Movie of the Month - Annihilation (June 2018)


Movie of the Month - Annihilation

June 2018

Went for a very recent release for this month's podcast: 2018's Annihilation, another high-concept sci-fi film from Alex Garland. Some pretty crazy stuff in this one.

The podcast should be up in a couple of days (EDIT: here it is!). As usual, I'm joined by @Slappydavis, and I'm excited to announce that @bluedeed's back for this one, too!

What'd you guys think of this one?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Travelling still. Was at a red light and this got my attention. I felt guilty for the short reply, but I also felt the lack of elaboration was a statement of my disappointment, in and of itself.

I will say that that I watched it in theater and was thoroughly disappointed for how generic it played for me. Once it was available on AMZ as a rental I tried again. This time pausing as needed to make notes. I couldn't finish the movie. And that upsets me because this should have been top of my list as it aimed for all my marks.

In a parking lot now btw. I pulled over for you, Yoda. It was always ...for you. lol

To quote my short review back in February:

"To me, it felt like bits of 2001 without any real symbolism, Arrival without any real progression or purpose, Into the Wild without any real wonder or curiosity, Solaris without any real visual awe, and Sphere without any real psychological self-awareness were all pulled from as inspiration without ever being put to use."

A system of cells interlinked
I liked it quite a bit. I watched it a couple of times and I enjoyed it each time I watched. I found it thought provoking and worthy of a bit of deep diving in regards to the genetic prism idea, as well as the themes of self-destruction. Plenty of excellent visuals to be had, and the last sequence/space-out was a high point for me. The film is perhaps not quite as smart as it wants to be, but still a step above the usual action/sci-fi fare.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
^I will agree somewhat. Definitely a step above in effort, and I wish there were more movies like this more often! Unfortunately, for me it never hit what I believe it aimed for. I wish I had finished my notes the second go around but I just couldn't, in good conscience, pay for it a third time.

I'll get into this more when the podcast is up, but I think there's probably a crazy high correlation between people who liked 2001 and who liked this.

Welcome to the human race...
"To me, it felt like bits of 2001 without any real symbolism, Arrival without any real progression or purpose, Into the Wild without any real wonder or curiosity, Solaris without any real visual awe, and Sphere without any real psychological self-awareness were all pulled from as inspiration without ever being put to use."
Just like the actual Into the Wild, then?

In fairness, this does raise a good point about whether or not this is good in its own right or just makes acceptably passable use of its influences (though I thought the obvious one was Stalker due to the whole premise of a "zone" where strange things happened).

I'll get into this more when the podcast is up, but I think there's probably a crazy high correlation between people who liked 2001 and who liked this.
Yep. They can't tell apart a great masterpiece from a mediocre popcorn flick.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I don't think the imagery in 2001 and Annihilation is similar let alone surreal. The movie is like a shallow jab at Stalker:

Annihilation (2018) -

A Stalker for our times. A watered down, safe version, with an all-female multiracial team, obligatory action sequences (in fear the spectator will get bored if there are no monsters), wacky CGI, too bright and kitschy computer-game-like environment, and mind-boggling last 15 minutes. Actually, I really liked the last 15 minutes. I wish the entire film was like that. Apart from all badmouthing, the movie was enjoyable enough.

Welcome to the human race...
From what I can tell, it got a theatrical release in the U.S. but went straight to Netflix in other countries.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I was thinking more like they gravitate towards films with surreal imagery and overt symbolism.
Yes and no. I do gravitate to that in some movies depending on their intent and ambition, but this one I watched based what it presented. I was OK to accept it, if it was acceptable.

Do I really have to rent this again?

Annihilation was great as a sci-fi mind bender, less so for a horror. I really liked it, the people plants, that mutant bear and the ending were all very creative.

I don't think the imagery in 2001 and Annihilation is similar let alone surreal.
I'm a little confused by this, because "similar" and "surreal" are not points on the same spectrum.

I'm also not sure how someone could dispute the idea that the imagery in Annihilation is surreal, even if they didn't like it much.

Don’t Draft Me, I Watch Anime!
I have th rewatched it since it’s opening day in theaters, but I remember really really liking it. There’s a lot to it to unpack, so I’ll hold off on my full thoughts until I get to see it again.