek -

so glad the Babadook has overtaken Mick Taylor as Australia's premier horror icon
Great to see a directorial debut get so much buzz on the net. I didn't know a thing about this and really enjoyed it. As for Wolf Creek - I'm not a big fan of Greg McLean.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Wolf Creek -

so glad the Babadook has overtaken Mick Taylor as Australia's premier horror icon
This is how different we are. I believe wolf creek is not only a great Aussie film but a great horror. I’d put it in the same league as hostel and the hills have eyes remake...and that’s a compliment lmao.

Can’t stand the badabook. Terrible!....from my perspective.